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13 Jun 2009 12:00 AM by alamred Star rating. 242 posts Send private message

Can anyone help i am trying to track down contact numbers for :-


Jaqui Cotterill, deputy mayor, percent, Alicante and Sean O'curreen both of CDL party and David Hammersmith MEP.


We are fighting against the above crooked builder who alongside cam bank have stolen millions of clients money in deposits.


Clayton GEs we are sure are about to declare themselves bankrupt and do the traidtional spanish developer "runner". Plead poverty and set up a new business to rip people off again under a new name.


I am determined to not let my money disappear into crooked spain.


Any help would be gratefully received

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20 Jun 2009 5:54 PM by gaz7902 Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Hi,  Please can you contact me on 07793144346 as my friend seems to be in the same position as you, he bought 2 properties quite a while ago and put his deposits in etc.. but has never heard anything since then.  I said I would try to help him find out what is happening so it would be good to know where you are upto with getting deposits back or making contact with the developer



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20 Jun 2009 9:49 PM by alamred Star rating. 242 posts Send private message

Antonio has done a runner, never answers his phone mobile or phone, gerado has been sacked aparently, darren has disappeared to his apartment in torreviejca, the office in murcia are shut down, dragonares are off site.


Not good


Suggest your friend appoints lawyer fast

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16 Jul 2009 10:51 AM by bobbyjob Star rating. 2 posts Send private message

Seems the company cleytonges has changed hands in june this year

antono gomis has gone. someone called gregario calvo obarrio is the administor of the company now.

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16 Jul 2009 10:55 AM by alamred Star rating. 242 posts Send private message

Booby joy - where did you get that information from?


PM if required

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17 Sep 2009 4:23 PM by Las Higuericas Finca Parcs Star rating. 7 posts Send private message


An official company statement will be issued on Monday 21st September 2009. The notification will give full details of the procedure that must be taken in order for clients to apply for a full refund of monies paid in relation to reservations of properties situated on las Higuericas Finca Parcs.  This procedure will apply also to clients who are still awaiting Bank Guarantees, these clients will receive full refund facilities.

Administration Department

Las Higuericas Finca Parcs

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21 Sep 2009 9:47 PM by Las Higuericas Finca Parcs Star rating. 7 posts Send private message



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22 Sep 2009 2:28 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

I do not know if it is because of this new availability by Cleyton Ges-CAM or becuase we already won a case against the Bank when executing guarantees in this development, but things seem to be changing as CAM used to go to Courts before adn now it seems they are willing to refund out of Court.

Let´s hope the best! Let´s hope things are progresing for better!




Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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22 Sep 2009 2:44 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Looking at the statement I have a question Maria

Why does the buyer have to cancel the contract surely if as the statement says they are not going to finish the the development, and to allow an easy claim aganist the BG, the developer should cancel the buyers contracts or am I being too suspicious

I just know what has happened at places like Fortunal Hills with people trying to make claims  

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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22 Sep 2009 2:52 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

I do not know if I understood your questions correctly  Roy, but here you have my answers:

For clients with BG: It is necessary to sign a cancellation document so no further claims can be performed between the parties( it is necessary an express agreement regarding no future claims), and the developer or whoever takes charge of the development can sell the properties to new people without incurring in a criminal offence.

For clients without BG: It is also necessary to cancel the contract for the same above mentioned reasons.

Hope this clarifies.

Best regards,



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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22 Sep 2009 3:03 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Thanks Maria that explains it exactly and I am certain that the buyers with queries will now understand

Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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22 Sep 2009 3:52 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Thank you Roy!



Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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05 Oct 2009 7:46 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Ana is no longer answering the Finca Parcs Refunds mobile number.

The phone is now answered by a gentleman who gave his name to me as Max Kite.  He said that he has been employed by Cleyton GES to collate "a list of all Finca Parcs clients who are willing to accept a full refund of deposit paid with the addition of 6% interest"  Max said that in order to move onto the next stage of the refunds process they need to complete the full list of all clients willing to accept a refund as soon as possible.

