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The dangerous abuse of cannabis in Spain
Friday, May 30, 2014

      Yesterday I could watch, on TV, a disturbing story: an increase in cases of violence from children to parents happens every year in Spain.

      These abusers are usually teenagers and young people. Only in 2013, there were more than 9,000 complaints.

      The mean age at the beginning of violent conflict is often the age of 16, and in half the cases the aggressiveness of the children to their parents is translated into physical violence.

      One of the most striking facts is that this violence is not confined to marginal environments, but on the contrary, because in more than half of the cases, either the father or the mother has a college degree.

      Most parents receive insults and threats from their children, but in half of the cases resulting in physical violence. Another fact that shells is that more than half of aggressor children are habitual offenders of cannabis or alcohol.

      The problem is usually a permissive education.

      At this point, talking about cannabis and alcohol, I mean that I do not agree with those who advocate the legalization of drugs, because it is more than demonstrated that alcohol is a drug, is legal and yet still consuming much alcohol and it also causes many health problems, especially in young people. So I think that legalizing cannabis, for example, would not solve the problem of consumption.

      It all depends on the education of children.

      A team of researchers from the CSIC (in Spain) has found a mechanism by which the abuse of cannabis can cause nervous system disorders comparable to psychosis and schizophrenia.

      This may occur because the cannabinoids control excitability of certain nerve areas. Thus, the disordered cannabis consumption active the mechanism, with more intensity required by the nervous system.

      The study, published in scientific journals such as Frontiers in Pharmacology, helps to understand how the abuse of cannabis leads to negative effects, especially among the youngest people, whose nervous system is maturing.

      The study, led by researcher of the CSIC (Superiior Center for Scientific Research), Javier Garzón Niño, from the Cajal Institute, indicates that abnormalities in glutamate neurotransmission and dopamine, when they coincide in certain areas of the brain, are manifested in behavioral changes, that are recognized as schizophrenia.

      It adds that the systematic study of genetic and epigenetic alterations has dismissed developmental disorders of the nervous system as a primary cause of schizophrenia.

      According to current scientific knowledge, schizophrenia is caused by a dysfunction of a glutamate receptor: the NMDAR. It produces increased dopaminergic function typical of psychosis and schizophrenia.

      There are hereditary factors that determine that some individuals are more vulnerable to this disease. However, environmental factors or bad habits such as consumption of certain substances can accelerate its onset or increase their impact.

      The endocannabinoid system is beneficial because it controls the excitability of the glutamate NMDAR, which in turn is essential in processes such as memory and learning.

      The assembly functions as a physiological mechanism, in which the inhibition provided by the cannabinoid reduces arousal of the NMDA receptor, allowing performing its function but monitoring without compromising cell function.

      Given this delicate balance, the abuse of cannabis, plus the endogenous cannabinoid system, disproportionately increasing the weight of the inhibition on the NMDAR system, leading to signs of psychosis.

      To address this situation, endogenous mechanisms are recruited to release the NMDAR function of the inhibition. There is a risk that the system may not function properly disconnect. When that happens, the individual has a vulnerability that may lead it to schizophrenia.

      "The abuse of cannabis breaks the precious balance among excitation (NMDAR) and inhibition (endogenous cannabinoids) and pushes the plate of the balance toward inhibition and thus allows greater activity of those other systems negatively controlled by NMDAR, such as dopamine”, explains the researcher Javier Garzón Niño.

      Inhaled cannabis abuse usually leads to psychoses, that refer to proper treatment, so it is reversible. But the repetition of these behaviors can lead to lasting nerve damage. The risk is higher in individuals with genetic predisposition, as it can lead to schizophrenia.

      The three published studies delimit the research of anomalies to the relationship of the cannabinoid 1 receptor with NMDAR receptor, which with genetic trait provide this vulnerability to marijuana. Given the therapeutic potential of cannabis, this knowledge will help to reduce the negative influence of cannabis in processes such as schizophrenia and to develop drugs to treat cannabis psychosis.

      Going back to what I said at the beginning of this post, about education on young people, I insist that I find outrageous the possibility of legalizing drugs, because, as I said at the beginning of this post, alcohol is legal and young  people increasingly begin to drink alcohol and on younger ages. Alcohol is frowned upon socially; therefore, all is celebrated with alcohol: weddings, baptisms, communions, business meals, the New Year, the end of a Formula One race (with Champagne) and .... all weekend afternoon and evening ... for example, this last night, at exactly 5:45 am, I woke up because a group of very young women were singing, under my house, but they were singing very high, in the silence of the night --no cars were heard, I only could hear them-- and I am sure that they had drunk too much alcohol, and cause of alcohol,  they felt free of inhibitions themselves and they were not aware that there were many people sleeping.

      I would like the authorities to take this issue more seriously and have more controls in the most frequented places by young people: bars, clubs, on the street with the called "botellón" (street drinking).

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Manufacture of the first folding bike helmet in Spain
Thursday, May 29, 2014

       This morning, spoke on the radio, a young Engineer from Valencia, who has participated in the design of the first folding bike helmet world. In this project, participated Engineers Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia (IBV) and the Spanish company CLOSCA. They have had to seek financial support from the United States to market the event in series; and finally, they began selling last December. This helmet is called MORPHER and costs 62 Euros.

       Already they have patent to sell in Europe, USA and Canada.

       If you want, you can visit their website. Click here below:

      The inventor of this helmet is Jeff Woolf (a very famous inventor in Great Britain). If you want, you can watch a video, where he explains very well how this helmet works. Please click here below:

      Well, I hope this Project has a very good success.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Solution to More spanish riddles 4
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

45. El gato = the cat.   46. La silla = the chair.    47. La tela = the fabric.               48. La avellana = the hazelnut.   49. El gato = the cat.    50. La cartera = the wallet.   51. El sol = the sun.   52. La bombilla = the light bulb.  53. La araña = the spider.   54. El hilo = the thread.


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More spanish riddles 4
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

      Here, I bring you some nice spanish children riddles. I hope that you like them. Please, try to guess them, before you read the solutions in my next post.

45. Tengo nombre de animal,          I have a name of an animal,

       cuando la rueda se pincha,       whe flat tyre,

       me tienes que utilizar.               You have to use me.


46. Todos me quieren para descansar,          Everyone wants me to rest,

       ¡¡si ya te lo he dicho!!,                               if I have already told you it!!,

       no pienses más.                                          do not think more.


47. Te la digo y no me entiendes,                   I tell you it and you do not                                                                                         understand me,

       Te la repito y no me comprendes.           I repeat you it and you do not                                                                                   grasp me.


48. Soy ave y soy llana,                                    I am a bird and I am flat,

       pero no tengo pico ni alas.                      but I have no peak either wings.


