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A family moves from the UK to Galicia

It's all about the family. And the sea, and the wine, and the food....

A family moving to start a new chapter, and a Spanish family reunited after many years apart. We are planning towards a move to Galica, to live with my wife's parents and aunts/uncles and to give ourselves a new life away from exorbitant UK property prices and council tax....

This blog is about our research and planning, and then about the move, and then about our new life as ex-pats/new residents.

6 weeks to go - Galicia here we come
Thursday, May 12, 2016

I meant to blog more in the last few months, but things had somewhat paused and are now starting up again.

1st July moving date is now about 6/7 weeks away I think - I keep getting confused between weeks remaining of work vs before we move!


We had a 10 day recce trip recently, wife and kids out to see the oldies that we are moving in with - I joined for a weekend.  So that was good and helped to crystalise some thoughts.

Money in the bank (literally) to support the move includes : £7k moving out & in budget, and £7.2k to cover me not working in July and August.  Hurrah, I'm very glad my plan for money worked out all ok.

I am planning on getting Magentic faux-spanish-company signs to go on the UK hire van to try to reduce the visibility of us as a UK self drive road user : for bandits and for the police!  UK number plate, but hopefully a 'Rodriguez, A Coruna' type plan sign should look spanish enough!! 

We have started to declutter and organise at home ready to pack.

I have quite a detailed plan for the core few weeks.

New passports have arrived for the two kids that had them expiring

Cats appointment with the vets is booked for their passports paperwork and alike

Cats travel cage thing has been purchased and they have tried it out briefly.  We have bought cats harnesses too but not tried them


Leaving party is booked, with around 100 adults coming with almost the same number again of kids!! An afternoon tea party in a lovely sussex countryside location with marquee and shelters in case of rain!


I'm just trying to figure out what to do about Euros cash (how much to take) or TCheques/other, versus UK debit/credit cards use eg in Ikea and take the hit of fees/rates, versus making moves towards a local spanish bank account for me or the wife or joint..... 


Wife is trying to contact UK Spanish embassy / consultate to get her passport/DNI type stuff to help ease things.


what else?  That's probaly a good insight for now.  Oh, I've done a to-scale schematic of my LWB transit hire van and main furniture items to play with how to stack it & pack it!!! Men and their love of logistical car packing challenges?  (Ladies too I'm sure..)








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