No escritura

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15 Jun 2022 1:02 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

 but i can't find anyone to help me with this.

When you say above, do you mean even a Solicitor or Lawyer cant help you?

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15 Jun 2022 1:50 PM by Vidaflora Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I have talked to a lawyer but he said he needed documents,  i have none.. 

The only thing i have is proof that we are paying for all these years but that is all 

I have some papers but the lawyer said they are useless.


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15 Jun 2022 2:05 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message

Have a word with the Lawyer that posts on here, Maria, small search on here would probably find her, then send a message, worth a go because by all accounts she's excellent for problems that have cropped up on here.

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15 Jun 2022 5:58 PM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

Here is her email address


This message was last edited by nigel188 on 6/15/2022.



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17 Jun 2022 1:56 PM by ads Star rating. 4128 posts Send private message

In a previous thread back in 2014 Maria wrote thus on the thread titled  House purchase but no escritura!, so perhaps she could update of what realistic possibilities exist now ( if any) given this specific circumstance.

Do not cease till having the escritura and full prove of registration at the Land Registry. After one year, if there are lawyers liabilities involved, action will be expired.

You always have 15 years to act the seller to meet with you at the Notary for the signing of this.

A house with no escritura cannot be sold, mortgaged....., even rented--- if the problem is a lack of license.

Serious business


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA





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23 Jun 2022 9:20 AM by nigel188 Star rating in Estepona. 655 posts Send private message

Good Morning 

You will have to visit your Local Notary Office  as soon as possible and pay a fee for a Land Registry Search. You must giev them as much information as your can. See helpful website below

Good Luck



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