49. Me gustaria ser un tigre, pero no tengo su altura,  =  I would like to be Tiger, but I have not its height,

       Cuando oigas un “miau”, lo adivinarás sin duda. =  When you hear a “meou” you will guess it without doubt.


50. Llevo dinero y no soy banquero,                          I carry money and I am not a banker,           

       papel o metal, lo que sea me da igual.                paper or metal, whatever I do not care.


51. Redondo soy, como un pander,                                 Round I am, like a tambourine,         

       quien me tome en verano, que use sombrero.      who take me in summer, wear a hat.


52. Es pequeña como una pera,               It is small like a pear,

       pero alumbra la casa entera.              but it illuminates the entire home.


53. En rincones y entre ramas                  In corners and between branches 

      mis redes voy construyendo,             I am going building my networks, 

      para que moscas incautas                   in order that unwary flies, 

      en ellas vayan cayendo.                      go falling therein.


54. Y lo es                                                     And it is,

      Y lo es                                                     and it is

      y no lo adivinarás                                  and you will not guess it,

      aunque te dé en un mes.                      although it gives you in one month.


      Well, please wait until I put my next post, with the solutions to these riddles.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Manufacturing in Spain: Shirts
Monday, May 26, 2014

      Today I want to show you a video, where you can learn Spanish, watching how we manufacture a shirt in Spain. Please click down here:

Voice in off:   “The Lumberjack are mmade of squares and flowery Hawaiian. They were born without buttons, in the seventeenth century; it was underwear, that was hidden under other garments. Little by little, their fists were tightened and their neck was stretched. At present, they are made of cotton, silk, linen, smooth, striped, printed, short sleeve, with twins or buttons with Mao collar .... We are told by ...... Jorge ".

Jorge: “It is a puzzle of eighteen pieces, which then you have to make seventeen buttonholes and sew seventeen buttons. You are going to freak out with how difficult it is to manufacture one ...... Greet!, Do not .... Today we manufacture: a shirt”.

Jorge: “Do you mind?”

Ricardo Fraguas: “Come in!”

Jorge: “How do you do, Mr. Fraguas? is a great pleasure….”

Ricardo Fraguas: “Delighted”

Jorge: “A whole institution in the world shirt .... When do you manufactured your first shirt?”

Ricardo Fraguas: “In the year 56”

Jorge: “Now how many do you make each year here?

Ricardo Fraguas: “Approximately one million units”

Jorge: “They are working on the Spring-Summer Collection 2015 .... And today what is manufactured?”

Ricardo Fraguas (President of a textile company): “Today we are finishing up the summer 2014 collections”

Jorge: “This is the shirt that we will manufacture today: blue and white plaid linen”

Jorge: “But we will not do only one ..... How many are we doing, Juan Antonio?”

Juan Antonio Carralafuente (Responsible for raw materials): “We are going to make 60 of the size 3,  90 of the size 4,  70 of the size 5 and 40 logging size 6;  Total:  260 garments”.

Jorge: “And how many meters of this fabric we need to make 260 shirts?”.   

Juan Antonio: “We should need 429 Euros”.

Jorge: “Come on to get the fabric….Where is the fabric?”.

Jorge: “Fabric pink, red, stripes….What is the color that they ask for you?”.

Juan Antonio: “The color that we are asked more are always blues”

Jorge: “Here is our fabric”

Juan Antonio: “We go over, to see if it is defective”


Juan Antonio: “This fabric is one hundred percent linen”

Jorge: “This counts the yards of fabric”

Juan Antonio: “That counts the yards of fabric”

Jorge: “To reach 429”

Juan Antonio: “Exactly”

Jorge: “And here you go looking, that it does not has any damage?”

Juan Antonio: “that there is no defect, no stain, no broken ... nothing”

Jorge: “And it gives you time to look around so fast?”

Juan Antonio: “Give time to look, but occasionally I have to stop a little, because it is dizzying, this fabric is dizzying”

Jorge: “Yes, yes, I was going to say you that: I am getting dizzy”


Jorge: “We have all 429 yards of fabric for our shirts. What else do we need?”

Juan Antonio: “Buttons”

Jorge: “How many buttons we shall need?”

Juan Antonio: “Then we would need: 1,300 of the small button; and 3300 of this other one”.

Jorge: “A shirt in total how many buttons takes?”

Juan Antonio: “17 buttons takes”

Jorge: “See, Where are they?”

Juan Antonio: “2 in tip collar and then takes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 .... 9 ... Here would carry two ... then would carry a spare and then on this flap, another small”


Juan Antonio: “This is our thread”

Jorge: “Do we have the 26,000 meters, that we need?”

Juan Antonio: “We have the enough”

Jorge: “Yes or no”

Juan Antonio: “Yes”

Jorge: “What we need ... the gussets?”

Juan Antonio: “The gussets”

Jorge: “What is that”

Juan Antonio: “Gussets are carrying parts collars, inside the collar"

Jorge: “This one should be a gusset, that should go inside the collar”

Jorge: “And in cuffs”

Juan Antonio: “one in each cuff”

Jorge: “Can you prepare me the order and I am doing while the pattern of the shirt?”

Juan Antonio: “Perfect”

Jorge: “Thank you”

Juan Antonio: “Thanks”


Voice in off: “We already have the fabric, the thread and the buttons… It will attract your attention how it is the laborious manufacturing process ..... See how this machine makes buttonholes ... all at the same distance ....? . Did you know that first of all, they are stitched and after blade open them?…… Equally accurate is this other machine, which is responsible for packaging the flashes, each with its own flavor and exact amount. Then you see it”.


Jorge: “Do you mind?”

Another voice in off: “Come in”

Jorge: “This is the section of the pattern designing. Teo”

Teo: “Hellooo”

Jorge: “I start with you. I need the pattern for this wonderful shirt that we will make”

Teo: “Very well”

Jorge: “The pattern is the template, that then we will continu21e, when cutting the fabric”

Teo: “Exactly”

Jorge: “This part, that  you are doing now .....”

Teo:  “It is the front of the shirt”

Jorge: “And now which is this part?”

Teo: “The sleeve”

Jorge: “Where the sleeve must be?”

Teo: “It has to get to the first knuckle of the thumb; so the, when you button it….”

Jorge: “the sleeve does not go to the elbow”

Teo (Teofilo Rodriguez): “Exact”

Jorge: “The pattern of Teo enters the Lucía´s computer

Lucía Vega: “Teo pass to me the patterns and I make sizes: from the smallest (the S) to extra large (XXXL)”.

Jorge: “The most common size, which is more sold, which is more asked .......”

