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17 Mar 2017 6:28 PM by BLUEPAUL Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

If you are an owner at the HACEINDA ALAMO GOLF RESORT MURCIA  you need to join our facebook page now at........haceinda alamo golf resort

All the latest resort news views questions on any subject and usually the answeres too.

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17 Mar 2017 10:10 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message

Why not use the forum here?

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17 Mar 2017 10:23 PM by newworld Star rating. 942 posts Send private message

Many owners on these resorts move from EOS to owners only forums or facebook,that way it keeps it on topic with owners ,and it stops people on the outside from butting in.

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18 Mar 2017 2:33 PM by BLUEPAUL Star rating. 28 posts Send private message

We feel our own facebook page is more accurate and more up to date. Also all owners are involved

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Previous Threads

Ceiling fans - 2 posts
Long Term Rental rules and advice - 7 posts
Water heater whistles - 12 posts
Hello - 2 posts
Hola! New and moving to Spain!!(Tenerife Los cris) - 2 posts
Real Ale Orihuela Costa - 8 posts
Ziggy - 6 posts
Property Purchase has gone wrong! - 98 posts
Well water - 15 posts
Fire place issue - 11 posts
electric bill - 2 posts
President using a proxy at a board meeting. - 2 posts
Yellow Rain - 10 posts
NIE HELP - 17 posts
Lawyer needed - Casares costa. - 2 posts
coto real - 0 posts
Moving to Spain - 8 posts
Lapsed planning permission - 0 posts
When do we need to register? - 26 posts
road trip through the pyranee - 2 posts
Air conditioning work - 9 posts
Keith Rule, Maria de Castro and SpanishReclaim - 19 posts
Scam regarding Actions Against banks Law 57/68 - 5 posts
Floor clauses - 9 posts

Number of posts in this thread: 4

DISCLAIMER:  All opinions posted on these message boards are the opinion solely of the poster and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Eye on Spain, its servants or agents.

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