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Official EOS Blog

We're always working really hard to bring you new and exciting features to Eye on Spain. We also make plenty of mistakes so we want to use this blog to keep you up to date with what's new (and what's wrong) with EOS.

Fortnightly newsletter
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I forgot to post about this last week...oops

During July and August our newsletter will be going out every 2 weeks instead of weekly.  It's whilst we catch up on so much backlog of work and the fact that so many people are currently off on holiday so no one reads it anyway!

In September we'll be reverting back to our usual weekly email.

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When things go wrong...
Monday, July 21, 2008

Some of you may have noticed that the website was done earlier for a couple of hours.  Well, it was actually something to do with the "nameservers" for the domain.

It's always quite worrying when things affect the site and it goes offline.  The main worry is to do with the search engines.  If it keeps going down then they don't visit as often.  Seeing as 40% of the traffic to EOS comes through the search engines then it can be quite a worrying time.

The worst thing about it all is that we're at the mercy of the companies we pay to keep everything running!  Some of the companies we use are US based, the others UK based.  Which ones do you think give us the best service?

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