Frondoso Valley fiasco

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The Comments
01 Jun 2014 2:56 PM by MoDean Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi all, 

Well it would it apprea it was only a matter of time before this came to a head, and like many of us we had in a way been expecting it to happen. 

Word out is that the adminstration company may possibly be looking to offer the remainder of the properties for sale to prospective purchasers who have initially paid deposits and installments at a reduced price to try and at least get some money in to try to get the developers out of the brownand sticky stuff. 

How many of you would still be looking to proceed it this was the case? as I feel it would need to be at a substantial reduction to quantify to amount of distress and upset let alone financial loss already incurred by many of us and all at the hand of the developer's. 

Has anyone been to the develepment this year? are there any new photo's? and is there any infrastructure in place for the retail units which were part of the original paln as outlined in the lovely glossy brochure's given out a the offset? 


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14 Mar 2015 9:49 AM by pipton Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

I cannot relate to your comments, at all .

The content of your post suggests that its the developers fault that things  went T up. 

The reality is that Putting the build delay to one side it was the amount of people cancelling that sunk the development as most of the units had been sold.. 

If there's is a large number of people still with non refunded deposits they are in a strong position to do a deal. My belief is that these people are not in a position to buy and perhaps are victims of easy lending ofbthe past and could not really afford a place in Spain in the first place.

I placed my deposit, I did a deal with the receivers I got my house Simple

As far as the developers / bank investing more in the development in order to gain sales this is hindered by the financial state of Spain as a whole as frondoso  is not on the radar on the priority list ..

If anyone out there has a deposit who still can buy then you need to be looking at a sensible discount 




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21 Apr 2015 6:58 PM by MoDean Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Hi you say you cannot relate to my comments at all.

There is no doubt that the developer is/was a fault by being in breach of contract FACT !!! and therefrore that's why things went tistup !!! FACT !!! 

The amount of people cancelling their contract were based on the FACT mention clearly above BREACH OF CONTRACT !!! if he had not done this then we would all be living in a finished development with everything on site as outlined in the sales brochure end of !!

We are one of the many people with a non refundable deposit and have in also made numerous other payments too, 

However to state the following...

" My belief is that these people are not in a position to buy and perhaps are victims of easy lending ofbthe past and could not really afford a place in Spain in the first place." 

Extremely offensive, might I add that we did sign the contract with fuill intent of completeing on our purchase at the original price, and must stress that any reference made to anyone not being able to afford to purchase at the offsett a little harsh to say the least.

Whilst I appreciate that you placed your deposit, did a deal with the receivers and got your house Simple !!

We did in fact contact the receivers and also our solicitor to ask for a discount, however we were informed that they would not grant us a reduction and therefore we are now in the process going to court to get our money back (less the deposit which was nonrefundable)

If anyone out there has a deposit who still can buy then you need to be looking at a sensible discount However it would appear that you had no grievences with the developer of the spec of your property or the fact that there still is no infrastructure of retial units on site which was part of the contract which the developer is clearly in breach of.


Mo & Andy


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21 Sep 2018 9:13 AM by Maryrose Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hello Mo and Andy

I'm wondering can you help me in relation to the Fronderosa properties.  Sadly my sister passed away a few years ago and I have found a folder of hers with details of a property she had put a deposit on and something seemed to be halting it.  

I would like to ask you. If you don't mind. To fill me in with the details of what happened these properties?

Kind regards


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21 Sep 2018 12:40 PM by Maryrose Star rating. 2 forum posts Send private message

Hello Mo and Andy

I'm wondering can you help me in relation to the Fronderosa properties.  Sadly my sister passed away a few years ago and I have found a folder of hers with details of a property she had put a deposit on and something seemed to be halting it.  

I would like to ask you. If you don't mind. To fill me in with the details of what happened these properties?

Kind regards


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