Mobile Phone Question

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10 Apr 2017 5:49 PM by jinxy Star rating. 68 posts Send private message

Hi, I took some photos on an old mobile phone. I assume these are stored on the CHIP and not on the phone itself? How do I transfer these onto my computer please - any ideas? Easy instructions please as I am not very technical ha-ha!! Thanks in advance.




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10 Apr 2017 9:17 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message


Please advise the Make & Model of your phone. There are two ways,I  can think of. Connecting your phone by Bluetooth to your PC. Then access the phone on your PC and then copy and paste photos to PC. Or you can coonect Phone to PC using a Micro USB TO USB Cable. When your PC picks up your phone ,then copy and paste the photos as above. You might also need an Mobile Suite to access your Mobile Phone Files.IE Nokia Suite for Nokia Phones.

Good Luck




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10 Apr 2017 9:36 PM by DuncanMcG Star rating in Manchester, UK. 377 posts Send private message

DuncanMcG´s avatar

If it is a smartphone, the easiest way is to back up your photos to dropbox, one drive, google drive or similar cloud service. Simply download the relevant app to your phone. They are available for android, iOS and windows phones. Set the app to back up your photos automatically and it all happens by magic.

Make sure you are on a wifi connection and not data. Remember to choose a strong password.

If it isn't a smartphone then you will need to refer to your phone instructions. On very old camera phones this will involve some kind of cable connected to your laptop/desktop computer and even some application installed on your laptop/desktop. If it isn't so old, you can probably back up the photos via wireless.

This message was last edited by DuncanMcG on 10/04/2017.

Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty and the pig will enjoy it.

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