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Spanish animals that need help

All the time I hear about Spanish animals that need help one way or another so this is for those animals

Rocky was starved & badly treated but he's now looking for a new LOVING home.
Monday, December 3, 2012 @ 10:28 PM

 Hello, my name is Rocky. I was badly treated by my owners who starved me & I became very ill.

A very nice lady fostered me & paid all my vet bills & looked after me until I was well.

I now have a clean bill of health from the vets & would LOVE a new family for Christmas. I come with all papers .. I am nearly 5.

I like children & get along with other dogs. I love playing with a ball & going for walks.

If you want a friend to keep you company I am your chap.

Please ring Christine Berryman on 661 670 175 about me. I am in kennels at Alicante airport.

Please give me a home.

These are my before & after photos so you can understand.

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