September 2023 NEW Inheritance tax law

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21 Dec 2023 4:06 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

Just read that this law, also applicable in Murcia has reduced the tax to 99.9 % , for groups 1-4 of family members.

Just wondering if this includes non Spanish as well.

Anyone know ?

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21 Dec 2023 9:18 PM by mariedav Star rating in Ciudad Quesada. 1221 posts Send private message

The tax applies to everyone regardless of residency or whether EU or non EU. 

Like Valencia, this is a Spanish law so can't actually be abolished but giving a 99% tax free allowance means you won't pay anything but it only applies to groups 1 and 2 and other groups can get a 50% allowance. 

Murcia introduced this from 2018 but only for Groups 1 and 2 so I'm assuming you are saying they have just included groups 3 and 4 as well.


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21 Dec 2023 10:56 PM by floella Star rating in SE Spain. 803 posts Send private message

mariedav, according to Bevin Franks, since September ALL family members included although ersonally only interested in 1 & 11.

Must say fantastic news. Cheers.

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11 Jan 2024 3:03 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9413 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar


In Spain, the Inheritance and Gift Tax includes reductions and deductions to lessen the tax burden. These vary based on the relationship between the donor and the beneficiary, the value of the inheritance or donation, and the personal circumstances of the beneficiary. Each autonomous community may set its own rules and limits for these reductions. Additionally, specific deductions are available for cases like family businesses or agricultural properties.

Two blogposts on Spain IHT below:


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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