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11 Oct 2010 9:01 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

quote spotshouse...The tourism dept has given a 3m€ payment to a spanish airline to fly from Madrid and bring spanish holiday makers from there.  I believe that what Ryanair are complaining of is why weren't they given anything... unquote

I read a report somewhere that said one of the main reasons for Ryanair essentially giving up on Murcia was that the Tourism minister flat out refused Ryanairs ransom of 11M € to continue operations.

We see this all the time so its not just Murcia that is refusing to kow-tow to O'Learys business methods.

In the UK they have pulled out of many airports, normally citing bums- on- seats / load factors as an excuse.

M.O'L once said he could make a profit with just 40% load factors, something other airlines can only dream about, but the simple fact is he goes into a new Airport, milks it dry, drives away the opposition and then pulls out. A bit like the Stagecoach Bus company did in the UK; as soon as the subsidies dry up they pull out.

When the UK destination airports for flights from Granada (East Midlands, Liverpool and Stansted) refused his revised terms Ryanair simply pulled the flights. From Granada  they now only fly to 2 Italian airports.

He has pulled all flights from Bournemouth for the winter, promising the punters and the Airport like Schwarzenneger "I'll be back!"

I've suggested it before and I'll suggest it again...It's high time the punters started voting with their feet and put this vaquero firmly back where he belongs.





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13 Oct 2010 1:57 PM by crostrad Star rating. 92 posts Send private message

So, we get rid of Ryanair. "Who you gonna call?"   I rather like being able to make frequent visits to our place in Valencia at a reasonable price.

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13 Oct 2010 3:44 PM by foxbat Star rating in Granada. 1112 posts Send private message

foxbat´s avatar

Simple fact of Ryanair trading activities unfortunately, however he is highly unlikely to pull out of the very lucrative Alicante  market.

All the time there's a fast buck to be made and someone prepared to go along with his shenanigans he'll be around.

"Who you gonna call...?

In my case anyone but Ryanair!  They never have gone to or from anywhere I'd want to go to or from anyway.

Flybe Malaga to  Southampton will do me just fine.





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13 Oct 2010 3:59 PM by ricky09 Star rating. 203 posts Send private message

Ryanair stopped flying to Futerventura last year.Easy jet then started flying and then Ryanair came back.That was said to be a dispute along the same lines.

Perhaps when Covera is open Easy Jet may fly there.

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