Lucía Vega: “But the L “

Jorge: “When Lucía has everything already…, Ismael has to make a very complicated puzzle….If she makes it well or makes it bad, it depends on her that a lot of fabric is thrown out. Is not it, Ismael?”

Ismael: “Yes, exactly”

Jorge: “This part here, simulates a roll of fabric, such as that we will use for our shirt, which then have to be cut”

Ismael Olmedo (cutting Responsible): “Exactly. We are trying to put the pieces of the patterns, the more possible together, to make the most of the fabric……”

Jorge: “But you can not put them together anything you want. Keep in mind throughout the design shirt, everywhere of shirt. such as fists, the two are equal, which begins with an orange line .... such as collars, as are the strips".

Ismael: “These dots, which we see here, with some few little numbers, are the dots which indicate us all, that we want to be joined in the shirt”

Jorge: “That pieces join means that the lines are parallel”

Ismael: “Look: that neither you see the pocket”

Jorge: “Clearly, then, when you make a plaid shirt, you use a lot more fabric than with the plain shirt”

Ismael: “With a difference of 15 or 20 feet, with a plain shirt, where we join nothing, to a plaid shirt, where we join all parts of the shirt”

Jorge: “Thank you very much, Ismael. The pattern, the “marked”, the puzzle of pieces, which Ismael has done, is printed on this plotter, in this giant printer, to start cutting”


Jorge: “This is a cart of “extended”. Hello, Ubaldo”

Ubaldo Carrasco (Director of manufacture): “Hello. How are you, Jorge?”

Jorge: “We will make 260 shirts .... Sure, in order to not to cut them one by one, we make a lot”

Ubaldo: “A lot”


Ubaldo: “The next operation, once you have completed the extended, is to separate it into manageable pieces for operations, which will come later”

Jorge: “It is not tried to cut flush with the line…..

Ubaldo: “Exactly”

Jorge:  …..but little pieces of fabric”

Ubaldo: “Correct. To separate the pieces”


Jorge: “Rosa and Loli are responsible for the punch….Here it is tried that you placed, fabric to fabric, then you have the equal drawing on all shirts”

Rosa: “In all shirts”

Jorge: “In this case, we see that the buttons will be placed on a blue line”

Rosa Maria (Extender of cloth): “The table is all full of holes; we introduce the needle, we  punctured the paper and the first fabric”

Jorge: “This line shall be the line of the buttons”

Rosa: “We follow the same line .... until the bottom”

Jorge: “And thus, one by one”

Rosa: “One after another”

Jorge: “How is your husband, Rosa?”

Rosa: “Manolo”

Jorge: “Manolo…..And Manolo also gets these shirts?”

Rosa: “Yes”

Jorge: “Or do you say: do not get that, I am sick of being every day with these fabrics?”

Rosa: “No, no ... I like to see him with our shirts”

Jorge: “Once the pieces are perfectly aligned, Rafa enters in action. What is Rafa doing?”

Rafa: “Add a template to cut is accurate”


Jorge: “One, two, thre –that is the pocket--, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen and eighteen….Three white, that then will be….”

Rafa: “on the inside of cuffs ...”

Jorge: “And in the collar”

Rafa: “Inside the foot of the collar”


Jorge: “Room of dressmaking….My mother…a few women are working here….!”

Rafa: “Yes, yes, here there are 50 people working and each of them is responsible for making a part of the shirt”

Jorge: “We start with the collar and Mari Carmen”

Rafa: “She places the interfacing on the fabric: it is a cotton base, having an adhesive, which then, with the heat that the machine gives, the adhesive is dissolved and, when cooled, it is perfectly stuck”

Jorge: “The little collar goes in…it is about 15 seconds inside and it goes out above”


Jorge: “And from Mari Carmen to Micaela, and what she is doing is another fabric to sew collar, a second fabric; but she is in a mistake, with nerves .... and she has put the white out…”

Rafa: “No, she was not wrong, because then you have this collar flip”


Jorge: “I take these collars. Thank you, Maica….to Romina…….happyness…..Romina Power”

Romina: “We take the collar; we put it into the “lampa”, in order to be able to flip it. After we put it in the template, so that the seams and the tips are very well marked….

Jorge: “And what does it, as If you iron it?”

Romina: “Yes”


Rafa: “Here we finish the collar: she is joining the foot of collar to the shovel of collar”

Voice in off: “The foot is the part of the collar that goes up; ie, it makes the jacket up, around the neck of the person. And the shovel is the adjacent piece to the foot, which is bent towards the outside, forming the peaks of the shirt”

Jorge: “So it is the finished collar: white inside and squares out. Now we go to the next step, which is the little pocket. Mercedes is the responsible of the front pockets”

Mercedes: “I put this template here; the frame slightly, and I know at the height it has to be  the pocket”

Jorge: “How long it takes to put the pocket?”

Mercedes: “Half a minute”


Jorge: “The responsible of the cuff of the shirt is Rosa. Rosa: the cuff can be: circular, like this one….….”

Rosa: “Round, or it can be carrado…”

Jorge: “What is carrado?....with tip, like this one, that I am wearing”

Rosa: “Exactly”

Jorge: “Do you like the shirt, that I am wearing?”

Rosa: “Yes, I do”

Jorge: “Is it nice?”

Rosa: “Of course, it is from here…”


Rosa:  “This machine, depending on the template, that you put, it makes the cuff or round or carrado”

Jorge: “Then do you like my shirt?”

Rosa: “But did you not wear with green?”

Jorge: “Green?, I never weared green”


Rafa: “Loli is riding the underbodice to the back”

Jorge: “The underbodice is this part, the back is this one….and Loli makes these folds”

Rafa: “Exactly”

Jorge: “Why can you not remove the folds?, that, when ironing shirt, it is a drag, it is a drag "

Rafa: “Folds help us to give more comfort to the garment; without fold, it would be more difficult, the garment would be more taken in”

Jorge: “And Angelines is already joining the collar to the front and back............Let´s see….this one looks like a shirt”


Jorge: “Charo, hello: we need some buttonholes. Are you ready?”

Charo: “I am ready”

Jorge: “We make the first one…..And do you sew and make the hole, at a time, or not?”

Charo: “First the buttonhole is sewn and then the blade goes down"

Jorge:  “And the distance among buttonhole and buttonhole, to 8 and a half, how is, with your eye?”

Charo: “No, no, no, because I am getting the buttonhole here, I pull and each other are 8 and half”

Jorge: “Here, anyone touching the machine to anyone ...”

Charo: “No”

Jorge: “because they get like beasts”

Charo: “My machine does not touch anyone ... cause of my machine, I kill!”

Jorge: “And now ... the little buttons Angelines” 

Angelines: “Hello”

Jorge: “Hello. How are you?”

Angelines: “Very well, And you?”

Jorge: “ Let's see how paste the buttons”


Jorge: “Finished shirt. Put it there!......Very well, thank you”

Angelines: “You are welcome”

Jorge: “Well, we are already ending. We put the sleeves and it is already”


Jorge: “Sacramento. Sacri: I bring you this, so that you hit the sleeves. Have you ever made ​​a mistake and put the cuff on the shoulder?”

Sacri: “No, no, that is impossible”

Jorge: “Shall it from there the expression: everything is turned upside down?”

Sacri: “I think so”

Jorge: “Another one”

Sacri: “In good times, green sleeves”

Jorge: “Correct…. Do not get in over …..”

Sacri: “my head”


Jorge: “And, when they are joined all the pieces of the shirt, it is time for quality control .... All shirts go through here, Adelaida”

Adelaida: “Yes. All”

Jorge: “And what are you searching?”

Adelaida: “Most of all:  threads, defects, a stain ....”

Jorge: “The shirts are ironed by parts by you Lola”

Lola: “By parts………..”

Jorge: “First machine: it is responsible for iron which parts of the shirt?”

Lola: “Collars and cuffs”


Jorge: “That machine is shaped like collars and cuffs and this is shaped like a little body”

Lola:  “Of course. They are two mannequins”

Jorge: “There are two large plates, which crush”

Lola Pérez (Responsible for iron): “Of course….and but well crushed…”

Jorge: “They crush strong”


Jorge: “I am in my home, I find this shirt, What can I do with it?. I do not know!”

Lola: “You start at the collar….”

Jorge: “Right, it is already”

Lola: “Continuing the cuff, inside and out. It is important that this is damp…, damp, not wet”

Jorge: “The shirt is ironed out or inside?”.

Lola: “Out”

Jorge: “I was ironing it inside”

Lola: “because you are so…”

Jorge: “Lola, How does the shirt have to put at home: hanging on a hanger or folded?”

Lola: “is that is going to like each;  but you, you put it on a hanger”

Jorge: “You tell me: you, you, as if I was a disaster ....”

Lola: “You put it on a hanger and fastened the buttons: one yes and one no”

Jorge: “Marga cover the shirt, she put it into a case and that´s all folks. I want it”

Lola: “No”

Jorge: “How not?”

Lola: “No”

Jorge: “How not, Lola…”

Lola: “That no”

Jorge: “Well, now we will negotiate….Let's go over all the work that is behind a shirt”


Voice in off: “To make a shirt, we need: fabric, thread, buttons 17 and a series of interlinings. The department of pattern design how each of the 18 pieces that make up our shirt. We will cut the fabric and begin sewing: First, the collar, we stick the interlining, a second fabric, we turn it and iron it ... The coffs will be weave by a machine, almost alone, with the help of templates. The front pocket is sewn to the front, keeping in mind the design of the fabric, in less than half a minute .... the underbodice to the back, then the front, collar and sleeves .. 17 buttons and 17 buttonholes, in order that we can join them.  We iron, bend, and after eighty operations, the shirt enters the box”

      Well. The video has finished and I hope that you have liked; I hope that you have not bored.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Beans with panties in the North eastern Spain
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

      This is a typical dish from the kooking of Aragon.

      Beans , one of the first plants cultivated by man, have some very similar nutritional characteristics to peas, because  they mainly contain vitamins B and C , carotene, calcium and phosphorus. They appear, on the market, at the same time than the spring, in all its forms, whether the tender grain and grenades. In any case, they must have strongly and rigid sheath, with no very marked grains. Note that the threshing lose weight, so an approximate amount per person is between 400 and 500 grams , a more than generous helping. To ensure its preservation, it is preferable to put them in the refrigerator, for 2-3 days, but it is always preferable to consume right after purchase. Perfectly allowed freezing and can be worked in a thousand ways. Sauteed with ham , omelette , in a good stew or in garrisons , beans can become part of many tasty dishes. Only note that, depending on the grain size, it requires more or less time to cook.

The plant of beans


      Today, I am going to give you the recipe of “Beans with ham.

      These are the ingredients, for 4 persons: 800 grams of beans, 2 cloves of garlic, 150 grams of ham, olive oil, a bunch of parsley, Baking Soda and Salt.

      The first thing is to wash beans; thereupon, you have to cut off the ends and shelling beans, but without breaking the pods.

      Put in a pan two quarts of salted water over high heat; breaks while boiling, prepare a deep bowl with water, salt and ice. When the water reaches the boiling point, put a pinch of baking soda and baking first pods, about seven minutes, until tender; Once they are cooked, you remove them with a slotted spoon and cool them in the cold bath. Repeat the operation with the little broad beans; but, instead of seven, five minutes. Remove the vegetables from the cold water, dry them well and reserve.

      In a large skillet, add oil to heat; when ready, add the chopped ham in small cubes, stir it and add the garlic. Before it takes much color, add the pods and beans, that we had booked, and saute, vigorously, for a couple of minutes, until the vegetables take a bit of color.

      To show the result, in four dinner plates, we place piles of beans with chopped parsley panties and threw up; But if we want, we can prepare a green oil, parsley and oil grinding, in a glass blender and we put sauce around the beans.

      And this one must be the result:

Beans with calzones


      Well, I hope that you have liked this recipe and you want to try it.Please tell me if you get it.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Another Spanish sayings and proverbs 57
Saturday, May 17, 2014

A troche y moche = Spray and Pray

      It is an adverbial, that means so haphazardly; hit, unthinkingly. According Covarrubias, its metaphorical sense is in that, who going to the mountain to cut firewood, contravenes the laws of short "and lopping the oaks, while not pendon guide ..... and still not happy with that, it cuts the oak by the foot".

Corte de encina en la cimarrona, Berchimuel, Segovia, Northern Madrid, Spain, by carthesian, at

       For example, you can say: "Have you ever heard so many blunders followed?.  The little angel lets them out spray and pray.

      Well, I hope that you have liked this post.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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New record for Blue Flags in Spain
Friday, May 16, 2014

      This year, Spain has got a new record, thanks to receive 681 Blue Flags, between beaches and marinas.

      In Andalussia, we have received 98 blue flags and 21 belong to Malaga:

Beach "Los Boliches", Fuengirola, Malaga, South eastern Spain

      But there are another beaches in Andalussia:


"La Alcaidesa" (Cadiz                            "El Palmar" (Barbate, Cadiz)

"La Barrosa" (Chiclana, Cadiz

      Alicante is the leader, receiving 74 blue flags, in beaches and marinas:

Beach "Carabassi", Elche, Alicante, Eastern Spain

      In Valencia, they got 135 blue flags:

Beach "Xeraco", Valencia, Eastern Spain

      Canarias has gotten 48 Blue Flags:

Beach of Santa Cruz of Tenerife, Canarian Islands, South western Spain

      Spain is the first country (with 573 blue flags for beaches). The second country is Greece (with 407 blue flags). The following is Turkey (with 397 blue flags). After it is France (with 379 blue flags) and the following is Portugal (with 298 blue flags).

