Spain - 8 Years Hence ??????

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23 Oct 2012 2:15 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

So, what will Spain be like in 2020 in terms of following:

1) Will the average expat be more or less happy ?

2) Will corruption/administration challenges have improved ?

3) Will Spain be in the EURO ?

4) What will the general unemployment rate be ?

5) Will property values be less or more than they currently are ?

6) Will you be living in Spain & posting on EOS ??



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23 Oct 2012 2:44 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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You could have minimised your questions by saying.....

1. Does anyone have a crystal ball i can borrow?

If anyone knew the answers to these questions they could answer  number 6 with.....

No,I will be living on my own caribbean island withmy neighbours being Mr Branson and Mr Sugar.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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23 Oct 2012 2:47 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Hmm Crystal Ball stuff!!!

I hope that the average expat will be happier but I fear over 8 years (quite short term) they will be less.  This is because of austerity measures - and you could equally say the same about people in the UK.

Admin and corruption - two different things.  Unfortunately the austerity will bring more corruption, and admin challenges will stay the same.

Yes, Spain will not leave the Euro unless they are kicked out.

Unemployement as measured will be high - over 10%  Real unemployement (as in the UK) will be higher but hopefully less than now.

In 8 years - I dont think we will have seen a significant recovery in property prices.  Maybe after 10 years prices will creep up.

Yes to living in Spain - probably no to posting.  I don't like the personal nature of a lot of the postings now, but I might well still read it.  I will become a lurker.

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23 Oct 2012 2:53 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

"Does anyone have a crystal ball i can borrow"

Expected you to at least have a go at No 5 !!!

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23 Oct 2012 3:41 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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Would you have respected my opinion if i had??

Or maybe just copy and paste my posts with question marks behind,call me bullish,question my gender,repeatedly send me PM's asking me to post......

You constantly ask questions you think you know the answers to or question the replies if they dont fit your thinking.

Maybe you could bring something to the forum instead of just throwing the odd random question out and i may take you more seriously.

I should imagine in 2020 you will still be asking people what they think you should do....that i am sure of!

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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23 Oct 2012 3:46 PM by llegaralasestrellas Star rating in United Kingdom (BHX .... 58 posts Send private message

llegaralasestrellas´s avatar

I see a talk dark stranger....

OK, here's 2 euro-cents worth...


1) Will the average expat be more or less happy ?

It depends totally on the individual, and what country they are from. I imagine those depenent on public services such as healthcare will be having a harder time of it though.

2) Will corruption/administration challenges have improved ?


3) Will Spain be in the EURO ?

I'd say 70% chance that they will be. If they are not, it will mean there is no longer a Euro at all.

4) What will the general unemployment rate be ?

I'd hazard a guess around 15% - 17% overall, with perhaps 25% for youth, with a slow but fairly steady downward trend. However the underlying issues will not have been adressed, and unemployment will remain above the EU average.

5) Will property values be less or more than they currently are ?

More than now, but probabaly either at or slightly below peak levels in most cities. some areas, such as the costas, will likely experience a prolonged glut, with prices not reocvering to pre-crisis levels for a good ten years.

6) Will you be living in Spain & posting on EOS ??

Hopefully I'll have a job, a dog, a car, and a flat in Alicante city - at which point I shall sit on the beach in the height of summer, whilst drinking beer, reading the Sun and complaining why everyone speaks funny and don't 'ave proper fish and chips "like wot we 'ave back in England."  ;)




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23 Oct 2012 4:05 PM by Harry07 Star rating. 205 posts Send private message

1) Will the average expat be more or less happy ?

Somewhat more happy/content !

2) Will corruption/administration challenges have improved ?

A little !

3) Will Spain be in the EURO ?

Yes !

4) What will the general unemployment rate be ?


5) Will property values be less or more than they currently are ?

Generally more !

6) Will you be living in Spain & posting on EOS ??

3-6 months a year in Spain. Will have quit posting !


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23 Oct 2012 5:17 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 posts Send private message

 Georgia, I know you have had some uncalled for attacks in the past - but come on!  It is just a bit of fun surely?   I am sure Harry is capable of making his own decisions - in fact I don't believe anyone really comes on here for advice.  It is much easier to use the internet.  While you do find some interesting information - on cockroaches for example - you never really learn anything about living in Spain.   And that is fine.  I enjoy reading other people's experience.

I am sure Harry does not want to be taken seriously.  We all need to lighten up!

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23 Oct 2012 6:25 PM by tamaraessex Star rating in Colmenar, Malaga. 508 posts Send private message

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1) Will the average expat be more or less happy ? LESS, as most are likely to have less money.

2) Will corruption/administration challenges have improved ? NO, why would they?

3) Will Spain be in the EURO ? YES.

4) What will the general unemployment rate be ? A LITTLE LOWER THAN NOW.

5) Will property values be less or more than they currently are ? MORE, as they are currently falsely low IMHO.

6) Will you be living in Spain & posting on EOS ?? YES to living in Spain, NO to posting on EOS.



 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía.

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23 Oct 2012 6:45 PM by wend691 Star rating in Lincoln & Rojales (C.... 178 posts Send private message

Sorry - I think its a daft question! Who knows what Spain will look like in 3 years let alone 8 years time! Even economists probably wouldnt be able to come to any concrete conclusions about the Spain of the future.

If I knew the answer, I would know what to do about moving to my place in Spain (or not!)

As for answering question number 5, there are a number of other threads on EOS posing a similar question.


This message was last edited by wend691 on 23/10/2012.

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