Buying in Moraira - any advice please?

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09 Feb 2022 9:20 AM by Ashers Star rating. 14 posts Send private message

Hi we have decided to purchase in the Moraira area, as a 2nd home, probably at the end of this year, early next as we will be coming over a few times to make sure its the right place for us!

As we will spend around 60 days (we're aware of the Schengen Rules) here out of season & then long weekends the odd week and perhaps rent it out in the summer (as its too hot for us!).

Whats the ex pat community like?

Any preferred estate agents and or lawyers?

Some areas better than others?

We have 2 dogs, so any dog walks on and off lead?

Is it easy to find people/company to do changeovers if we rent in summer?

Other than purchase taxes, will we need to pay any other taxes/annual costs?

Our preference is to be able to walk 20 mins into town but as a 2nd choice no more than a 10 min drive.

Look forward to hearing from you



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09 Feb 2022 1:31 PM by Tommy2 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Start looking very soon Ash, as prices are going up quite a lot now,not on the market very long,apparrently not many british are buying,Germans and Dutch.

I sent you a private MSG a couple of days ago about restarauntes.

Good luck.


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10 Feb 2022 9:32 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

Loads of information on the net about  Moraira apparently around 10,000 properties are up for sale...if you haven't been to the area before ..then rent before you buy and don't forget to factor in 15% on top of your agreed purchase price for legal fees and all the various taxes / buyer's fee's...

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11 Feb 2022 11:01 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Any questions on the buying process, please feel free to ask

Have a great weekend



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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16 Feb 2022 7:30 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Moraira was the first place that we considered buying a place at nearly 20 years ago. Now I wish we had stretched ourselves to buy the bungalow that we had only looked at out of casual interest.

The restaurants in Moriara then were good. I don't think we had a bad meal in all the time we were there.

Now we have bought three times (in other areas) and sold twice.

Get a lawyer (abogado) with good reputation out of the area.Clean hands beats local knowledge.

If you buy off plan do not part with any money without a bank guarantee given to you at the time you pay. No guarantee or escriture (title deeds) no money, and never take the keys and pay the money without going to the notary at the same time and gaining the escritura.

Don't rely on rental income to finance your purchase. Treat it as an extra. Take local advice on a good rental agent. The first summer we rented our new bungalow (not Moriara) and achieved a tidy income. Second summer should have been the same but our agent dissappeared (to the Cap Verde Isles) with the summer takings! Third summer, there were lots of properties like ours built and hence few takers.

Buena suerte


This message was last edited by tteedd on 2/16/2022.

This message was last edited by tteedd on 2/16/2022.

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16 Feb 2022 7:47 PM by Ashers Star rating. 14 posts Send private message

Hi thanks for the info.

Can I ask what other areas you purchased & which was your favourite & why?

We're not wedded to Moraira as whilst our favourite so far we do intend to visit a few more places with long weekends this year with a view to then renting for a few months before buying.



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16 Feb 2022 11:33 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

'Can I ask what other areas you purchased & which was your favourite & why?'


It was a port like Moraira but cheaper. We liked the development and were convinced by the blurb.


We decided not to buy again but we had the bug! Looked at many places where we could buy a share but bought the flat opposite the share we were looking at as it was within our budjet for the share!

Shares might be an option for you if you can find one as you only want to be there in the winter and there are many who want to be there in the summer. You get to share the on costs without the hassle of renting out.

Punta Prima

Punta Prima is OK but we did not chose it because we liked look of the place. We chose it because it was near friends, the flat reasonably designed and in a small community, bridge, golf with known nice group, sea, shopping centre and favourite retaurants.


I guess once you are there you get to know things around the area you chose. Moraira is/was nice. I think the old advice of renting for a season or two is best. Get to know the areas around and put down seasonal roots!

The two favourites originally? Moraira and San Jose beach, Cabo de Gata. But I did not speak spanish then so the second was impracticable and a long way from airports.



This message was last edited by tteedd on 2/16/2022.

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17 Feb 2022 9:03 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1949 posts Send private message

It's all very well having lovely views ..and a pretty village..but in reality you need services around you for modern day living.. after 17 years of owning a property in Spain  in two locations..I can honestly say that what Spain Lacks especially on the Costas is community spirit..this can be put down to ..way to many properties being built for holiday home owners..which in return leads to most areas of the Costas looking  scruffy/ rundown ...with the infrastructure often being left unfinished by the builders / developers .. with basically no street cleaning or road / pavements maintenance by local can't put the blame on holiday home owners after all they have been sold a dream and still have to pay for a full year of IBI /Suma / Electric and Gas meter rental/ Water meter renta/ Rubbish Taxl and to top that lot off a 20% None Resident Tax unfortunately the dream often turn's into reality for many... when they have parted with the money... incidentally both the properties I have owned have been bank Repo ..that have been taken back for mortgage default ..the original purchaser was told a cock and bull story that they could rent out for many hundreds of Euro's per reality this doesn't happen ...after all if it was that easy wouldn't we all be doing it.








This message was last edited by windtalker on 2/17/2022.

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17 Feb 2022 10:59 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

What about proprerties in Cádiz province? Vejer, Zahara, Barbate, San Roque, Conil, Chiclana, Chipiona, Los Barrios, Algeciras, La Línea, Tarifa, Arcos de la Frontera, Grazalema...

Still great Spanish taste and culture, quickly turning into receiving foreign home makers...



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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17 Feb 2022 12:22 PM by Tommy2 Star rating. 10 posts Send private message

Hi Ash,there are many estate agents in Moraria, Select villas.Hamiltons.this is just two of them.It depends what you want to spend.the closer the town the more it costs unless it needs a lot of work.I live in San Jamie,its great not the cheapest.but beautiful.It has a small golf course aswell.

Hope this helps.John

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