      So, now Spain has 34 Blue Flags more than the last year (23 beaches and 11 marinas)..

      At a press conference, the President of the Association of Environmental and Consumer Education (ADEAC), José Ramón Sánchez Moro, explained that this result strengthens the global leadership in Spain continuously, since 1987.

      The ADEAC is the Spanish branch of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and is responsible for the campaign of the Blue Flags, for two decades.

      In the case of Spain, the increase of blue flags beaches and ports is not distributed evenly among the CCAA: some remain --as Ceuta, Melilla and Extremadura— and others suffer insignificant variations --Catalonia, Asturias and Cantabria only get one more--.

      Those who performed best in 2014 are Baleares and Murcia, although "this is artificial because they recover what they had lost before", Sanchez Moro has qualified.

      In total, the International Blue Flag Jury 2014 awarded 4023 badges.

      Regarding the total number of outstanding beaches Galicia 123 (-4) and Valencia with 120 (+6) followed by Catalonia with 89 (-1), Andalusia with 81 (+3), Baleares 61 (+15) Canary 43 (+1) and Murcia with 31 (+7); by marinas occupy the first places Catalonia and the Balearic both with 24.

      During this year the number of participating coastal municipalities has remained around 240 municipalities, of which some 216 have obtained any Blue Flag, in 2014.

      All these data indicate that one in five Spanish beaches this summer will fly the Blue Flag and one in six blue flags, waving in the world, will do this summer at the Spanish coast.

      During the ceremony, the Secretary of State for Tourism, Isabel Borrego, stressed the high quality of our beaches and recalled that Spain with its 8,000 miles of coastline and some of them have more than 300 days of sunshine, "incentive bonus" for foreigners in a large majority is what they seek.

      For Borrego, the flag means that accessibility to beaches is correctly attended, also the quality of water and sand, safety and cleanliness, attributes that determine the satisfaction of the tourists properly served.

      Regarding the Castor project, has said that the next depends on the studies that have been commissioned experts and that currently the project has not affected tourism and therefore its continuity depends on these reports.

      In terms of thematic distinctions, Blue Flag has awarded to the Spanish municipalities, who highlight excellence in rescue and relief issues, environmental education and information and removal of architectural barriers and care for people with disabilities and the classic urban waste management, electrical and waste batteries.

      Thus, lifeguard stand the municipalities of Xeraco (Valencia), Santiago del Teide (Tenerife) and Benitaxel (Alicante) and removal of architectural barriers stand the municipalities of Muro (Mallorca, Baleares), Vélez-Málaga (Málaga) and santa Eulalia del Riu (Ibiza).

      The improved management of urban wastes has fallen to Los Alcazares, in Murcia, while information and environmental education is led by the Marina of Vilanova Aurosa (Pontevedra).

      The organization wanted to promote the "Blue Trail Network", routes that link beaches or marinas, being Galicia (15) and Valencia (13), which contribute more.

      Well, I am proud of Spain and I am glad, thinking that more foreign people will trust in my country.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Study of Telomeres in Spain
Thursday, May 15, 2014

      Today, I want to bring you a very interesting video, about a research of diseases like Alzheimer, Parkinson and Cancer. Please click down here:

Ana Blanco (Spanish Television Presenter): “Diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's are caused by the deterioration and death of neurons (nerve cells); but in the case of Cancer, the damaged cells are not only not die, but get themselves strong and divide indefinitely. The key is tiny structures, called "Telomeres".......... The National Cancer Research Centre spent years investigating how telomeres can be maintained, in good condition, to delay age-related diseases cellular.”

Maria Blasco: “The key is to understand why some young bodies maintain telomeres longer, and why others do not. And there are genetic and environmental factors”.

Ana Blanco (voice in off): “In mice, already has been gotten activate the Telomerase (the enzyme of eternal youth)”.

Voice in off: “These are the chromosomes in a cell; they save, inside, our DNA, our genes. The ends of the chromosomes are protected by a kind of caps, called "telomeres". Each time a cell is divides --and it does it about 50 times, throughout a life--, the telomeres are worn; it is easy to understand, if we think of the rubber that holds a braid: when it is broken, the braid is undone; when telomeres are shorten, cells stop dividing and grow old or die, thus causing degenerative, cardiovascular diseases .... The telomere attrition also increases the risk of cancer; but in this case, the malignant cells get become immortal”.

Maria Blasco (CNIO Director and expert on Telomeres): “The cells of cancer are survivors. They shoud have died, because they have many years and many changes; but with combinations of genes, that are optimal for these cells, have survived and have gotten further divided; and they make that, waking up again Telomerase".

Voice in off: “Telomerase is a substance that repairs telomeres; it is present in embryonic development; but, when we are born, we stop producing it, in most cells. Maria Blasco's team has managed to activate Telomerase, in adult mice, and delay the onset of diseases and has done so also without feeding potential tumor cells”.

Maria Blasco: “The strategy we used was made on purpose, so that any cell that the normal number of divisions escaped, automatically remove Telomerase. In this way we also block the appearance of the Cancer”.

Voice in off: “Another team of the CNIO, is working directly with patients of hereditary breast cancer, has been found that chemotherapy can act on telomeres”.

Ana Osorio (Researcher of the CNIO): “Eso es lo que parecen indicar nuestros resultados: while patients are on treatment period, telomeres are shortened; once been a while, after treatment, they turn to recover”.

Voice in off: “Overall, What determines that a person's telomeres are maintained or shorten rapidly and cause many diseases?. It is known that our genetic inheritance influences by 20% and the remainder (80%) dependent on environmental factors. The stress shortens telomeres and also lack of exercise, snuff, poor nutrition ...; Obesity is also associated with telomeres. Our biological age does not have to match that of the DNI, and these scientists are not working for immortality, but for the youth of our body”.

Maria Blasco: “Trying to make the most of the time we are living healthy and young, and no disease is something that has been achieved in animals and I think they also will be moved to human”.

Voice in off: “But still we shall take a long time to sse that”.

      Well. I hope this type of discovery is a normal thing in future.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Women high in Spain
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

      Living in the mountain villages is not easy, and even less for women. Hard work, no prospects and little performance forced many people to leave to go to work in the city. From the Valley of the Pongas, in Asturias (North of Spain), left many women. Antonia, Isabel and Leoncia, women who chose to stay, do not forget those who left.

