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The Comments
28 Jul 2011 10:26 AM by STEF1 Star rating. 29 forum posts Send private message

Las personas con movilidad reducida que hagan uso de la línea de cercanías que une Fuengirola con Málaga capital lo tienen complicado a la hora de bajarse o subirse al tren en los apeaderos de Torreblanca, Carvajal y Los Boliches. Por ello, todos los grupos políticos con representación municipal en la localidad (PP, PSOE e IU) han aprobado en la última sesión plenaria una moción en la que instan al ministerio de Fomento y al resto de organismos competentes en la materia, es decir, a Renfe y a la la Consejería de Obras Públicas y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía, que realicen las reformas oportunas para mejorar la accesibilidad en cada una de estas paradas.
El partido minoritario de la oposición, IU, fue quien presentó esta moción, que se suma a otras peticiones realizadas en los últimos años por diferentes grupos políticos. Y es que, pese a ser una de las líneas más rentables de España, la conexión ferroviaria entre la capital y Fuengirola necesita todavía de una serie de mejoras que, como recordó la edil de Urbanismo, Ana Mula «llevan años sin acometerse, como el prometido soterramiento de Jesús Cautivo».
Sobre las deficiencias, el documento aprobado por unanimidad destaca que en Los Boliches existe una rampa, aunque con un notable desnivel. En el apeadero de Carvajal existen con dos posibilidades de acceso. En uno de ellos hay una rampa que acaba en unas escaleras y al segundo solo se puede acceder empleando un vehículo y posteriormente se alcanzan las vías o subiendo por unas escaleras o gracias a un elevador «que no funciona», recoge la moción.
Torreblanca no cuenta con acceso adaptado que conecte con la zona de la calle Bambú. Únicamente hay una escalera, de manera que las personas con movilidad reducida tienen que realizar un trayecto de unos 900 metros de longitud.


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28 Jul 2011 12:40 PM by max! Star rating in Fuengirola. 944 forum posts Send private message

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Hola Stef,

¡Bienvenido a nuestro forum!

For those who can´t read it easily, the Sur (the real one, not the englih one) reports that the town hall unanimously approved a motion to study and improve the accessibility of a few rail station and to get this to the atttention of the parties responsible for solving this like Renfe, Adif, the ministry in Madrid and the Andalucion regional government.

It states that on this hugely profitable line it´s a shame that three of the stations are not properly accessible by the disabled. Explicitly mentioned are the one in Los Boliches which does have a ramp but much too steep, the one in Torreblance and ours in Carvajal which can only be reached by a ramp, followed by stair or a car.

Putting out the call to all responsibe parties will not overnight cure our problem, but at least the town has put it on the agenda and Ana Mula, the councillor of infra-structure will go after the bodies and companies that have the power to resolve this.


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30 Jul 2011 11:09 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Just had an electric bill for € 7.50. Sounds too good to be true. Has there been some sort of rebate. Never had one that low. Not that I am complaining. Anyone else had the same this month.

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30 Jul 2011 11:58 AM by MattressCleaning Star rating in FUENGIROLA. 106 forum posts Send private message

 it's a shame about rossini's bar.

the new tenants, peter and co, were doing a great job.

we managed to get the place clean and tidy, but after the refit and the energy Peter brought to the bar it was the best rossini's had EVER BEEN since it was a bar!

unfortunately the owner has no idea of how to do things in spain and unfortunately the bar will continue to change tenants as a result of this. It's a shame but a sad reality and reminder of people that buy a bar abroad without checking things first!

On a positive note I'd like to wish Peter the best of luck in his new venture! 

at least the Carribean bar is still going strong with good menu, great atmosphere and plenty of space for both english and spanish speaking.



This message was last edited by MattressCleaning on 30/07/2011.

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30 Jul 2011 6:27 PM by gericom99 Star rating in Offaly, Ireland / Ca.... 270 forum posts Send private message

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You're doing well with that electricity bill for €7.50, Westport, mine was € 25.91!  Perhaps they charged too much on the previous bill which was based on an estimated reading.  The July bill shows the actual meter reading.

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30 Jul 2011 8:09 PM by max! Star rating in Fuengirola. 944 forum posts Send private message

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Fully agree with MattressCleaning (now that sounds weird, but I know his first name is more common:)

Not only on the effors put in but also on the subject of foreigners starting a bar in Spain. They all seem to make the same mistakes and even when you try to help with some sound advise it´s usually ignored and ends up in misery. If you don´t your way around the town hall, never worked with suppliers and didn´t even read your contract and checked it against the permits in existence than sorry to say so, but you are not very smart when you already pay too much for a bar.

The only people getting rich of these brave people stepping in and repeating the same mistakes are the agencies who sell bars. They make a good commision on every sale and they KNOW they will get the same commission from next years owners. And yet people trust them for advice and even pay for it.......

Anyway the good news is that the Caribean has much improved and is now a really nice setting. A huge change for the better. Don´t know how or why but definitely recommended now if you avoided in the past. Even closer is the Cyberbar, also great atmosphere and the best terrace possible. If you dare to walk a bit farther there is a bar just behind the peer. The B&B beach bar which got new owners two years ago, barely survived, but now is full of people on a weekend evening. So these people survived and got on top of their problems, learned from them and are now rewarded with the customers they deserve. It´s next to the restaurant Da Vinci. 

I know the owners well as they happen to be Dutch and have given them the same advise I give to others and they have listened, learned Spanish, got good backng of local supplier, became friends with the neighbouring Spanish and English shops an bars and now finally have a succesfull summer. Didn´t recommend them before, but now they are worth of it.

Good news is also that Slammers is it´s so maniest year, but survived new ownership and are doing well. They serve cheap but good food as well. 

