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Spanish animals that need help

All the time I hear about Spanish animals that need help one way or another so this is for those animals

Update on Bobby, the dog living under a car in Los Alcazares
Sunday, July 12, 2015 @ 11:30 PM

Continuing on from this post

Bobby is safe. 



Alibar Dog Knits who support dog charities have taken on funding Bobby, he has been offered a place at The Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England from where he will be homed but Alibar need to get him ready for his journey.

In total they will need about 550€ though, this will cover all his vet fees, vaccinations, castation (he was 'done' on 10th), passport etc, travel fees to the UK and his upkeep for his time here in Spain. 

He is approx 2 year old and has a beautiful nature.

If you would like to help please PayPal  marking it 'Bobby'.

Thank you everyone in advance.

Update: Bobby's vets bills & foster care have been sorted financially, his transport costs still need to be met.

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