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The view from the back

My blog is about our move to Spain, to be exact it's about the intergration of a techno junkie and his lovely wife of 30 yrs into 18th century Spain.

Has he been yet ?
Monday, June 10, 2013 @ 10:47 PM

 Well the brief was out today , probably down the civic centre at the adult reading group , her over worked secretary was left to fend off the call . She didn't recall sending the letters that arrived on Saturday and had not been thought of on Wednesday . But was able o confirm that it was usual for the deeds to be with the mortgage provider and could see from the forms that we have a mortgage and would advise our brief upon her return from where ever, they would then write to the bank ! So 3 letters and a phone call its a good job we're on a set rate so we won't be paying for their internal training package . 

It is the eve of the surveyor's visit and all is still , we'll all but my lovey wife's ABA and the duster , oh ABA  --  a-s to brush adapter  , as she valiantly try's to turn our home back from a sows ear to a silk purse . The appointment slot is 10 - 11.30 am so our new best friends have opted for a cheapie inspection but with nothing to hide they'll be fine. 

Even so can't help been a little nervous this should be the last hitch point then just the wait on the papers and off to the land of sun chaos and the future .


Just keep an eye on the prize ! 


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