Winter in Southern Spain.

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27 Oct 2017 7:17 PM by Stack Star rating in Hampshire, UK. 2 posts Send private message

Hi everyone!

I'm looking at the possibility of spending the winter in Southern Spain and would appreciate any help you can give me in looking for somewhere I might be able to camp in return for doing a little work each day. I'm also open to working over the winter in order to keep myself going. I would be coming out at the beginning of December, and would like to stay until Frbruary/March, but am flexible.

If anyone is able to help me in my search it will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.



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27 Oct 2017 7:40 PM by DuncanThickett Star rating. 80 posts Send private message

Hi  there Stack and welcome to EOS. No problem at all, my farmer neighbour will let you pitch your tent in his field free of charge in exchange for 8 hours of orange picking each day.

Justice? - You get justice in the next world. In this one you have the law.

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27 Oct 2017 9:00 PM by acer Star rating. 1533 posts Send private message

Stack, you'll find southern Spain decidedly chilly for those months - sometimes it'll be OK during the day, but not camping weather at night, unless you've got a pukkah caravan. 

You may need to do a bit more research. 

I may be wrong but I doubt you'll get any help on here.

Good luck

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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27 Oct 2017 11:03 PM by Steve C Star rating. 66 posts Send private message


There is a few experts on here who have done everything surely they will pass on their knowledge 😀

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28 Oct 2017 12:11 AM by Stack Star rating in Hampshire, UK. 2 posts Send private message

Thanks for all your comments everyone.

Much appreciated.


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28 Oct 2017 1:50 PM by christineinseville Star rating in Pruna (Seville) and .... 25 posts Send private message

Search out th efacebook pages for the areas yo are interested in and offer to do handyman work in exchange for accommodation, loads of people leave their homes empty over winter, and someone staying and doing a spot of decorating, gardening, would be a good idea for them, no harm in trying.

No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

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28 Oct 2017 7:52 PM by DuncanThickett Star rating. 80 posts Send private message

Hi Stack

Posting on here was a good idea, maybe you just needed to pitch it a bit differently ‘’FREE HANDYMAN’’. Ignore the unhelpful replies, they have a screw loose and every forum has one.

Justice? - You get justice in the next world. In this one you have the law.

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01 Nov 2017 9:43 AM by acer Star rating. 1533 posts Send private message

Steve C - point taken.

Don't argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

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