Legal tip 277. Low cost action against Banks. Manifesto by Costaluzlawyers

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Residencial Santa Ana del Monte forum threads
The Comments
04 Oct 2010 10:30 PM by jenno1739 Star rating in Beverley, yorkshire. 89 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sue,

          sorry if my post came across wrong! I am not knocking Jumilla and if things had been different I would have loved to had completed on the house at Santa Ana. I think the area is superb, however I am more than happy with the place we have now.

In hindsight and knowing what I know now about the Spanish way of things I would not have been as quick to trust San Jose. The company I dealt with this time are a million times more proffesional I cannot believe the difference.

The way San Jose dealt with us through the collapse and then the voting fiasco was terrible, I cannot see things changing, I hope they do as I also want my deposit back!


PS I particularly liked the local wine in Jumilla!!!

mark and paula  row 4 no 439

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05 Oct 2010 9:32 AM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 forum posts Send private message

Hi Mark

No need to apologise - I just wanted to clarify things for people who don't know the area, and as I said the developments that have been going on have been small ones.  As we always wanted to be inland rather than on the coast, we decided that we would stay in the area and find somewhere else.  Luckily it all went through smoothly this time.  We are very happy where we are, though it wouldn't suit everybody.  We know other people who have bought properties nearer the coast and are also very happy.  Whereabouts did you buy, and are you living there permanently or is it a holiday home?

Yes, Jumilla wine is very good - I'm not saying that was the main reason for us buying here, but it certainly helped the decision-making process! If you decide to come this way to stock up, send me a pm and maybe we can meet up.  Perhaps we can meet up to celebrate getting our deposits back.....

Best wishes.



 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain:

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07 Oct 2010 7:36 PM by jenno1739 Star rating in Beverley, yorkshire. 89 forum posts Send private message

Hi Sue,

                 We have bought at Las Ramblas (Quara build) near the coast , we arent out here  full time at the moment but are building upto it. In hindsight I prefer to be here but still think the jumilla area is very pretty. The difference between this company and San Jose was massive, they actual spoke to us!! but then again they had nothing to hide unlike San Jose.

I must admit I do find it very hard to believe after the way we have been treated that people still have faith in San Jose, nowing what I know now about the company I would have stayed well away, I strongly believe they will just do it all again.

Enjoy Jumilla and if we come that way I will drop you a line.


mark and paula  row 4 no 439

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08 Oct 2010 1:25 AM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Quote from Marks last post

" I must admit I do find it very hard to believe after the way we have been treated that people still have faith in San Jose, nowing what I know now about the company I would have stayed well away, I strongly believe they will just do it all again."

They are doing it again !!!!!!!   arrrrrgh   

What do you have to say  now Tony .The last several posts are not from your so called " usual suspects "

SJ/HdT are using you and stitching you up like a Kipper . When will you realise   

 Sue  OMG  by all means defend the area and all that it has to offer !!! however for a very smart women I fear you are now being led by a combination of your hopes ,needs , fears and  SARC ! .Yes Tony is a nice guy but that doesn't make him right !!!!!  

What about your brain Sue !!!!!!!  FGS. Is it still working or have all the local wine festivals reduced it to a  useless pulp !!!!

SADM is the ultimate white elephant !!!!! and you Sue of all people must know this by now ?

I do despair  JA


This message was last edited by julie anne on 08/10/2010.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 08/10/2010.

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08 Oct 2010 7:32 PM by auntielinda Star rating in San Miguel de Salina.... 646 forum posts Send private message

 Mark n Paula

I'm always looking for an opportunity to socialise & crack open a botella de vino and even catch up, last time we saw you both, was 3 days before we moved to Spain so when you are out at Las Ramblas can you  call round to see us we are all of  a 5 min drive from you, I'll send you a pm with phone no & directions

Linda n Dave


Great Auntie Linda


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11 Oct 2010 11:12 PM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 forum posts Send private message

Julie Anne, you just can't help yourself, can you?  You can't resist an opportunity to get a dig in.....

