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A family moves from the UK to Galicia

It's all about the family. And the sea, and the wine, and the food....

A family moving to start a new chapter, and a Spanish family reunited after many years apart. We are planning towards a move to Galica, to live with my wife's parents and aunts/uncles and to give ourselves a new life away from exorbitant UK property prices and council tax....

This blog is about our research and planning, and then about the move, and then about our new life as ex-pats/new residents.

Slow progress/stalls :<
Saturday, November 14, 2015

Planning was going to be slow and steady anyway, but the plan was to have already changed work approach to be a freelancer, so that we could start paying off existing debts and building up a saving pot ASAP.  Unfortunatly that hasn't occurred yet despite three close calls where I only just narrowly missed out apparently.

So my mind is into back-up plans already like staying where I am (work is likely fine until March) and then either taking long leave in the summer like a month paid, a month unpaid before returning to continue.  Or hoping for a redundancy package in Q2.  Or just resigning to either be more available immediate for freelance, or heading out for the move and coming back in the autumn to again be able to start contracts immediatly.

Either way, one of the barriers we have is my existing level of debt circa £15k.  Either finding a way to keep up the repayments, or obviously otherwise paying them off wholly or partly before we go.  Any angel investors out there in internet land? :>  Going out to a new life - although admittedly with the house and support of parents and family - without incoming money is one thing, going out with debt is another.

ho hum,  I'm hopeful that the universe/fate will provide.


Then we can focus a bit more on the main logistics and life planning.



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