Anyone offering Keyholding Services?

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17 Aug 2009 12:00 AM by WanderingWoman Star rating in Jardine 9, Condado d.... 170 forum posts Send private message


We are in Jardine de Alhama 9 and although currently have a keyholder we are looking to change. Is there anyone out there still offering keyholding and property checks and the associated property management services?

We would also be interested in cleaning and laundry services too.

Thanks for your help!



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17 Aug 2009 8:32 PM by chrismg Star rating in North Wales and gard.... 292 forum posts Send private message

Hi WW, have pm'd you.

Chris and Tracey

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17 Aug 2009 11:18 PM by graham204 Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

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We would highly recommend Paul & June who presentlt live at Camposol. We use them for key holding and cleaning and laundry before and after our visits.  We have used yhem since Feb and on severa; occasions they have helped and advised us on several non keyholding issues.  If you want contact details or any further info PM us.

Graham & Carol Anne


Graham & Carolanne

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18 Aug 2009 9:25 AM by snorkychopper Star rating in England / Spain. 226 forum posts Send private message

snorkychopper´s avatar

I would heartily recommend Alan Milton and the Team at Azure property, they keyhold for a large number of properties on Polaris resorts and also own themselves on Condado  - a good team to have on your side and very responsive and professional.

Tel: 0845 094 85 95

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18 Aug 2009 10:48 AM by patrick41 Star rating in Dumfries, Scotland .... 136 forum posts Send private message

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We use Mark & Tracy from fairways property managment who are excellent they live on Jardine 10 and Mark is a Biulder to trade so he can do any jobs needed.They can be contacted by E-mail

   Regards Pat & Jackie

      Pat & Jackie  

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18 Aug 2009 8:54 PM by WanderingWoman Star rating in Jardine 9, Condado d.... 170 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for everyones replies, it will take me a few days to get throught them all!

Thanks again for help.



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20 Aug 2009 1:13 PM by barbararollett0902 Star rating. 128 forum posts Send private message

I also would recommend Paul and June Briggs they are excellent and give a fantastic service for a very competative rate.  email


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20 Aug 2009 2:50 PM by simon griffin Star rating. 40 forum posts Send private message

I would also reccomend Paul and June Briggs not just for key holding also for cleaning and any odd jobs would like doing. Send me a pm for there contact details.


Simon and Deb

Jardine 8 Naranjos

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20 Aug 2009 10:05 PM by El Bandito Star rating in Swindon and Jardine .... 5 forum posts Send private message

I definately recommend the same as Snorkychopper,Alan Milton at Azure property.

He was fantastic for us.

Does so much more than just key holding and Cleaning.

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