So please call Max directly on 0034 686 767 921 and register your details as soon as possible.

Alternatively if you have a Legal Representative please ask them to contact Max as soon as possible to register your details.

Not sure what happened to the Official Communication that was being translated from Spanish to English for release at the end of last week..................


LEY 57/1968


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06 Oct 2009 8:48 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

We obtained a spanish version of the plan and a copy of a Bank Guarantee similar to the one that is going to be proposed to clients. It seems HSBC and another Arab bank will be backing the operation but... at least to my knowledge... nothing confirmed.


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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25 Nov 2009 6:13 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message


For almost 3 years I have been part of a group of 8 Finca Parcs purchasers who were never issued with the legally required Bank Guarantees from Cleyton GES/Finca Parcs and CAM Bank.  We reserved in November 2006 and have been chasing the developer and bank since that date.  During this time we have collected a huge amount of correspondence and evidence in this matter.

In the last 2 months our group has grown to 31 Finca Parcs purchasers with a total of 40 plots and we are adding new members each week.

I am co-ordinating the group and we have submitted all the required data to Max Kite at Finca Parcs Refunds.  Max Kite has been like a breath of fresh air and has replied to every email I have sent him on behalf of the group.  In 3 years of dealing with Cleyton GES we have never received such prompt responses to our communications.  Unfortunately, Max Kite is only employed by Cleyton GES solely for the collection and collation of data and as such his role is very limited.

As a group we have supported the refunds process by submitting the required data (copies of Sales Agreements and Bank Transfer Documents) and allowing Cleyton GES some time to carry out negotiations with the Arab Investment Group who we understand are interested in purchasing Cleyton GES/Finca Parcs for the value of the debts.  However, we now feel the Refunds Process is taking far longer than originally stated and we still have no tangible evidence to suggest that it will lead to a refund as promised.

In their last official communication issued on 9 November 2009, Cleyton GES stated:

To date, we have collated approximately 95% of all of the documents necessary for us to calculate the precise figure for the new investment company.

Until we have a 100% of the documentation it is not going to be possible to give the exact completion date for each client but we are hopeful to be able to give all concerned a solid date by Christmas.

May we reiterate the urgency and utmost importance that the few outstanding clients contact us by internet or telephone to facilitate the transfer of documentation, so that we can bring closure to this complicated situation.”

Therefore to avoid Cleyton GES continuing to use the above as a reason for delay we would urge all Finca Parcs purchasers with or without Bank Guarantees to register with Max Kite at Finca Parcs Refunds either by telephone on:
0034 686767921 or by email to:

Purchasers with Bank Guarantees should then be able to execute their Bank Guarantee with CAM Bank.

However, as a group, all without the legally required Bank Guarantees, we are determined that justice must prevail and all innocent purchasers who were never issued with the legally required Bank Guarantees should receive a full refund together with the addition of legal interest.  This is a very serious and complex situation and therefore as a group we are unable to give a 100% guarantee of success to anyone, however you can be sure we will leave no stone unturned in the fight to uncover the truth and recover our deposits.

We have legal representation in this matter from Maria Luisa de Castro of Costaluz Lawyers and have secured a reduced level of legal fees due to the number of purchasers in our group.

Our legal team have studied the case together with a professor of Spanish Law and we are now ready to commence legal/criminal proceedings in this matter.

If you have NOT received the legally required Bank Guarantee from CAM Bank and Cleyton GES and would like to join our group then please send me a private message via EoS or send me an email with your name and plot number.

I will then reply with full details of our group and the information we require from you.

Kind regards


Mobile:          07956 375749
Intl:              0044 7956 375749


LEY 57/1968


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25 Nov 2009 6:50 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 posts Send private message

Vip Supporter

Hi Keith I would like to congratulate you on the choice of your legal council and if anybody can Maria can help you

You probably know that I had some ctitism when I was asked to visit the site by a foreign investment group and, after my report and their due diligence they decided not to invest and again I got stick for thise comments

It worries me to read on another thread that the developers havre been fined €365k for not providing BG´s, really stupid taking more money from the pot  owed to people

Really the only problem that I have with the statement is that they have a get out stating that they have to get 100% response which I believe is impossible as some investors will have disappeared and written off any money owed



Roy Howitt Independent Property Consultant WE CAN FIND YOUR DREAM HOME 627 955 748

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02 Dec 2009 12:01 AM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Hi Roy

Thanks for your comments.