And to end my touring guide: the large restaurant which always seems closed at the street side, quite close to us is open again. Only in July and August. Have never eaten there but I like to hear someone´s experience.



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03 Aug 2011 9:07 PM by solgre Star rating in Denmark. 79 forum posts Send private message

Hi all


I thought the plans about a golf school in Carvajal had been dropped for the time because of the financial situation. But I found this article today - and it seems like the Townhall works on this.

Posted on this link:

This is translated with google:

Councillor for Urbanism of the City of Fuengirola, Ana Mula, today reported from the area of Planning is working on obtaining the necessary land for the creation of a Municipal School of Golf in the area of Carvajal. Mula has explained that the final approval of the new General Plan, published in April, reserve up to 190,000 square meters of land for sports facilities, "of which the first will be realized this school with golf municipal golf practices in Carvajal. " To do this, Mula has indicated that they are already working on obtaining land to allow the creation of these new facilities, so that "our intention is that during the autumn we have formalized all administrative documents and can approve the specifications to bring to public competition, the creation of this new sports equipment, which will extend the excellent range of sports from the city. " Mula has released a message to companies that might be interested in the creation of this facility so that when the time comes to raise their offers. "We are confident that the golf school will be a new source of employment, wealth and leisure," the mayor stressed. The future sports school would have a golf course, a club area and restaurant and parking on a parcel of 25,000 square meters located above the Ladera Street. For this, the municipal plenary in January 2010 approved a planning agreement with the Reserve Higuerón business entity through which the City obtained a plot of 4,307 square meters of Carvajal, which connects to another municipal plot to create the Municipal School of Golf . In addition, the Consistory of the business entity will receive 124,800 euros in compensation. In return, he receives some land Higuerón far municipally owned 3849 meters in the area of Fig Tree. "In Fuengirola there are over 30 schools and different sports and have always stood by heavy investments in infrastructures, know-how accessible sport for all citizens regardless of age or economic means, "he highlighted Mula, remembering that in every election program have joined new sports facilities. Thus, it is recalled that during the last legislature have created new facilities such as the four paddle in Elola, a new tennis center with five tracks, a track for roller hockey and even a park dedicated to the sport in Los Pacos. Soon, the facilities for learning and practice of Golf will bring, surely, a new source of jobs and wealth for Fuengiroleños also form a new tourist attraction and residential.

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03 Aug 2011 11:08 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

I really hope this golf school goes ahead. I think I may have the next Seve Ballasteros on my hands. My little fella is only 7 and he has won 2 competitions already. At both events there were 20+ kids and 6 or 7 dads taking part. In both competitions he beat the second place person by more than double his score. We now have him taking lessons with a PGA professional. The dream is, he wins all 4 majors and I retire early :-)

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03 Aug 2011 11:17 PM by dublin101 Star rating in dublin /carvajal. 29 forum posts Send private message

another irish major champion. go to paddy power and get a price on him of luck in the future.


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07 Aug 2011 2:03 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message



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07 Aug 2011 2:44 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

 Hi i proposed a play area 6 months after moving in to don Juan to  Max and David, but  there was no money to do it with all the repair we had to do .Some people even wanted to give money so this could be done.We need a safe garden free from dogs  first and what garden would we use?where every one would agree on.Also it would not cost much to have a tennis net put up as well  Irene


This message was last edited by irenemontague on 07/08/2011.

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07 Aug 2011 4:50 PM by Stronge Star rating. 26 forum posts Send private message

I think the obvious place to have a play area is the green area between the pool of phase 2 and the railway track.  There is a large green area there that   is not used and the locked gate should be done away with, as I can not see what purpose it serves.

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07 Aug 2011 5:27 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

I agree I am in block 5 and that land is just locked up with no one going in there it is a great place for the kids safe from the road

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07 Aug 2011 6:55 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

 Hi i did like to say your garden in front of 5 but i am glad you think so to as it does seem as safe place.Can we put a no dog sign up on that gate please for the kids  Irene

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07 Aug 2011 7:17 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Can we have signs in English & Spanish for dogs to be kept on leads within Don Juan and signs on every grass area saying Keep off.

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07 Aug 2011 7:44 PM by srs Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

OK, this is where I nail my colours to the mast regarding the children's play area suggested for the area in front of block 5. 

As my apartment has long term renters who work long hours the thought of having a probably noisy play area here does not appeal, nor would it if I used the apartment myself.  If this play area had been on the original plans, along with phase 2, I would not have bought in this block. 

If it sounds like a case of "not in my back yard" then that is exactly what it is. The area was originally planned as green areas and that is what it should remain.

I am definately against having a playground in that area!

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07 Aug 2011 8:19 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

I think it should be located outside the corner apartment on the ground floor of block 9. The one with the mutt that barks day and night, just to see how they feel about having to listen to other peoples noise.

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07 Aug 2011 10:44 PM by ray Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

 I think the problem lies with the developer. Block 10 should not have been built, but it has ,and I agree with srs it would not matter where it was positioned ,you cannot please everyone. I think phase 2 should be consulted to try to solve the problem. At the moment I think our committee are doing a great job. I understand children have to play but this is residental, not a holiday complex. I now some people rent there appartment out but quite a lot of people live here.. Maybe a small park between block 6 and 7 but more conflict. I think rules should be set on times simaiar to pool times .

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07 Aug 2011 11:26 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

 Hi have you thought block 6,7,8,10 have the noise from the pools from 10 am till 9 pm  so no where will be a right area and we are talking  about a  safe area for the children who are residents to play.Last year these children where playing down the road between the garages that is not  safe for  the children and the car drivers trying to avoid them  Irene

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07 Aug 2011 11:46 PM by ray Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message


This message was last edited by ray on 08/08/2011.

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