Coballes, Valley of the Pongas, Asturias, North western Spain, by SantiMB, at

      In many villages were single men and single. The caravans of women are successful. Lola came a year ago from the city to live in the mountains of Asturias and organized two caravans of singles. Many men, like Antonio, are waiting here to know the love of his life.  

      In recent years, the migration from rural areas to cities is shrinking. Some women even choose to return to the place where they grew up or leave the asphalt for the green of this valley. Cristina lives in Taranes. She alone is responsible for the bar of this small mountain village. Here the winters are harsh, but it is still the place where she has chosen to live, surrounded by mountains.

Taranes, Valley of the Pongas, Asturias, by Ruben Marcos, at

      As Flavi, who, after finishing Psychology, left everything to take care the cattle with her husband Angel. They are encouraging examples, within the bleak picture of rural areas. They are lives of women who have decided to live in the highest.

      Well, I hope that you have thought it is very interesting, as I did.

      Till soon, kind regards,

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Invented words in Spanish
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

       Today, I want to bring you some spanish words invented or so long.

      The first word, perhaps you have ever heard it. This is: “Supercalifragilisticoespialidoso”. It appeared in the film “Mary Poppins”, in 1964. But the song was not named so, but “Chim chim cher-ee”. In Spain, it was one of the longer words –with 32 letters--.

      A funny and invented word, in Spanish, is: “Moñada” and another one related is “Moñaabrazo” = ”Bowhug”. “Moña” is a bow, but it is also used for talking about a silly man or something similar.Then, “Moñada” is while acting as a “Moña”.

      Another invented and nice word is “Engentarse”. It comes from “Gente” (People). Then, “Engentarse” means “Solidarity, engaging, filled with people”.

      Another word, invented by a spanish radio listener, is: “Teletexica”. He says this word does not exist in the Spanish Dictionary; but he invented it when a young woman friend of him saw some things, that he and other friend did not see, during an outing through some mountains of the Northern Spain.

      A worker in a bank, has told that once he invented a word to name a key that was used for the retardation of the safe. The word was: “Pirindongo”.

      Another Spanish invented word is: “Quiquichico”, that means “Little boy”.

      I hope that you have enjoyed with all those words. If you kow any other, please tell us.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Chain of kidney transplants in Spain
Monday, May 12, 2014

       Spain has realized a chain of six kidney transplants at different times. It has been carried out for the first time the chain of kidney transplants, in live, longer made ​​so far in our country, which has participated in a donor 'Samaritan' and with the peculiarity that the operations have been performed on three different days.

      The chain, which involved five donor-recipient pairs incompatible, is the fifth to be performed since the program began with an altruistic donor who is not personal, family or any of romantically linked receptors, but it is a young person with a "high social commitment", as reported by the National Transplant Organization (ONT), in a statement. The cycle has been closed by a recipient of the waiting list for deceased donor.

      The chain, which has been conducted in three phases, began in early March and ended in early April and, both donors and recipients, have already been discharged. It has involved hospitals in four regions: the “12 October” and “Ramón y Cajal”, in Madrid, in Bilbao “Cruces”, “Puerta del Mar” in Cádiz and in Barcelona “Clinic”.

      To achieve this series of linked transplants, the ONT has been used for the first time a 'donor bridge', a figure which was approved by the Commission Transplant of the Interregional Council of Health in 2013. This means that the donor couple from a receiver, who received its transplant is willing to stay on hold to perform their donation, so that in that time a larger number of transplants is facilitated.

      Until now, this type of transplants have been performed simultaneously in time, to avoid chain disruptions, that prevented reach more patients. For the ONT, make interventions at different days has increased the number of patients who can benefit from this new form, incorporating new partners donor / recipient to the chain.

      The director of the ONT, Rafael Matesanz, explained to that, previously, chains transplant with two and three links were made on the same day due to the Spanish legislation, which admits regret making the donation "to the time of entry in surgery", thus giving the figure of 'bridge', willing to donate even if its partner has already received the organ, that needed a special importance.

      As well, he has indicated that it is especially in the U.S. where longer chains are made of up to 15 links, using this figure of donor 'bridge'. Thus, the ONT has failed to do simultaneous transplants and made within 15 days of each other.

      The chain of kidney transplants from living donors is a form of crossed renal transplant, which NTO launched in 2009.

      This type of transplant, based on the exchange of organs from living donors between two or more partners, aims to offer patients with chronic renal failure the possibility of receiving a graft through the generosity of its partner, when it does not support.

      For the implementation of this program, the ONT has developed the National Register of donor-recipient partners and a software application that allows to speed up the possibilities of exchange between partners registry. The ONT clarifies that patients enrolled in this program are still on the waiting list for deceased donor.

      Several times a year, the possible combinations among the candidates are evaluated,  in order to get new compatible partners. So in the coming days, the ONT perform a new assessment of possible exchanges between couples.

      Since 2009, a total of 293 patients and their donors have been included at some point in this record. And of them, to April 30,  were active 104 partners of earrings near analysis to assess possible new combinations.

      The data of the ONT confirm the increased renal transplantation crossed in our country, since 77 patients have benefited from this therapy and represents 11% of all kidney transplants in live. Of the 382 living donor kidney transplants, that were made in Spain in 2013, 41 were crossed.

      From here, I want to congratulate to the ONT, cause of such important work. And I hope that they can continue helping many people, all over the world.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Different ways to say Work in Spanish
Friday, May 9, 2014

        A language, since its origin, has a very large number of different words and said the same word in different ways.

      Work is a word that has a very old origin, that we can trace in the Indo-European; but which has a specific way in Latin: Tripalium, ie “Three sticks”. The tripalium was a kind of yoke, which was used to hold the horses, when they had to be shoed, and according to some: to whip slaves. So originally, the word work had a sense of effort, suffering and pass hardship. Therefore, the words that have retained their concept, in Spanish, are laborious and painstakingly. Laborious does not mean that you have done something in your job, but you had to do an effort.

      And interestingly, work came to English as Travel, probably because formerly travels were very laborious, ie they needed much effort.

      The “tajo” is a cut that was given to a piece of meat, as food of the day and therefore the workers said: "Let us go to win the tajo (working)" and was just "Let the block".  I mean, working you get the reward (the cut of meat).

      A Spanish expression related work is "Lending more hours than a miller".

      And a word related work is: “Operario” (Operator), who made a work.

      Another Spanish word related work is “Curro”, that comes from “Currelar”, tnat means: work, hit and steal, in Gypsy language (Caló). Another words related Currelar are: “Currante” and “Currito”.

      Another word related work is “Faena” (chore), that comes from Latin “Facienda”, that in Spanish came to “Hacienda”. In Latin, “Facienda” meant “Things for doing”.

