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El Trampolin forum threads
The Comments
17 Mar 2008 12:00 AM by mercenaryman Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Whats going on now at El Trampolin. Has everyone coughed up the 3 grand to get the services back on. If you have good luck to you but be ready for the next time. Some people have been hit 4 times.

Take care out there. Regards    Murcenaryman.

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18 Mar 2008 5:35 PM by enough is enough Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Mercenaryman, