Patio door repairs

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13 Oct 2021 5:33 PM by alexa Star rating. 71 posts Send private message


Can anyone recommend someone in the Los Alcazares area who can repair patio doors, one of our runners is wearing out and one of the doors is difficult to slide back.


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14 Oct 2021 11:14 PM by windtalker Star rating. 1942 posts Send private message

 Google it .

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15 Oct 2021 8:23 AM by chris 2477 Star rating. 63 posts Send private message

ALK. On the industrial estate, on the road to Torre Pacheco.

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25 Oct 2021 3:32 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Sliding doors / windows lift out.  The rollers which wear can be bought in most (ferreterias) hardware shops for a few euros. The average Handiman should not have any problems.


it's important to replace the rollers before the aluminium runners are damaged. That is a more expensive and difficult job 


This message was last edited by johnzx on 10/25/2021.

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12 May 2022 8:20 AM by mallorybiv Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

** EDITED - Against forum rules - spam**


This message was last edited by mallorybiv on 5/12/2022.

This message was last edited by eos_moderators on 5/12/2022 6:09:00 PM.

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