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26 Jan 2008 12:00 AM by missymongrel Star rating in Germany. 2 forum posts Send private message

Has anyone cancelled their securitas alarm system after the first year?  If so, how did you do this and who have you gone with now and what does it entail?

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27 Jan 2008 5:54 PM by ladybiker Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

Hi, Funny you should ask that because we have just cancelled our Securitas Alarm. To tell you a little story - we have an apartment in PG2 - it was broken into in April 07 - I was informed by the builders who were told by the chap who lives in the villa opposite our apartment. When I rang securitas to ask what time the alarm had gone off? what they had done? when had the police attended and who had been arrested? they told me they had not been monitoring it then mumbled something about there being a fault. I was not best pleased. There had been a guest in but they had gone home early after having their car broken into so damage, cost of repairs but no one hurt thank goodness. When Securitas started swifting 30 euros out of my bank account a month I rapidly reconsidered whether or not an alarm was useful as it seemed they could not be bothered to monitor it. Decision made. I phoned Securitas on the general number in early December and explained that I wanted to cancel - I was told someone would phone me back in a day or two ----- no phone call. I phoned again last week and repeated again my desire to cancel the contract, answer, someone will phone you in a day or two. Amazing, someone did and I had around a 20 minute discussion/argument with a woman over why I wanted to cancel the contract. Eventually she realised I was not going to back down and told me I needed to fax the following details: my name the full address of the apartment the contract number something stating I wanted to cancel the contract. I did this on Friday....on Saturday evening I had a phone call from my manager telling me the apartment had been broken into - second guest of this year was in but out having dinner (nothing stolen but lots of damage to get in) and that the alarm was now switched off. I suggest you try to cut out the middle man and just send them a fax....the fax number is 0034 902503980 Good luck Fiona

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01 Feb 2008 5:06 PM by ladybiker Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

Further to my last post - I was too optimistic - they have taken the February money too. Does anyone else have any idea how to cancel this contract?

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20 Apr 2008 7:50 PM by BobShe Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ladybiker

We have just joined the web and read your e-mail with interest and I might add understanding.  Our contract with Securitas expired last October.  So in September we phoned and said we wanted to cancel so they told us to write to the head office in Madrid, which we did.  However after writing this letter we immediately CANCELLED our standing order with the Bank to make sure no more money came out.

We did not hear any more so we thought it was all sorted.   Then in Feburary this year I had a phone call out of the blue, on my mobile, from a lady from Securitas (sounded the same as you had) telling us we owed them money from last October and why had we not paid.   I had to go through it all with her explaining we had sent letter to head office and cancelled our standing order, and yes, guess what she told me to Fax all my details on the number you have, and send a copy of the letter we had sent to Madrid.  This we did and so far we have not heard any more - JUST WAITING.

By the way did you ever receive an acknowledgement of your Fax, we did not, so that worries us a little.


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21 Apr 2008 2:46 PM by ladybiker Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

Hi Bobshe, Actually further to my last post I phoned Securitas and got mildly stroppy about them taking more money out - they said essentially that we were paying in arrears so it was the payment for the month just gone. Sure enough no more money has gone out and the alarm doesn't work any more. She did say something about needing to let an engineer in to disconnect it but I took that to be hot air. Regards Fiona

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21 Apr 2008 7:32 PM by BobShe Star rating. 31 forum posts Send private message

Hi Fiona

When we were over in March/April we could still set our alarm, but I am not sure whether we were still connected to the Control Centre.  When they fitted the alarm they told us that if we cancelled we would still be able to use the alarm. (but without the back up of the Control Centre)

Can you still set it as normal and then disarm when you enter the property?  I understood that the alarm would always be yours but that you would not be connected to the Control Centre, so if someone entered the property the alarm would go off but obviously they would not be aware of it.

Just a thought were you with the Builder San Jose because when we purchased they said price included the alarm.  We paid 4 euros for 9 months and then 33 euros for last three months and then cancelled because too expensive.

Look forward to reply





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30 Apr 2008 9:08 PM by ladybiker Star rating. 12 forum posts Send private message

Bobshe, Good question, well asked. I will ask my friend who looks after the apartment to check it and get back to you. Regards Fiona

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01 May 2008 4:01 PM by kalghotra Star rating. 42 forum posts Send private message

** EDITED - Spam post **

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