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windtalker's latest forum comments

25 Jul 2024 3:42 PM:

Go to your nearest Spanish embassy and pick up the application forms  and fill then in yourself.

Thread: NLV visa

24 Jul 2024 2:26 PM:

I am reading every day that the British are no longer welcome in Spain or Portugal.. I am aware that the British are no longer buying property in the Spain.. and I think it's only a matter of time before the British Residents and Holiday home owners are forced to sell up... due to this anti British sentiment. 

Thread: The British have been warned to cancel Spanish and Portuguese holidays.

19 Jul 2024 12:37 AM:

If you are not a EU citezen you will not get permanent employment in Spain if your skills are not required.. go to your nearest Spanish embassy and ask for the list of skill's that required. 

Thread: Software Developer looking for work in Spain‏‏

17 Jul 2024 8:19 PM:

Have a look at the Digital Nomad visa. 

Thread: Software Developer looking for work in Spain‏‏

13 Jun 2024 11:14 AM:

I take it this property is really cheap and is so for a good reason so if you want to take someones problems on at great expense to yourself then carry-on.. but I really can't understand why you would want to do this when half the property's on the Costa s are up for sale at a reasonable price. 

Thread: Community of owners not set up


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British epats leaving Spain why.
"Hi I have just got back from Spain after spending a week at my holiday home I have not been over to my villa for 9 months due to business commitments hear in the U.K ,I was shocked to find that only 2 villas out of 120 had full time occupants and all the rest where locked up it reminded me of a ghost town why are so many expats leaving Spain."
Last Updated: 5/10/2013 8:07:25 PM
Lifetime Views: 4376

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