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08 Oct 2012 4:04 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

I have contacted iberswitch and asked them to look at what people are saying about them-should be an interesting argument.

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08 Oct 2012 7:12 PM by Bloomsie Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

 very interesting!!

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16 Oct 2012 6:19 AM by sidyid Star rating in Gebas, Sierrra espun.... 32 posts Send private message

 I own a hotel on the Siertra espuña and have been with Iberswitch for 8 months, I have not had a bill from them for 3 months now and when I do it tends to be about 3 weeks after they have removed the money from my bank account (and being a hotel tends to be 1000s rather than 100s), I have also had a letter from Iberdrolla informing me that Iberswitch (Elecval) have not paid for my last lot of Electricity so they are cutting my supply in mid November, I have asked Iberswitch for an explanation and await their response.

I thought that Iberdrola were bad but now think that I will be going back to them shortly, I do no think that any corporate company in Spain is any good, they have nil customer services and are only interested in ripping off the public as they have a licence to print money!

Living it up at THE HOTEL LA MARIPOSA!

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16 Oct 2012 8:46 PM by Oscar15 Star rating. 7 posts Send private message

 Don't touch them with a bargepole. They took 35 euros from me 2 years ago and did nothing. For the past year I have been trying to get my money returned, I have e mailed, phoned and written and have now given up hope of having my money returned. They will not save you money as their charges will use up any money you save on your electricity consumption. They are con merchants stay well away, if you are with Iberdrola stick with them.

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16 Oct 2012 9:32 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Iberdrola sent letters out as scare tactics, hoping to put people off Iberswitch. You will not be cut off. I have had several of them. I contacted Iberswitch who told me to ignore them. Iberdrola IS paid. money for the bill is taken out by the electricity company, not Iberswitch itself.They do not now keep any of the savings you make-that was waived last year. Iberswitch do know about this site.

If you have any concerns, phone or e mail them-I have never had any trouble getting in touch with them.

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17 Oct 2012 4:12 AM by sidyid Star rating in Gebas, Sierrra espun.... 32 posts Send private message


This is the reply that I received very quickly.
10:06 (18 hours ago)
to Casa
Dear Mr +++++++
The recent changes we have made to the billing of your electricity supply should hopefully mean the last of this kind of letter from Iberdrola.
We believe the general idea of their letters has been to cause concern and worry to our customers, in a bid to win them back. There can be no other reason as the basis of their letter is unfounded. Naturally, they have covered themselves with the line of very small print they have added to the base of the letter itself:
"This notification is void if the payment referred to has already been paid"
The fact is, the "issue" they refer to was dealt with long before the letter was even posted. They have sensationalised something which was a non-issue to begin with and, added credibility to their claim simply by sending the letter by registered post.
You are no longer a customer of Iberdrola and they should not be contacting you, for any reason other than related to the external installation or, the ICP switch.
Having dealt with monopoly companies in Spain for many years, we suffered similar experiences with Telefonica when the phone system was deregulated. All threats were without substance but worrying nevertheless.
I am sorry you have received these letters for which we have had no control. Please be assured, we will do whatever needs to be done in order to protect our customers from what we consider to be, harassment.
The delay in producing your electricity bills is purely down to the billing name change from Elecval to Cenermed, but we have been assurred that bills are being produced and you should receive one soon.
Assuring you of our best intentions at all times.
Kind regards
The Care Team

Living it up at THE HOTEL LA MARIPOSA!

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05 Jul 2013 12:24 PM by sidyid Star rating in Gebas, Sierrra espun.... 32 posts Send private message

 Stay away from IBERSWITCH, yet again the company that they use to supply electricity to my hotel have just taken a huge amount of money from my account without even asking, I have received no factura or demand...they just took it (1750€) I spoke to the "customer care team" and I use the term loosely and they do not care, I am going back to Iberdrolla at least they inform me that they are robbing me.

Living it up at THE HOTEL LA MARIPOSA!

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05 Jul 2013 2:56 PM by Bloomsie Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

 IBERSWITCH ARE THE BIGGEST BUNCH OF CON ARTIST'S I HAVE EVER HAD THE MISS FORTUNE OF MEETING!!...once again it's lets con the Expats!!....you can cancel with them but make sure you have all angles covered!!

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05 Jul 2013 4:09 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

If you have a problem with Iberswitch let them know. I's normal to take money out of the account before receiving a bill-It's the company that takes it out, not iberswitch. Surely if you contact them, give your reading, they will contact the company to investigate.


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06 Jul 2013 6:31 AM by sidyid Star rating in Gebas, Sierrra espun.... 32 posts Send private message

 As stated I had let Iberswitch know but they did not want to know or want to help, I have had nothing but problems with Iberswitch, my electric bills are 1000€ a month and they do not give 2 hoots about us, they offered absolutely no solution.

And it may be normal from where you come from for a company to take money from your account without sending you a factura first but It certainly is not normal from where I come from and even Iberdrolla send me a factura before removing money from my account.

Living it up at THE HOTEL LA MARIPOSA!

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06 Jul 2013 10:36 AM by Bloomsie Star rating. 8 posts Send private message

go to Iberdrola...or who ever your Electric campay is/was  take an up to date reading...tell them your problems and that you wish to return to them, and could they help you with any outstanding bills, also take your latest bill.....once your have arranged to pay your bills direct to the electrical company....cancel all direct debits and send Iberswitch an email to cancel with them as well and also ask them for a OCA DE RECLAMACION....if they don't have one you can report them to the polic, as every business should have these forms!!....also with Iberdrola you can get your bills on line if you register with them 

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06 Jul 2013 12:44 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Sidyid-Is the problem that your bills are a lot more since joining iberswitch, or that you don't get the bill before they take the money?

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07 Jul 2013 12:50 AM by sidyid Star rating in Gebas, Sierrra espun.... 32 posts Send private message

 No, the problem is they don't care, have no customer service and a huge attitude problem toward their customers, Not sure at all if I am saving money because electricity has gone through the roof since I have been with Iberswitch so I no longer have a comparison, when I told them that I wanted to switch back to Iberdrola the woman from Iberswitch told me that as I was cancelling they would not be prepared to transfer me back to Iberdrola as I was no longer an Iberswitch customer.


The electricity company that I pay the money to for my power have taken the money from my account (1750€) for 2 months electric last week and I still have not received a Factura, not one other company does this to me, I am ordering solar this week, 9000€ for enough solar power to run my hotel, recouped in a year!

Sod em all!

Living it up at THE HOTEL LA MARIPOSA!

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08 Jul 2013 2:22 PM by camposol Star rating in Camposol. 1406 posts Send private message

Some of the comments on this thread could be described as slanderous, and from people who have never used their services. I'm not sticking up for them, they can do that themselves, but I would be wary of making comments taht maybe you can't back up!

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