I didn't actually refer to San José/HdT/SARC in my last couple of posts, did I?  I was talking about the town where I live and saying that there has been building going on here, however there have been no large developments.  I was referring to the many expats who already live in the area, especially around Pinoso, and who seem happy to do so.  I was also explaining that the new apartments that have been built in town are being bought mainly by young Spanish couples and single people, whereas expats seem to prefer older properties in the countryside. 

To be quite honest, although I would like SADM to be built for the sake of the many people who still want their houses (and that includes Spanish people too), from a purely selfish point of view I don't know that I want too many Brits in Jumilla anyway - it's bad enough on the rare occasion when we venture into Pinoso!  It would be good for the town though, so I would be pleased for our many friends who own shops, bars and restaurants in Jumilla.

You say SADM is the "ultimate white elephant", so how do you explain the court's decision that HdT can continue building there?  I do not claim to be an expert like you, so maybe you can enlighten us?  There are many people like Mark & Paula and Linda & Dave who are more than happy with their life on the coast, which is great.  However some people still want to live inland, so maybe HdT can pull it off.  Please note that I am not claiming that they WILL do so.....!

I didn't realise that you knew Tony, but you are quite right in saying that he is a nice guy.  I'm so pleased that you are no longer making wild accusations.  Tony is speaking on behalf of the people who still hope to get their house, and he has managed to get HdT to talk to these people, which is better than the scenario before he set up SARC. 




 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain:

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11 Oct 2010 11:45 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Sue I  don't even have to make my point  now , you made it for me !!!!

HdT should have been speaking to their purchaers long ago  , not just from when Tony /SARC got invovled to bolster the vote.Just pawns in the SJ/HdT game !!!

They were all over us when they wanted our votes but not anymore .They have what they wanted !!!! We can all go to hell now !!!!!

They have so much to hide it is getting way over pathetic and it is quite sickening  to watch them squirm   . Watch this space ! They are not even in a position to  deliver the poltray 65% in 5 years  !!!!!!

Tony is a lovely guy but he is soooooo wrong in this instance .SJ/HdT are a bunch of crooks .  They just don't have the good grace to admitt that it is over ad that the whole admin situation was to save their own bacon not ours !!!!!!  65%  in 5 years  !!!   my ass   !!!!!!!!!!!

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12 Oct 2010 10:17 AM by suemac Star rating in Jumilla, Murcia. 1001 forum posts Send private message

Julie Anne

I totally agree with you about HdT's lack of customer skills etc.  I haven't tried to defend them, only to defend Tony who is doing his best to help other people.  Like Mark & Paula (and many others), we have now bought another property without any problems and noticed the difference.  The point I was making was that Tony is the one person to try and speak with HdT on behalf of other purchasers and then pass on any information that they give him.  He has also made it clear that if anybody had a specific question, he would ask that question on their behalf.  Whether or not people believe what Hdt tells Tony is up to them, however at least Tony (and SARC) are doing their best.  Remember that no news is not necessarily good news, especially as far as HdT is concerned!  Communication is very important and if Tony and SARC are willing to press HdT for answers and pass that on to others, that is better than total silence. 

I said that I would like SADM to be built for the sake of the people who still want their houses - I didn't say that I necessarily expected it to happen!  If HdT announce that they have started rebuilding, John and I will take our dog for a long walk to see what is happening there and will post photos.  We will also pass on any information that we receive locally, though if I believe it is confidential I will not reveal my sources.

What do you think HdT are going to do now, if they don't try to complete SADM?  What do you think the courts will do if HdT do not follow the agreement?  I have a suggestion for you: why don't you set up a blog on EOS and then announce it there?  You have told us that you got your money back without a bank guarantee, so I am sure that many people who no longer want their house but do want their deposit back would be delighted if you passed on your advice.  You could also post your views on any announcements made by SARC based on information received from HdT in an informed, well argued way rather than your usual reaction which is to mock Tony.  I do not necessarily believe everything that Tony passes on, but I do not believe in shooting the messenger, and at least I have something to think about and can then decide for myself whether or not HdT are trying to deceive us. 

