Charlie Gard

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The Comments
27 Jul 2017 10:54 AM by briando55 Star rating in Yorkshire. 1982 posts Send private message

A few weeks ago there was an article on this site claiming a Barcelona hospital and doctors there were responsible for saving young Charlie Gards life.

it went on to say the British courts and the British hospitals were somehow denying treatment for the terminally ill baby, that others would be able to administer and miraculously cure him to some degree.

It was always nonsense of course, and it was always simply seeking headlines and higher moral ground, when no ground was there to hold.    At sad times like these it would be a moral step forward for the paper to investigate this further now, and to consider retracting the nonsense it appears to have printed in the first place.  

So, go for it eye on Spain, let them have this comment and ask them to offer a statement, they used you as a platform to publish in the first place.


Best wishes, Brian


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