ICP Installationn

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27 Jan 2012 12:00 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

 Hi Alex

I have 3 Phase electricity supply in my apartment,My Potentia is 6.928kw and my ICP fitted is only for 10amps.Is this correct.I using a 2300 heater which is tripping my ICP ocassionally.


Many Thanks



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28 Jan 2012 12:26 AM by laird dave of lochaber Star rating in San Miguel De Salina.... 180 posts Send private message

no this isnt correct your ICP is too low for usage. Get a Qualified electrician to correct


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28 Jan 2012 1:50 AM by costa.del.sky Star rating. 97 posts Send private message

Hello Nigel,

Ive dropped you a PM, You should have a 30amp ICP fitted, not 10amp. Itll always be tripping at that ampage. Its obviously a case of wrong ICP ampage fitted. Ive seen a house with a 7.5amp one fitted, they couldnt turn on even the oven without it tripping.



This message was last edited by costa.del.sky on 28/01/2012.

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