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17 Feb 2009 8:25 AM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2626 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

I will set it to scan later (when I can get my Son off the PS2 ) and see what channels it scans.

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17 Feb 2009 12:51 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2626 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

The DVB only scans from 21- 68 and in the menu is hard set as UK, although the languages can be changed. The terrestrisl tuner however allows country frequency selection.


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17 Feb 2009 5:56 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

satandpcguy´s avatar

cheers marksfish

nice bit of confirmation that the alternate audios work but it will not scan channel 69 - this frequency is not used in the uk so as i said most uk freeview receivers will not scan

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13 Mar 2009 4:57 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2626 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

Curiosity got the better of me and I contacted Freeview to see which receivers scanned on 69. Freeview sent me links for all the manufacturers, none of which could/ would answer the question. I also emailed some of the larger retailers and the only one to reply was Maplin. My question was:

The technical specifications on your website do not give channel numbers scanned for programmes. I am looking for a product that scans channels 21- 69, are any of your Freeview receivers capable of this please?
The response from Maplin was:

Thank you for contacting Maplin Technical Support,

All of our freeview receivers are capable of this as this is the full band for channels.

Someone on the Digitalspy forum also mentioned that B&Q were doing an offer on the Fortec FS2100 system for £15.00. Haven't had a chance to look yet (Maplin also seel this unit for £29.95!).

Time for a little visit methinks. Maplin and B&Q are both on the same retail park, so a comparison should be easy


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21 Mar 2009 6:29 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2626 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

I have been to Maplin today as their customer service told me ALL of their Freeview boxes scan to channel 69. I bought their cheapest one (just for research purposes you understand ), which was a Nikkai A75HQ Digital Freeview Receiver which cost £19.99. I have since plugged it in at home and scanned manually (need to change the aerial as the picture is pants upstairs!!). It shows the scanning range of 21- 69 (which is 858Mhz). The only language settings though are English, Welsh & Gaelic, so not sure what would happen in Spain, presumably it is just the interface that would be problematical. Anyway, cheaper than I could find them in the Spanish shops.


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21 Mar 2009 9:11 PM by satandpcguy Star rating in Gandia, Valencia. 399 posts Send private message

satandpcguy´s avatar

hi mark,

great for checking that out.

only SET and Disney use the "english" language flag, so presumably the box will default to using the first langauge it finds - ie spanish,

i would say that with no option available to choose the alternate languages, that use the other langaugae flags (Dos, MUL, Qaa, VO), that these may not be suiatbe for use in spain, especially if people want ot use them to watch "english language" programmes on cannels other than SET and DIsney.

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21 Mar 2009 9:50 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2626 posts Send private message

Marksfish´s avatar

I only really bought it for the bedroom as the lounge has Sky and the other tv (which doesn't scan 69!). I have only got the box for Disney in the bedroom, if a child is going to bed for example. We have mostly Spanish guests staying, so the English option isn't really an issue, although I realise it will be for people wanting to live out there or not rent. Wll find out for defo what it can and can't do in April. If it doesn't do what we want, I will bite the bullet and buy Spanish and bring it home again. If it does work, hey, 've saved about €15 .


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