Parking Fines in Spain

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28 Nov 2013 1:08 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Baz   bet you wouldn't be putting 200€ in an envelope 

Please pay attention, I said,  "I believe around 6 euros"  It jumps up if not paid voluntarily using the money in the envelope MO.


Don't talk about parking here now in the UK

We were not.    The clue was:  "Parking Fines Spain"




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28 Nov 2013 1:44 PM by baz1946 Star rating. 2327 posts Send private message


Please pay attention, I said,  "I believe around 6 euros"  It jumps up if not paid voluntarily using the money in the envelope MO.

Yes you did say this,  but also the parking fine mentioned is 200.00€ and i mealy said "I bet you wouldn't be putting this in a envelope and putting back in the parking meter", and YOU know exactly what what was meant by that!  so don't come across as all high and mighty as to be not understanding what others post because your intelligence is above that.

And don't tell me to pay attention to what you posted in some type of condescending manner as if it's only your posts that have substance, this is not school time.


( I cannot comment on what happens in other countries ).

Which is what you said,  again i mealy commented on what does happen in "Other countries" namely the UK in this instance as a matter of pleasant normal conversation.

What is it with you? ....A forum can bounce about varying the subject somewhat...Thats what forums do...Or is it that they can only be answered if they are only to your liking... Or if they only apply to what you post.

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28 Nov 2013 2:50 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message

Baz, you may believe you understand, but then you say something which makes it appear that you may not.  For example there   was no suggestion that one should, or even can,  put anything but the ‘instant payment’ of maybe 6 euros, in the envelope.  Those who live here know that any subsequent amount which becomes payable, say because the instant payment was not made, is paid at the Town Hall/by Burofax or whatever applies in that case.


As for mentioning other countries, that cannot be helpful for those (even those from UK, but especially those from other parts of the world) who need to know what they must do in Spain.


This message was last edited by johnzx on 28/11/2013.

This message was last edited by johnzx on 28/11/2013.

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12 Feb 2014 6:12 PM by johnmcmahon Star rating. 335 posts Send private message

you can pay parking fines at the Post Office. The charge is 5 euros

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