Banco de Espana average exchange rates for 2022

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31 Mar 2023 10:01 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

Good Morning

I am looking for a list of  Average exchange rates from Banco  de Espana  for 2022. This is to obtain the rate for Spanish Tax  purposes so I can convert the amount of Foreign Currency into Euros. I can not find the correct webpage at the moment.




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31 Mar 2023 10:27 AM by marcbernard Star rating in Marina Alta; Alicant.... 254 posts Send private message

I have it recorded that Banco de España says it was €1.17266 but my own personal records for actual FX when drawings were made over the year was €1.15973.

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31 Mar 2023 11:50 AM by windtalker Star rating. 1942 posts Send private message

All the information you are looking for is freely available on the also need to state what currency you are converting into euros. 

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11 Jan 2024 4:35 AM by rosydam Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

¡Buenos días!

I understand you're looking for average exchange rates from Banco de España for 2022 for Spanish tax purposes. Finding the right webpage can be tricky, but I can help!

Here are two options to obtain the average exchange rates for 2022:

1. Download the Statistical Bulletin:

  • Go to the Banco de España website
  • Click on "Estadísticas" (Statistics) in the top menu.
  • Choose "Publicaciones" (Publications) from the sub-menu.
  • On the Publications page, look for the "Boletín Estadístico" (Statistical Bulletin).
  • Download the relevant Statistical Bulletin for 2022 (likely the December issue).
  • Within the Statistical Bulletin, find the section on "Tipos de cambio" (Exchange Rates).

The Statistical Bulletin contains detailed tables with daily, monthly, and quarterly average exchange rates for various currencies against the Euro. You can use the monthly averages for your tax purposes.

2. Use the BIEST Time Series Search Engine:

  • Go to the Banco de España website
  • Click on "Estadísticas" (Statistics) in the top menu.
  • Choose "Otras clasificaciones" (Other classifications) from the sub-menu.
  • Click on "Publicaciones" (Publications).
  • On the Publications page, click on "Tipos de cambio" (Exchange Rates).
  • This page leads you to the BIEST Time Series Search Engine.
  • In the search engine, select the desired currency you want to convert to Euros.
  • Set the period to "2022" for the entire year.
  • Under "Periodicidad" (Frequency), choose "Mensual" (Monthly) to obtain monthly averages.
  • Click on "Buscar" (Search).

The BIEST engine will display a table with monthly average exchange rates for the chosen currency throughout 2022.

Additional Tips:

  • Make sure you download the correct Statistical Bulletin or select the appropriate currency and period in the BIEST engine.
  • The exchange rates provided by Banco de España are for informational purposes only. Your tax authorities might have specific rules or guidelines for using exchange rates for tax purposes. It's recommended to consult with a tax professional or your local tax office for specific guidance.

I hope this information helps you find the average exchange rates you need!

¡Buena suerte!


only up

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