¿Quien es tamaraessex?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... New resident of Andalucia, reasonable level of Spanish (did a blog entry about the subjunctive!), trying to grow a lemon tree on the patio.

Vivo en... Colmenar, Malaga

Me gusta... Keeping the lemon tree alive, making my home comfortable, improving my Spanish, and writing my blog http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/tamara.aspx

Trabajo de... Charity consultant and trainer on writing better fundraising applications www.tessex.co.uk

Mi firma en el foro es...

 Blog about settling into a village house in the Axarquía. http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/tamara.aspx

tamaraessex's latest forum comments

12 Sep 2015 1:34 PM:

Not all pueblos are miles from anywhere nor full of tumbleweed!  Yes, to folks that want to be right by the sea, 25 mins sounds an awfully long way.  But in the UK I lived in north Dorset and was an hour from the sea.  I do go to the beach a couple of times a month all year round, more in the summer, but it's not the main draw for me in Spain.  The pueblo has two ferreterías, 20 bars, two banks, an insurance broker, two Chinese bazaars, a big Post Office, a language school, a weekly street market, and the gas bottles are brought to the door twice a week.  Hardly tumbleweed!  And for me when I was planning where to live, the benefits of the pueblo lifestyle came top of the list.  Especially the absence of committee problems of urbanisation life, the absence of isolation and wifi problems of living up a long track campo-style, and the presence of a close community of Spanish families with whom to associate, go on trips with, and practise Spanish with.  It's certainly not for everyone!  I don't know many British people here but those I have met are usually appalled at the idea of living in a village, as they prefer their big villa out in the campo.  Mind you they sometimes have to stay in the village hotels when their tracks subside ...


This message was last edited by tamaraessex on 12/09/2015.
Thread: What would you do differently?

10 Sep 2015 4:49 PM:

I can't think of much I'd do differently.  I had made a start at learning the language (probably up to A2 level, more or less) before coming out full time, and chose an all-Spanish inland village in order to force myself to completely immerse in the language (much easier when you are on your own, obviously).  I live right in the centre so didn't have any of those illegal-building problems, nor a track that floods or subsides, nor problems getting internet.  The wonderful city of Málaga is just under half an hour away, and I stay down there in the historic centre a couple of nights a week to soak up the atmosphere and enjoy the local eateries.  The combination of village and city is just perfect for me.  I kept my cottage in Dorset and visit there for one week in ten, so keep close contact with friends (of course Facebook helps with that too).  Here in Spain I explore Andalucía and the lovely nearby mountains, eat out or in my neighbours' houses a few times a week, and life is good.  I work as a volunteer at a Málaga soup kitchen, which originally I began in order to get a different "type" of language practice, but now do it because I love being part of this much-needed organisation.  My favourite thing that happens rather regularly is when a Spaniard asks my nationality, and is then surprised when I say "English" and replies "But the English don't learn Spanish!" :-)


This message was last edited by tamaraessex on 10/09/2015.
Thread: What would you do differently?

23 Jul 2015 10:15 PM:

For the best value, I enrolled at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas - there are schools in all the big cities and a lot of larger towns too.  It is state-run and heavily subsidised - I'm doing the second year of B2, and the whole acadmic year costs me 50€ !!!

Thread: I'm frustrated by my inablity to learn Spanish

01 Jul 2015 1:15 PM:

I was going to suggest the Michel Thomas CDs and then saw that you have them!  I credit him with my ability to communicate before arriving here, and I credit about 3000 Spanish people who have helped me in large and small ways for reaching the level I have now (still trying to improve all the time though).  A good one-to-one intercambio partner is a joy, once found.  Try some intercambio groups, but the conversation is usually quite superficial so try and find someone there who you hit it off with, and fix one-to-one weekly meetings.  If it's of any interest, I finish most of my blog posts with a "language point" which may help!

Thread: I'm frustrated by my inablity to learn Spanish

01 Jul 2015 1:06 PM:

If you are not in the Spanish NHS, and not under private health cover, then I would suggest simply going to a private clinic rather than a laboratory.  That way the doctor at the clinic will take the blood, order the tests, and explain the results to you.  There are private medical clinics absolutely everywhere.

Thread: Need blood test done


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"Thoughts from a brand new home-owner in the Axarquía region of Málaga. I hope there might be some information and experiences of use to other new purchasers, plus the occasional line to provoke thought or discussion."
Last Updated: 3/26/2020 10:41:14 AM
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