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29 Oct 2008 1:47 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi ken great link i have just  heard the interview bye irene

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30 Oct 2008 3:33 PM by Janmet Star rating in UK. 185 forum posts Send private message

The Weather forcast looks terrible for the next 10 days. Is it raining a lot over there at the moment?


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30 Oct 2008 3:57 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan thanks for the weather forecast so we need our wellies and get ready to try and walk along the wall out of the flooded road ?bye irene

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30 Oct 2008 4:45 PM by Ken333 Star rating in Northampton. 60 forum posts Send private message

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            News item on weather in Malaga



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30 Oct 2008 11:21 PM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

I saw this in the Sur newspaper, don't know if its any help for those of you looking for internet connection on Don Juan. Just out of interest, have we had any feedback from Telefonica when we will have phone lines going into Don Juan.

Remember this name: it is called Wimax and it is a new, more powerful means of accessing the internet. Clients can use it as if they were always carrying their connection with them, because with this system there is no need to seek out a WiFi point in order to be able to connect. In November, Malaga will become the first city in Europe to use the Wimax technology, and only the second place in the world after the American state of Oregon. Malaga’s Councillor for New Technologies, Francisco Salas, confirms that next month the Clearwire company will be testing the new network which will enable internet users to connect from anywhere in the city.
The plan which has been approved by the Town Hall consists of the installation of 25 nodes in the provincial capital, and these will be similar to the telephone antennae on the roofs of buildings. The councillor says that this is "just another telecommunications operator such as Telefónica or Ono, which will enable people to access the internet from any point of cover in the city". The company offers a product similar to ADSL, via a card for a laptop computer or a wireless modem, but it will connect to the network through Wimax (in the same way as other operators offer a cable service). "It will make it easier to access the internet wherever there is cover, whether it’s at home or on the beach" he says.
Apart from this facility, the system permits greater cover, within a radius of up to 48 kilometres, at speeds up to 70 Mbps (megas per second) and much greater bandwidth. This will provide more capacity for downloading webpages and receiving data, images, music and videos. Francisco Salas explains that the deployment of this technology will attract experts from all over Spain and other European countries, as well as company directors and manufacturers.
Malaga Valley
The discussions about its implementation took place in the Malaga Valley Club, but the initial plans of the company were for the investment to be made in the city of Hamburg. Francisco Salas believes that it is Malaga’s push towards new technologies which will result in progress of this type.
The Clearwater company responded to this newspaper’s requests for information with a communication indicating that it doesn’t comment on future markets for competitive reasons. Its website explains that the company uses a new wireless technology based on high speed internet services with a ‘plug and play’ connection. It operates on the 3,5 GHz band has exclusive rights to use the spectrum which broadcasts its signal.

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03 Nov 2008 11:42 AM by Janmet Star rating in UK. 185 forum posts Send private message


Can you tell me is the road now passable on foot since you lifted the drain cover? I understand there has been a lot of rain recently which must have put it to the test.


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03 Nov 2008 4:10 PM by max! Star rating in Fuengirola. 944 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Janmet,
There is some bad and some good news. It recently rained heavily for two days in a row. While raining the lake was there; it was even worse because it was so much water. The improvised drainage just can’t keep with the downpour. However the good news is that when it stops raining the area at the railway side is dry within two hours and usable again for pedestrian as well as cars.  
The really bad news is that the damage at the bottom of the road at the tunnel entrance is worse than ever thanks to all the water coming down from El Higureron. Even when it’s completely dry normal cars can’t cope with the deep trenches. It’s so bad that the local police have closed the road officially at that point.  
I have a few ideas how we could try to ‘illegally’ solve this problem there but we need a tiny bit of community money (like 100 Euros) and some labour (preferably not our official maintenance company as we are not allowed to do things at the road). Even then I’m not certain it would work so the best option is still a temporary solution by the town hall. Maybe some people want to help me with the ‘illegal’ project. We can try to assemble a few people at the next AGM. 

Problems at the tunnel are temporarily fixed and the road reopened, but these trenches will be back next time it rains.

This message was last edited by max! on 11/3/2008.

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03 Nov 2008 5:27 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

Hi David,  Just heard your interviwew it was very well put across

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03 Nov 2008 5:30 PM by eoin Star rating. 153 forum posts Send private message

Hi David Just heard your interview on the radio with Leah well done. You put your point across very well.Lorraine

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05 Nov 2008 10:15 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,

This is a reply I got from my solicitor regarding my invoice for the new water contract.

I just spoke to the Community company in Don Juan and aparently soon, in couple of weeks, they will sort out the problem with the post boxes and they will be relocated outside, so the postman can delivery mail to all neighbours in the complex. In the meantime, Correos (the post company) will keep the mail until the boxes are outside.