We have been fighting with Cleyton GES and CAM Bank for 3 years in an effort to receive our legally required Bank Guarantees.  Despite many promises and assurances that they would be issued we still find ourselves without them.  As you know the development is now abandoned and the project in it's present form under Cleyton GES is cancelled.

CAM Bank and Cleyton GES have been acting illegally since at least 2004 with regards to the Finca Parcs development.  We have members of our group who paid reservation deposits as long ago as 2004 and have never received the legally required Bank Guarantees.

I remember reading your reports on the forum when you were asked to view the site on behalf and an investment group.  I seem to remember that the Finca Parcs sales office seemed very reluctant to provide you with directions to the site, let alone meet you and respond to your constructive comments!!

With regards to your comments in relation to a 100% response to the Refunds Process, I totally agree with you.  With the first reservations having been taken in 2004 we are now 5 years on and of course it will be impossible to get a 100% response for a number of reasons.

As I mentioned above, our own fight has been going on for 3 years.  We now have 36 members in our group with 45 plots between us and our group is growing by the day.  We now have a strong legal team representing us which includes a Professor of Spanish Law.  We will continue for as long as it takes and will leave no stone unturned in our fight for our legal rights and for the return of our deposits in full with interest.

We have a gathered a huge amount of evidence over the past 3 years in relation to Cleyton GES SL, Finca Expert SL and CAM Bank.  If the Refunds Process does not lead to the promised refunds for all then we will have no hesitation in submitting all our evidence to the courts.

We are innocent purchasers and justice must prevail.

Thanks once again for your support.

Kind regards





LEY 57/1968


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02 Dec 2009 2:58 AM by Frik Star rating. 9 posts Send private message


I would like to encourage anyone reading Keith's post below who is at risk of losing money on Finca Parcs to support the action being planned by the Finca Parks Action Group.

Keith has worked tirelessly for nearly 3 years now to expose the corruption that has taken place in respect of this development. He has accumulated a mountain of facts and documentary evidence that can be used as evidence against both the developer and the bank which funded this development.

The momentum for action to expose and bring to book, unscrupulous Spanish developers and bankers who brazenly disregard the law, is building as more and more evidence of their dubious business practices emerges by the day. 

It is totally unacceptable that  the kind of dishonest and unethical business practices to which many investors in Finca Parcs and countless other Spanish developments have been subjected, are still tolerated within an EU member state.

The struggle for justice in this and other similar cases will not be easy or straightforward. What is required is for concerted and relentless group action, backed by professional legal expertise, to challenge the developers and banks in the Spanish courts. We must NOT give up until we win! 

In addition, we need to be proactive in taking steps to influence public perceptions through the media, about the risks of doing business in Spain, which from my experience, is a country easily on a par with Nigeria in the corruption stakes! In particular we need to identify the major offenders from amongst the ranks of developers and banks and ensure that they are placed on a 'blacklist' and that this list is widely publicised throughout Europe. This 'offenders register' would be an effective tool for warning potential buyers about who not to do business with in Spain.

This will eventually shame the Spanish government and cause them to take decisive action to bring their archaic regulatory processes into line with the rest of civilised Europe and to impose control over the dishonest developers and banks who have done so much in recent years, to damage the reputation of the Spanish property market. 

Please get in touch with Keith or myself, if you feel passionate about this issue and if you wish to actively support action to make a difference.

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02 Dec 2009 8:56 AM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9419 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

Yes, Keith deserves all the support and encouragement! We are ready to go!


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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02 Dec 2009 6:33 PM by Keith110 Star rating in the UK and I am lead.... 681 posts Send private message

Thanks Maria.  We are ready to go also!!

Kind regards





LEY 57/1968


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