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16 Jun 2011 12:00 AM by rod Star rating in Uk and Spain. 468 posts Send private message

Hi Everyone

Can anyone recommend a good dry white wine similar to a chardonay or a sauv blanc we have tried the Raimat but its 8 euros a bottle now  but would just like a competitive alternative when we vist

ps love the Riojas and these are easy to find we are in the costa del sol and shop at mercadona, super sol ,Lidl and eroski

Thanks Rod

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17 Jun 2011 9:49 AM by Kenny Ackers Star rating. 42 posts Send private message

Kenny Ackers´s avatar

Marquesa de Carceres from Mercadona - around Euro 4.5

Alternativeley if you have a Lidl there are always offers on for Chardonnay

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