As I said earlier, there are many people who still want their house and who don't have the financial resources to fight for their money back, so I have every sympathy with them and hope for their sake that the development succeeds albeit on a smaller scale.  Can you honestly say that you don't want the same for them?



 Sue Walker

Author of "Retiring the Ole Way", now available on Amazon

See my blog about our life in Spain:

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14 Oct 2010 10:47 PM by blaggy Star rating in Doncaster. 112 forum posts Send private message

blaggy´s avatar


This is a reply i got yesterday, asking about my money being returned


As we informed on our last E-mail at the beginning of August we are
continuing with our negotiations with the various financial
institutions, reviewing the availability list of properties at “Santa
Ana del Monte, Jumilla Golf” and continuing with the process in
obtaining the final building licence.
At the same time we are following with the Administration process
San José Inversiones y Proyectos Urbanísticos, S.A., as a successful
outcome will enable us to offer more options to those clients purchasing
through Herrada del Tollo S.L. The deadline when all votes must be
submitted to the Court is 30th November 2010.
It is therefore unlikely to be until December 2010 or early 2011 before
I revisit the UK to meet with Herrada del Tollo clients to discuss the
various options available on an individual basis.
In the meantime please be assured that we will continue to work towards
finding the best possible solution and will contact you again when we
have further news.

Kind Regards,

María J. Soler
Herrada del Tollo, S.L.

> /Almudena Rodríguez/
> */Sales Manager – Herrada del Tollo, S.L./*

This message was last edited by blaggy on 14/10/2010.

This message was last edited by blaggy on 14/10/2010.

This message was last edited by blaggy on 14/10/2010.

This message was last edited by blaggy on 14/10/2010.

This message was last edited by blaggy on 14/10/2010.

This message was last edited by blaggy on 14/10/2010.

This message was last edited by blaggy on 14/10/2010.

Paul & Debbie Row 15 No 32

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15 Oct 2010 9:30 PM by julie anne Star rating. 1103 forum posts Send private message

Not so sure the San Jose vote will go the same way as HdT .San Jose purchasers have been waiting for a lot longer  than HdT purchasers  and have been treated dreadfully  . I doubt they can be persuaded to vote for a continuation . As usual SJ are playing the whole thing down , a successful outcome for SJ is far more important to the future of  HdT and SADM  than simply being able to offer more options to HdT purchasers .

I am Surprised Tony /SARC etc don't seem to be concerned about the SJ vote and are not trying to influence it as they did with the HdT vote .This could prove to be just as important to the final outcome for SADM .

Sue sometimes silence is better than lies.As for the return of money without BGs  I have said many times that the  answer is the banks who recieved the deposits . It is not my fault if some feel they can not afford this route I think it was well worth it .As do many others JA








This message was last edited by julie anne on 15/10/2010.


This message was last edited by julie anne on 15/10/2010.

This message was last edited by julie anne on 15/10/2010.

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HdT out of Adminstration/Court release official count of vote - 13 posts
ARRIBA HOMES - 5 posts
More Informed Reading - 7 posts
SARC july update on SARC website - 0 posts
Update from our lawyer - 7 posts
bank accounts - 4 posts
Tony and Brian AKA SARC - 1 posts
Media Update page on SARC website - 18 posts
Corvera airport work to resume - 1 posts
Madrid Supreme Court find in favour of Jumilla Town Hall/SADM - 5 posts
costa blanca news - 22 posts
Legal tip 277. Low cost action against Banks. Manifesto by Costaluzlawyers - 12 posts
SARC June Update/Vote - 61 posts
HdT Meeting in Dublin Saturday 29th at 12.00 - 0 posts
Wedneday 26MAy last day to sign at a UK Notary - 7 posts
Legal tip 277. Low cost action against Banks. Manifesto by Costaluzlawyers - 0 posts
Birmingham Meeting - 11 posts
Interesting comments at Newcastle. - 7 posts
Facts and Data - 1 posts
Where are the opening balances? - 13 posts
Please respect forum rules - 3 posts
I have not a clue about what JA is going on about - 6 posts
Still no takers - 7 posts
Maria del Castro / solicitors not against the agreement - 2 posts

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