The Comments |
Hi everyone,
I'm new to all of this and also not very computer literate. I have been reading some ones comments about exchange rates and in the blurb it mentioned "community fees were due" can someone fill me in on this please? Is it like council tax? does everyone have to pay it?
I'll thank you now for anyresponses I get cos it will probably take me another eternity to access the thread page again. If I was a set of twins I might have a brain that worked where computers are concerned.
Ta Gerloo
Community fees are exactly what they say they are. They are charges levied by the community administrators for such things as keeping roads, paths, gardens tidy - decorating an apartment urbanisation, pool maintenance if it is a community pool etc - basically all costs incurred on a community whether it be gated or otherwise.
Council Tax/Rates (IBI) is another thing althogether and pays for the works of the local Town Hall - or does it pay for them to go on glorified piss ups.
Smiley -
Suma or IBI is the Spanish equivalent to our council taxes, this is paid in September and it does have penalty charges if not paid late.
Non Residents also pay Patrimonia/Renta tax yearly the former is a tax because this is not your main residence ( it can also be called wealth tax) and Renta is a nominal sum which everyone has to pay whether they are renting their homes out or not. Too many were renting and not declaring so we all now loose out. I pay this tax in May but others pay it later.
Community Fees are paid by everyone living on a community to pay for all communial items, swimming pools, lighting, cleaning of communial areas etc. Some communities pay fees quaterly or half yearly while others pay yearly. It will mainly depend of the amount.
The only other fee to pay is for Basura collection, in Costa Blanca we pay this on our Aqua bill along with sewage. Other areas may be different.
If buying a new property then the Suma is paid in arrears and it can sometimes be as long a 4 years before you get a bill.
Hope that information helps. There are a couple of books which are very helpful in explaining everything in more detail, buying a house in Spain and You and the Law in Spain.
Thanks to all and as you can see I have successfully found the thread page again..I am currently in Derby and hope to move to Jumilla in May 2008 if all goes well.
got a great web site from a fellow owner on our complex, i think it gives a huge ammount of info that we all look for when starting off, the sort of stuff that's never explained, anyway it's........ it's proberbly familiar with some of you, but you just click onto english, (right top corner) then to "real estate law," (left column) and finally "community of property owner's" (right column) hope you find it as helpfull as it was for me. bluefox. (another p.c. beginner)
Hi gerloo,
Looks like Derby's emptying pretty rapidly. We left Allestree for the Costa del Sol last November.
Semijubilada wrote: " does have penalty charges if not paid late."
So, we pay less if we do pay it late?! 
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
 Oops typo, thinking faster than I can type. Changed my mind at last minute as I realised I didn't know exactly when penalty charges kicked in but forgot to re read sentance.
Hi Semi, how's your cold these days, not heard from you in ages. We're off to Spain Friday for 11 days so cya after 18th. X
thought this thread was to do with community fee's etc..............! anyway, i would like to know if anyone has heard of a property being taken away from an owner thru' not paying their community fee's, or is it just an "idle hreat" ? ? we have some heavy debter's in our complex, apparently it's in the hand's of a lawyer and supposed to be heard in a court sometime soon, just wondered what the out come might be. bluefox.
Hi Bluefox, taking away a property is not an idle fact is the recourse from the law...but it has to be sanctioned by the courts. An embargo can be put on a property which means that an owner cannot use it or sell it until the arrears ( and considerable costs ) are paid and / or the property can be sold to pay the debt.
This is probably the end of a long..long........drawn out court case where many 'games' can be played by the owner in debt ( as has happened on our urb......lots of non appearences by the debtor and then the leaving of his representative lawyer cos of a bounced cheque !!).......but eventually you will see the light and the debtior will be sentenced even in his / her absence.
THEN all you have to do is get the money !! The property can be sold..........however, in our case, the debtor actually sold his property and lied saying there was no debts, and the buyer used the same solicitor and did not retain the usual 5% so the new owner is liable for fees. As you can imagine the situation is fraught !!
Spanish courts give debtors every chance to pay, which can be fustrating if you are on the other end, but they will take away prpoerty.
' Do unto others as you would be done by'
Now a non-smoker ! 