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Official EOS Blog

We're always working really hard to bring you new and exciting features to Eye on Spain. We also make plenty of mistakes so we want to use this blog to keep you up to date with what's new (and what's wrong) with EOS.

Eye on Spain is 7 years old today!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well, we'd planned a few things for today but in the end we decided to make it a low key affair, but yes, today EOS is officially seven years old.

Most people are very familiary with the story of how EOS came to be and how tough it was in the early days, but today the site continues to go from strength to strength and whilst people use it we will do our best to keep developing it.

Seeing as Seven is considered to be a lucky number I hope that during our seventh year we have more positive news and stories to report. 

It's tough in Spain at the moment. We are in mid July and still many bars and restaurants aremaking less than half of what they were taking this time last year.

Let's hope that year seven becomes the turning point not just for businesses here but also for those who have had some seriously bad luck in buying property in Spain.

That just leaves me to thank all of our members and visitors who without yourcontinued interest and interaction with EOS there wouldn't be a website at all.  You all make the website what it is.

So thanks to you all and we look forward to giving you a better and more fun online experience with us over the next 12 months.


Justin and Team.

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