Name Ida for a girl

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08 Jan 2024 1:34 PM by missmojo Star rating. 1 posts Send private message


I am new here and would be grateful for your comments. We (my husband and me) live in Austria and are expecting a baby girl. We're thinking about names, and "Ida" (pronunced ("Ee-da" in German) came up.

We looked it up and found out that it means "departure" in Spanish, and "ido" means crazy...So if our daughter should ever go to Spain, would it be a weird or funny name there? We would really like her to feel comfortable with her name, wherever she goes!

Thank you in advance for your answers!


This message was last edited by missmojo on 1/8/2024.

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25 Mar 2024 2:14 AM by averagestudent Star rating. 17 posts Send private message

Congratulations on the soon arrival of your baby girl, that is very exciting. Ida is a beautiful name and it's good you're thinking from every perspective before deciding on it. Regarding the Spanish aspect, I would not concern myself too much with it. Although "ida" translates to "departure" in Spanish, it is not a word that is typically used for naming individuals. Furthermore, names can have varied meanings in different languages and usually people comprehend this. Regarding "ido" meaning "crazy", it is more informal language rather than something connected to a name.

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