      In Spanish exists a saying, related work that says: “No hay atajo, sin trabajo” and its literal translation should be: “There is no shortcut, without work”.

      Another Spanish proverb, from the North of Spain, is: “If work was good, rich people should already have captured it”.

      Another Spanish saying is: “For a bad worker, no mattock is used for him”.

      In Spanish, there are another sayings related work.

      I hope that you have liked this post.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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Sport shoes in Spain
Friday, May 9, 2014

      The '80s were, globally, the time of explosion of sneakers, also called "beach shoes" or "tennis", in certain latitudes. At least in Spain. Within a few years the fashion 'jogging' and aerobics, the World Cup of Spain 82 and the rise of basketball, with the Epi and Corbalan, created a market of millions of users by which a fierce battle was fought, recurring in school playgrounds.

Tha sneakers weared by the spanish Basketball star, Juan Antonio San Epifanio (known as: "Epi")

The sneakers weared by Juan Antonio Corbalán

Many players of Basketball weared these sneaker by ADIDAS, in Europe

      Came new foreign brands. The already installed redoubled their efforts to gain a piece of the pie. And local champions --Paredes, Kelme, Tortola ... --  had to invent ways to compete with international giants, using their knowledge of the terrain: the courtyards of schools. They are not all they were ... but they are a representative sample to remember those years when we asked mom pocket to scratch for a AIR JORDAN catch us.


A model by PAREDES



Paredes for Running


A model of KELME                                     KELME for Tennis


KELME for Basketball

Sneakers by TORTOLA

The first sneakers by Michael Jordan

Another model of Air Jordan

With these sneakers Jordan made a famous Mate in 1987. They were expensive sneakers

Another model of Air Jordan

Cheap sneakers "Nike-Dunk-Air Jordan"

      One of the Spanish brands was “J´HAYBER” and the most popular model was “Olimpo”. These sneakers were wore by anyone, but specially by heavy people, who went to concerts of heavy music, like the group Obus´ music.They were so heavy sneakers and therefore, some people thought that they were not good for sports.

Sneakers J´HAYBER, 1986

      Another Spanish brand was: “YUMAS” and the most popular model was “Galaxia”. These wore everybody, in Spain. They were famous in the early 80s. But they started to be not such popular, because some foreign brands came to Spain.

Sneakers YUMAS

      Another Spanish popular brand was “PAREDES” and the most popular model was “Estrella blanca” (White Star). This brand was so popular in Spain. They got that the fans of Spiderman chosed them. They were thought specially for children. They were strong sneakers.​


PAREDES for young women                     PAREDES for girls

PAREDES model "Terra"


Different colours of PAREDES                  PAREDES with velcro

      A long time they liked the girls for sponsoring Leif Garret, a known idol of the late '70s / early '80s. Then they made ​​the mistake of sponsoring our athletes at the Olympics in Moscow the 8th, an edition in which only we get 5 medals.

    Another very famous Spanish brand was “KELME” and the most popular model was "Villacampa". These shoes wore by the fans of the ACB and followers of cycling.

Sneakers KELME "Vilacampa"

      A prestigious and affordable brand, the Kelme highlighted thanks to the sponsorship of all types of Spanish sportsmen, athletes and team sports players, such as the famous Jordi Villacampa. They were factories in Elche, which were very popular on the Mediterranean coast. The "Kelme Team" Cycling made ​​them popular in schoolyards where the plates were played.

      Another Spanish brand was “JOHN SMITH”. The most prominent was the model 412's, used by Basketball players like Tkachenko and Sabonis; but they were also by students of 1 º and 2 º of BUP (Unified College Multipurpose).

Sneakers "John Smith" for Basketball

      Canvas Sneakers! Converse sold them out, but was never seen around here thought ideal for copy, it was also particularly popular, having that point "smart but casual". That is right: they were much easier to mess ... and fill with pen graffiti threats of 'Eding'. The great rival of Kelme to attracting fans of the ACB. By the way ... the brand name betrays its native origin: sounds foreign, but is the equivalent called "José Pérez".

      Another Spanish shoe brand was “TORTOLA”. These sneakers were used by some children at School. If John Smith scored a goal with its  sound foreign branding, Tortola owners lost their honesty: What child in their right mind would wear plimsolls a little Spanish so glamorous and so ... name?. No wonder the tagline "Take some Tortola" was synonymous with being the class nerd.

Sneakers "Tortola"

       Another Spanish and german brand was “PUMA”. Its model was featured “Sparco”. And these sneakers were used above all by football stars.

Sneakers PUMA

      In the 80s, a very good Spanish player of Basketball, Fernando Martín, weared the sneakers “Nike-air-force 2”, when he was playing in Portland (USA). Here, in Spain, those sneakers were so famous.

Sneakers weared by Fernando Martín

      As the accompanying Oca with Parcheesi board, PUMA was developed and exploited in parallel by the brother of the founder of ADIDAS, in an attempt to double profits in separate runs. For many people, it came to be the "Lacoste" running shoes and was one of the best predicament enjoyed between the feet of the football stars, whose goals were echoed by Hector del Mar in "the game of the working day".

      Today, Spaniards continue wearing sneakers –above all of foreign brands— for tennis:




for Athletics…..


Model "Brooks"









For Basketball…..



For Football Hall ………..


JOMA Top-Flex for Football Hall                MUNICH g2 for Football hall


MUNICH Gresca-calm for Football Hall        JOMA for Football Hall

      Well, I think I have explained you enough about sneakers for sport. I hope that you have liked this post.

     Till soon, kind regards,


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Poster in Spain
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

      The chulapa (A girl or a woman from Madrid, in traditional dress), carrying a hand of a monkey with a bottle of “Anis del mono” under his arm ……

The poster of Anis del Mono

a Cordoba Gypsy, clutching an olive branch of Carbonell….

The poster of Carbonell

 and threadbare coat polyL

The poster of Polil

 are iconic images of Spanish culture with over a century of moth  --the moth only 66 years--, but even today still alive and active. All are images originally conceived as a promotional poster of these different brands, a stand that lived its years of splendor between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and whose evolution analyzes poster in Spain.

      The book Eguizábal Raul, Professor in Theory and History of Advertising School of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid, fills a gap in this area, because there was no work to offer a "global vision" on the poster in Spain, while attempting to "add value" this type of support, which is both "anthropological" document and "work of art", says its author to

       In “Poster in Spain”, Eguizábal reviewing in detail, and through more than 400 illustrations of posters, the evolution of this document throughout history as a "two-pronged" public, as a propaganda medium, and private commercial interest, which shows signs such as theater, cinema or bulls, and merchandise area where artists "enjoyed greater freedom" fall. However, historical moments in which war has dominated the cartel, and during the Civil War, with messages encouraging enlist on one side and on another side of the match.

