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Spanish Matters - a blog in English and Spanish for those learning the language

This blog is entitled "Spanish Matters", because it does! Matter, that is. If you have committed to living in Spain, you should also make a commitment to learn some Spanish. So this is a blog about matters Spanish, as well as promoting the notion that Spanish does indeed matter. The blog contains articles in both English and Spanish. Don Pablo hopes it will be helpful to those learning the language.

La Familia Real de visita en Montejaque
Thursday, July 28, 2022 @ 9:16 AM

Pablo de Ronda has just posted an article in Spanish with the title "La Familia Real de visita en Montejaque". In Spanish it's ambiguous and is a perfect title for the article in question, which is not about the Royal Family at all, but about a family in Montejaque (Malaga) with the surname Real. An English translation, "The Royal Family visits Montejaque" simply doesn't work. 

The article is easy to understand and ideal for readers of the Spanish Matters blog who are learning castellano.

You can read it here:

Hasta luego.

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Danniel said:
Sunday, July 31, 2022 @ 9:56 PM


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