Please help explain my Iberdrola bill to me

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31 Oct 2011 12:00 AM by Grandiosa Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I have owned a property in Spain for about 5 months now. The Iberdrola billing seem to work ok because they take the money out of my account every month and I have access to the on-line e-billing and I do check things regularly online. So far so good but there are a few things I don't understand.

1. What is demand charge and what do the 3 different rates mean PP, PLL, PV? 

2. I assume the energy rate is based upon how much you use but again what does P, LL and V mean? Does it have to do with certain hours during the day? Maybe they charge different rates during certain times. When I lived in Switzerland it was like that

3. On the last page of the bill it always show me a whole bunch of figures, see below. It gives me 18 different reading and are labelled CAP1, CAP2...CAP6, CRP1, CRP2...CRP6, MAP1, MAP2....MAP6. What do all these different readings mean? Aren't they complicating things a bit here.

On my side of the street they supposedly installed new meters before I moved in (not on the other side of the street). My neighbour tells me that everyone with new meters have received increased bills and his bill is approx 30 euros per month (still old meter) but his bill sounds very low to me. How are the new meters read? Is it automatically? In my home country the meters send a reading at the last day of the month to the energy company so that you always get an accurate reading every month. On every bill in Spain it says that the last reading is REAL so it must be automatic.

Anyone who knows anything more about this?


Invoicing EUROS 

1. Demand charge PP  14,03 kW  x  1,302408 €/kW 18,27 

PLL 14,03 kW  x  0,781445 €/kW 10,96 

PV  14,03 kW  x  0,520963 €/kW 7,31 

Total power amounts 36,54 

2. Energy Rate P   74 kWh  x  0,167715 €/kWh 12,41 

LL  334 kWh  x  0,132544 €/kWh 44,27 

V   88 kWh  x  0,087698 €/kWh 7,72 

Total Power 496 kWh 64,40 

3. Electricity tax 4,864% s/100,94  x  1,05113 5,16 


4. Rental of metering equipment 1 month  x  12 €/month 12,00 


5. Total amount 118,10 

6. IVA 18% s/118,1 21,26 

AMOUNT 139,36 

On-peak Rest 

Consumption Log 

Average monthly consumption rate:  1.102 kWh 

Average price (not incl. VAT):  Current month: 0,24 euro/kWh 

Meter Nr. Function From Reading To Reading Consumption 

0095316430 CAP1 20-09-2011 000005335 25-10-2011 000005386 51 kWh 

0095316430 CAP2 20-09-2011 000015203 25-10-2011 000015432 229 kWh 

0095316430 CAP3 20-09-2011 000004788 25-10-2011 000004844 56 kWh 

0095316430 CAP4 20-09-2011 000002318 25-10-2011 000002341 23 kWh 

0095316430 CAP5 20-09-2011 000006566 25-10-2011 000006671 105 kWh 

0095316430 CAP6 20-09-2011 000002025 25-10-2011 000002057 32 kWh 

0095316430 CRP1 20-09-2011 000000739 25-10-2011 000000740 1 kVArh 

0095316430 CRP2 20-09-2011 000002206 25-10-2011 000002207 1 kVArh 

0095316430 CRP3 20-09-2011 000000686 25-10-2011 000000686 0 kVArh 

0095316430 CRP4 20-09-2011 000000331 25-10-2011 000000332 1 kVArh 

0095316430 CRP5 20-09-2011 000000938 25-10-2011 000000939 1 kVArh 

0095316430 CRP6 20-09-2011 000000256 25-10-2011 000000256 0 kVArh 

0095316430 MAP1 20-09-2011 0000000,00 25-10-2011 0000005,00 5 kW 

0095316430 MAP2 20-09-2011 0000000,00 25-10-2011 0000005,00 5 kW 

0095316430 MAP3 20-09-2011 0000000,00 25-10-2011 0000002,00 2 kW 

0095316430 MAP4 20-09-2011 0000000,00 25-10-2011 0000004,00 4 kW 

0095316430 MAP5 20-09-2011 0000000,00 25-10-2011 0000004,00 4 kW 

0095316430 MAP6 20-09-2011 0000000,00 25-10-2011 0000001,00 1 kW 

Last reading: REAL




This message was last edited by Grandiosa on 31/10/2011.

This message was last edited by Grandiosa on 31/10/2011.

This message was last edited by Grandiosa on 31/10/2011.

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31 Oct 2011 3:33 PM by lobin Star rating. 256 posts Send private message

 This is what PP, PV and PLL mean:

  • Pc: Potencia contratada
  • Pr: Potencia registrada en el maxímetro
  • Ppll: Potencia en horas punta y llano una vez aplicada la fórmula de cálculo 
  • Pv: Potencia en horas valle una vez aplicada la fórmula de cálculo 
  • Pp: Potencia en horas punta una vez aplicada la fórmula de cálculo 
  • Pll: Potencia en horas llano una vez aplicada la fórmula de cálculo 

PP is energy used in the peak rate hours after applying the calculation formula

PV is energy used in the low rate hours after applying the calculation formula

PLL is energy used in the flat rate hours after applyting the calculation formula

Therefore, you have three energy rates, peak, low and flat.  The hours probably change according to the season, but you can get them from Iberdrola at the client service number.

I am sorry but I cannot help with the CAPS.  I don't have those in my bill and I don't know what they are.

If you got a new meter, the monthly rental has probably gone up, specially if this new meter is capable of controlling the energy used in each of the periods for the three rates you have.

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