Just to let you know, I sent a test letter to my apartment in August to see what would happen to it. I got it back last week. It took two months to return even though I put a full return to sender address on the back, so be warned, it seems the postal service is even worse than the UK. So it does not look like the postal company are keeping hold of the post. Be warned. You are better off collecting it yourself from the water company or your solicitor.


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05 Nov 2008 10:27 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Westport,
If you try to collect your mail from Correos they say it has been returned to sender. They don't seem to keep it for collection so I agree - don't have anything posted to your Don Juan address that's important. Correos have agreed to deliver mail if we build 1 central "bank" of post boxes beside the road. Providing a satisfactory system for mail delivery is the developer's responsibility and the provision of this is one of the things which have been notified the town hall that Arrohabitatge will have to do before we will agree to cooperate with them on Phase 2.



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05 Nov 2008 10:37 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi Davmunster

It makes you wonder why did they put in post boxes in each block in the first place. Are the postal staff too bloody lazy to go to each block and post them. I was a postman for 11 years, and had to climb dozens of staircases everyday. They should be sacked. Yet another company that does not know how to provide a proper service. Has anyone looked into the legal side of this regarding their delivery points. I suppose they will use the dirt road as an excuse, but other than that there should be a point to point delivery. If the new so called post boxes are not secure, people that dont live there will end up getting their post stolen as it will be sticking out of the boxes.


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05 Nov 2008 10:44 AM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Westport,
Yes the road was an issue - the normal motorbikes were not considered suitable for this type of terrain. They did agree to send a van but the postmen will not walk down the hill to get to blocks 3-5 so they came up with this solution. It is ridiculous but it's the way things are in Spain.



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05 Nov 2008 2:39 PM by max! Star rating in Fuengirola. 944 forum posts Send private message

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Hi Westport,
Before you get too negative about all things Spanish do realize that only block 2 and 9 are on
a public road. The rest are on private roads which the Spanish don’t service. Don’t know about the UK, but that’s the same in the Netherlands. It would be a kind of trespassing. Besides all the other blocks have their mailboxes behind the gates and again the postal service here refuses that which seems reasonable to me 


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05 Nov 2008 3:36 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

Hi the  last time we where out we seen the post being delivered in block 7 and 8 and the post guy was on a scouter irene

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05 Nov 2008 6:07 PM by calv Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

Hello all,    I went into the Correos last week just to see if there was any mail for me even though I am not expecting anything,   the guy asked  which development to which I replied    'Don Juan Carvajal'    he then came back with approximatly 40 letters from various blocks,   as none were in my name I left empty handed.    Of what I could see most were from various banks.

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06 Nov 2008 12:03 AM by westport Star rating in London & Co.Mayo Ire.... 509 forum posts Send private message

Hi Max

I think its ridiculous. What the hell are we paying for a stamp on the letter for in the first place. It is to pay for a service for a letter to be delivered from A to B. When I delivered the post if I could not access the block I would ring some of the apartment buzzers to get in. What have we got the letter boxes in each block for then, is it only for people to put their junk mail in offering whatever services or building jobs that can be done for them. It is amazing how the townhall managed to deliver the post for our IBI bills etc. Does that mean the townhall were trespassing as well. They will always find your post box when there is a bill to be paid. What do we do if we wanted to send Christmas cards to people living on the development, do we send them by homing pigeon. To me it is any old excuse to do as little work as possible. Just out of interest, is block 1 not on a public road, as the main entrance and footpath is on the road around the back of the development, or is this a private road as well. Also with these public roads going through our community, is it the townhall that are paying for the street lighting bills and road maintenance, or is the community.

Does anyone know the address to check at the Correos office if we have any mail held there. Do you need to bring I.D.


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06 Nov 2008 11:51 AM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

The IBI bill is usually hand delivered by the town hall.bye irene

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07 Nov 2008 12:09 PM by irenemontague Star rating in liverpool/carvajal . 794 forum posts Send private message

hi ken have you got your internet on yet ?bye irene

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09 Nov 2008 7:06 PM by davmunster Star rating in Carvajal\Belfast. 843 forum posts Send private message

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I was talking to Ana about taxi fares. she pays between 6€ and 10€ from Fuengrola centre to Don Juan. She suggests that we should refuse to pay any more. If there is a problem ask for the drivers complaints book and licence number and say you are going to report him to the Consumer Protection department at the town hall.

The Greek restaurant on the front at Carvajal has been closed since the summer. It has been taken over by a Danish guy. He has employed a good chef and I am hopeful we will soon have a quality local restaurant offering an alternative to fish (opening 15th December)



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