      "Royal Hospitals. Putting on two bullfights in the bull ring, which is armed in the pasture of this town, immediately to Soto Luzon to convert its product in relief of the sick poors of the Royal Hospitals (...) ". So reads the text of the poster oldest preserved in Spain, it dates from 1737 and was a bullfighting festival that was to be held in Madrid on 19 and 30 September.

A poster of Bullfighting

      The poster, included in the book, belongs to the only genuinely Spanish gender, bulls, although its scope should be expanded to Hispanic area, accurate Eguizábal, who notes that this support has always had a "very international" character; hence the work is titled "Poster in Spain”.

That ​​international character made that artists like Alphonse Mucha, the absolute master of Modernism poster, made posters for Spain like “cigarette paper Job” (1898) and the “chocolate Amatller” (1900), because were celebrated some very summoned competitions economically well endowed, that attracted authors from around the world.

      But not only worked in Spain great poster artists, but our country gave birth to great artists who received international recognition, especially in one of the golden moments of this art in the modernist stage of late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries, as is the case of the Catalan Ramón Casas, who Eguizábal considered the most important of all. His is the sign of Anis del Mono, 1898, "sought by collectors around the world ".

      Another prominent figure of Modernism is Alexander Riquer, an artist shaped like Casas in Paris, and whose poster was second in the competition for the brand of anise.

      In addition, the professor recalls that many great Spanish painters, such as Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali, cultivated the poster art.

      In the second golden age of the poster in Spain, between the decades of the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century, where design reaches its "higher technical level", also names arise from international stature as the Valencian Josep Renau, author of large movie posters that would then performing in exile, in Mexico. Renau is precisely the favorite poster author of “the pool Las Arenas”, held in 1932 and described as "a masterpiece of the poster in Spain", which can be an athletic woman in a bathing suit in front of a trampoline and following the influence of Soviet cinema and Russian avant-garde.

The poster of The pool Las Arenas


      Eguizábal also reviews, in his work,  those posters that have been in the popular imagination, as cited Anis del Mono, the Carbonell by Pere Abarca 1915, --which continues to use the oilcan as a trade – mark--, the polyl by  Artigas (1948 ), along with the fat and skinny of Chocolates Ortego, by Matias Lopez, (1871 ), the elephant of Orion insecticides, by Clapera of 1945, or the sheep of Norit.

      To the Professor of Theory and History of Advertising is hard to guess why these posters have managed to stay alive over time, then, in most cases, they are not the highest artistic quality, but "those who have known themselves synthesize the message in a simple image"; in addition to "something that touches certain springs public awareness", as the threadbare coat polyL, in the 40s, when the Spaniards had a hole in his stomach.

      According Eguizábal, is now "much more difficult "  this may occur, because the cartel no longer has that communicative role, which began to lose when television became a mass medium.

      However, that does not mean that the cartel has no future. In fact, for the author of the book, and considering that a different time we live, the poster has a good time, but in the cultural field, to announce concerts, plays and films, demonstrations, that "wallpaper" the walls of universities and streets, as also "it has never been easier to make a poster" and you only need to have a printer at home.

      "The poster does not have a bad time and this will continue so, because it has found its niche and is comfortable",  he concludes.

      Well, I hope that you have liked this post.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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A Spanish company studies the climate future
Friday, May 2, 2014

        A basque company is studying climatic changes, that we are experiencing today, to prevent potential negative consequences, for the foreseeable future.

      Here, I bring you a video, where it is explained very well. Please click down here:

Voice in off: “Paradisiacal images, like these, could soon go down in History. The outlook for Trinidad and Tobago, two islands in the Caribbean, is that there will be more hurricanes, more droughts and many beaches will be destroyed; but experts say that the government is in time to act and even to give them an approximate cost of measures”

Zaloa Ares (Senior Consultan of “Factor CO2): “With an estimated cost of 600 million Euros, in adaptation measures, Trinidad and Tobago would have a profit of about 300 million Euros; ie: the adaptation to climate change imply stop spending money, to future”

Voice in off:  “Adaptation measures, such as this, which has already implemented RENFE in Spain: they use the energy released by the train, when braking, to put at the disposal of their users, who want to charge an electric car; climate change is part of their business strategy”

Itxaso Gómez (Area Director of Consulting of “Factor CO2): “There may be major accidents, major collapses ... For example it was found that also in rail transport, temperature changes will also affect the tracks”

Voice in off: “The Government commissioned a report from this Basque company, a pioneer in analyzing the consequences of climate change. The results say that, in Spain, it will affect many sectors”

Susana Magro (Director of the Spanish Office of Climate Change): “For example, we know that companies such as vineyards, in this case who are working with us, and are looking for new areas of cultivation, planting arise at different times of year…”

Voice in off: “Many of the changes are inevitable; but to others, we are still in time to find a solution”

      Well, some few weeks ago, unfortunately, we could see in Spain a so hard almost hurricane. I hope this company can help us and another countries, all over the world.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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The first hotel in the center of Spain Airport
Thursday, May 1, 2014

      Did you know that there is a hotel just inside the Airport Madrid-Barajas?.

      Yes, it has just opened and it is a special hotel, because it works not only for night, but it also opens in morning and just for some hours if you want.Really it has three offers: for sleeping all night; for resting, in night or in morning, just for two hours –for example--; and for taking a shower.

      But I am going to show you a video, where it is explained very well. It is here (click down here):

Voice in off: “Afeter ten hours travelling…….

Italo: “Hello, very good morning. I come for taking a shower…The service of shower?”

Voice in off: “……Italo decides to make a stop along the way, in this new hotel within the Barajas Airport, to take a shower”

Italo: “The truth is that it is an excellent service because now reaching from Sao Paolo, as I came, and having to meet in a couple of hours, this service gives me the opportunity to shower, freshen up, change and go to the meeting, as new”.

Voice in off: “Yolanda comes from Barcelona and she wants to lie down to rest a while”

Yolanda: “I stay here at the hotel, I take a shower, I rest a little, I do the meeting and I go home”.

Voice in off: “This hotel has just opened its doors and already has a 70% occupancy”

The Director of the hotel: “2 types: Shower plus buffet or stay of rest”

Voice in off: “This marriage came from Venezuela, this morning, and they will travel to Dubai tonight”

The husband: “We really rest”

Voice in off: “This other passenger will visit four countries in one week”

The passenger: “Occasionally you need to have a hotel at an airport”

Voice in off: “and leave refreshed for the next trip”

      Well, I hope that you have liked this news, as I do. And I hope that you can come to Madrid, in order to enjoy this special hotel.

      Till soon, kind regards,


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