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06 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

morerosado´s avatar

I've just seen this which I think could be welcomed.  Take a look & see what you think

How DialAbroad Spain works

Get started with DialAbroad Spain in 3 easy steps:

Check we cover your country  (click here)

Dial the DialAbroad Spain access number: 902 902 952

Dial your full international number at any time during the welcome message...

    .... and save a fortune on your international calls!

When you make a call via DialAbroad Spain you only pay for calling our access number. It is Telefonica that will charge you - not us. So, for example, if you made a 20 minute call to the UK, next time you got your Telefonica bill you would see a call to our number (902-902-952), a duration of 20 minutes and a charge of 88.93 cents (including the connection charge). Absolutely no charges by us, ever. Simple!

  Call anytime
  We do not bill - you only pay the cost of the call
  No need to sign-up or give us any of your details
  Available instantly, 24 hours a day
  No hidden charges - you just pay the cost of the call
  Enjoy complete confidentiality: Your destination number will not appear on any bills.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a connection charge?
Can I use the service from a payphone?
Can I use the service from a mobile?
How do I pay for it?
Do I have to register or sign a contract?
Can I use my uk mobile phone?

Q. Why is there a connection charge?
A. Telefonica charge an 8.33 cents connection charge when using 902 numbers. This is considerably less than the 12 cents connection charge applied to international calls dialled directly via Telefonica (ie. just dialling 0044…).

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Q. Can I use the service from a payphone?
A. Yes. Payphone rates vary according to the operator of the payphone and the payphone’s location. As a guide, you should be charged between 8 and 15 cents a minute. With Telefonica charging nearly a euro a minute it’s a huge saving!

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Q. Can I use the service from a mobile?
A. Yes. Using the service from a Spanish mobile will cost between 20 and 40 cents depending on which network and tariff you are on. Again, this is vastly cheaper than dialling direct. Calling from a UK (or other foreign) mobile roaming in Spain is not advisable- use a landline, payphone or Spanish mobile instead.

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Q. How do I pay for it?
A. Calling 902 902 952 is just a normal phone call:
        From a landline- the call will appear on your usual Telefonica bill.
        From a payphone- you just put coins in the slot as normal.
        From a mobile- the call will be deducted from you credit (pay as you go) or appear on your pay monthly phone bill.
There is no sign-up required and no separate bills.

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Q. Do I have to register or sign a contract?
A. No. Just dial 902902952 and then your full international number. That’s it!

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Q. Can I use my uk mobile?
A. You need to use a Spanish telephone with a DialAbroad Spain, however, if you want to keep using your usual UK mobile phone and receive calls on your normal number, all at a saving of 55%, we recommend uk2abroad

uk2abroad - the mobile roaming solution Want to take your mobile phone to Spain?
Then check out uk2abroad: save 55% compared to the cost of roaming; keep your UK mobile phone number; and incoming ringing tone (nobody will know you're abroad!); and get a local Spanish number to make and receive local calls.



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06 Oct 2010 6:07 PM by carmenes Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

902902952 has been replaced by 901667817 so calls are now 50% less.

Kind regards,



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18 Mar 2013 12:41 PM by carmenes Star rating. 3 posts Send private message

902902952 and 901667817 have been replaced by a new prepaid service. Full details here available on our blog:


Kind regards,


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18 Mar 2013 2:22 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

I am with compusurf. Their phone and internet package allows for 1000 minutes of free calls to Europe and some other countries; no landline rental.Total 29.99 euros+ iva.

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18 Mar 2013 2:22 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

I am with compusurf. Their phone and internet package allows for 1000 minutes of free calls to Europe and some other countries; no landline rental.Total 29.99 euros+ iva.

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18 Mar 2013 3:18 PM by Mungry Star rating. 329 posts Send private message

get a voip phone and set it up with skype sip



i coldnt stay away from you miserable whining whingers for some reason

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