community charges for special repairs - help needed.

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16 Oct 2009 12:00 AM by reni Star rating. 2 posts Send private message


We are non-resident and have an apartment in Javea in a block with 10 residents. All others are Spanish. Some emergency work needed to be done to the drains at a cost of 4000 euros each. Payments are collected monthly. So far we have made 6 payments but we now found out that only 4 of us have paid and all others own to date 14,000 euros, including outstanding community charges. All the money should have been collected by now as the remedial work was going to be done in conjunction with Javea  towns renewal of drains/mains. As all the money has not been collected it will now cost even more for the work when it will eventually be done. What I do not understand is, 2 properties are restaurants and some of the flats are also rented out by the owners, why can the admin company not make them pay? Apparently it has now all been passed on to solicitors. One flat is up for sale, but nothing is selling at the moment and nobody has any money. How can they get blood out of a stone? Do we get interest on our money and can we stop further payments?
Sorry, this is a bit long, but lots of communities must be in the same boat at the moment.

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19 Oct 2009 2:26 AM by deniseatnycs Star rating in Sol Golf Nr Villamar.... 136 posts Send private message

deniseatnycs´s avatar

Hi Irene

Welcome to Eye on Spain.  Yes I am afraid that non payment of Community fees is a very common problem and those of us who do pay on the dot end up subsidising those who rarely or indeed never pay.  If you look on the Community section you will see many posts on the subject and the only saving grace is that the debtors do eventually get taken to court and in the worse cases end up having their property sold at auction to cover the debt.

If the issue with the problem debtors has been passed through to the solicitors via your Administrator then this will mean that your President has taken the first steps to bring the debtors to court which is good news.  The bad news is that in certain cases this can take years although going by my own experiences many owners pay when they get the letter citing court action as they have to pay court costs on top of any outstanding fees if this goes ahead.

The fact that apartments are rented out and two are commercial premises will not make a difference to demanding payment if the owners do not/will not pay only the courts can make them.  Sorry also to have to say, that you will not get any interest on payments made into the Community unless this money is in an interest bearing account but even then the interest would go back into the Community coffers and not be returned to individual owners.  Yes you can stop future payments but if the extra charge was decided at an A.G.M.or E.G.M.  you too could become debtors if the payments are not made so maybe this area should be looked into more closely before making a decision.  Hope this helps.



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19 Oct 2009 11:20 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9402 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


I would need to take a look to the Community of owners agreement for those reparations in order to see if you can/ cannot stop paying. It all depends if reciprocal obnligations have or have not been met.




Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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19 Oct 2009 12:02 PM by reni Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Many thanks for your friendly welcome and replies.

We did not attend the meeting, when all this was decided, but here is an extract of the meeting notes:


FACHADA.- Algunos vecinos ponen de manifiesto que D. Antonio Marques siempre ha dado su conformidad a dichas obras, al tiempo que se trataba de reparaciones necesarias en el edificio, por lo que si la inquilina del local comercial quiere hacer algiin tipo de reclamacion, deberia ser directamente contra el propietario y no contra la Comunidad.
Interviene el Sr. Administrador quien informa que efectivamente, el acuerdo fue aprobado por unanimidad de todos los propietarios y por lo tanto no cabe ninguna reclamacion al respecto, asi mismo la Comunidad de Propietarios ha cumplido con la obligacion de hacer las reparaciones necesarias para garantizar la habitabilidad del inmueble, por lo que entiende que no procede el pago de ninguna indemnizacion.
Los presentes rechazan la propuesta por unanimidad.
3° REPARACION DE LAS CANALIZACIONES DE AGUAS PLUVIALES Y DE FECALES DEL EDIFICIO. APROBACION DE UNA DERRAMA EN SU CASO.- Toma la palabra el Sr. Administrador quien procede a exponer que el motivo de la presente Junta es esencialmente el problema existente en las canalizaciones de aguas residuales del edificio, ya que se producen continues atascos debido al deteriorado estado de las instalaciones, lo que provoca la salida de aguas fecales en los locales comerciales. En este sentido se convoco una Junta de propietarios en el que se acordaron unas obras a realizar, si bien, siguiendo las indicaciones de D. Antonio Marques, se ha podido comprobar que dichas obras no eran adecuadas, ya que no resolvian el problema en su totalidad.
Dichas obras consistirian en la apertura del suelo del local de D. Miguel Soriano y la zona de las cocinas y de los aseos del local de D. Antonio Marques, al objeto de cambiar todas las canalizaciones de desagiies por otras nuevas de PVC, hasta conectar con la arqueta general existente en la calle. Por otra parte se colocara una valvula anti retorno al objeto de evitar que entre el agua procedente de las viviendas y de la calle. El coste de dichas obras asciende a un total de 24.206€.
Con todo lo anterior, se pone de manifiesto por parte de los vecinos el elevado coste que suponen dichas obras, asi como la dificultad de afrontar el pago de los recibos, al tiempo que se pone de relieve que al tratarse de una reparacion con caracter de urgencia no se debe demorar en el tiempo. Finalmente se propone solicitar la financiacion de los industriales que haran la obra, de forma que se pueda acometer a la mayor brevedad posible.
Finalmente se acuerda por mayoria con el voto en contra de D. Juan Esteban, siempre que lo acepten los industriales, contratar las obras de inmediato y emitir seis derramas mensuales por importe de 4.0346 cada una. Por otra parte se pone de relieve la diffcil situacion de Dna. Joaquina Blanco, por lo que los asistentes acuerdan no reclamarle el pago inmediato de dichos recibos, y otorgarle un plazo de tiempo razonable.

There are 10 parties, and only 4 of us have paid so far 2017 each and another payment coming out now for 403 euros. So basically we have paid. Some have not paid the community charges as well. Will we have to pay for the non-payers eventually? When I went to see the admin company (Eumar) last months and ask for a statement they had a laugh as there is 14,234 outstanding, so far. I am getting quite worried about it all.


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