Statutes not registered..........

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22 Jan 2012 12:00 AM by Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Hi Guys, I am the president of a community with 83 units. It has come to my attention the the statutes of the community were not registered with the town hall 30 years ago when the complex was developed. I am told that as the community has used the rules and accepted them as valid for the last thirty years then they are deemed to be valid and legal. Can anyone comment on this please ? Thanks.

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24 Jan 2012 1:38 PM by Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Helllooooo ? Anyone here ? 

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24 Jan 2012 2:00 PM by Fighter2 Star rating. 237 posts Send private message

I think the appropriate place is not with the Town Hall but the Land Registry in your town / district.... go and ask them.


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26 Jan 2012 5:32 PM by mariadecastro Star rating in Algeciras (Cadiz). 9413 posts Send private message

mariadecastro´s avatar

 yes Scotty. Statutes need te be registered at the Land Registry not at the Local Council


Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA



El blog de Maria

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27 Jan 2012 2:23 AM by Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Thank you for the reply Maria, I will tell the administrators to get them registered. Meanwhile as we have all obeyed the rules as if they had been registered would a court view them as legal if we had a dispute with one owner that was breaking the rules of the community ? 

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04 Feb 2012 3:19 AM by Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

Any more comments Maria ? Please ..............

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21 Mar 2012 5:50 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


Are there not two different things here?

Statutes (Estatutes).

Registered and tell the President how to run the Conjuncto (ie community must have x officers, is responsible for exterior works etc) and need 100% of owners to vote in favour to change them.

Rules of the community.

Unregistered and tell the community members what they can & can't do (ie keep animals, play ball, ride bikes etc). These can be changed by a simple majority at an AGM/EGM.


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23 Mar 2012 7:45 AM by Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

AGM tomorrow, all will be revealed.

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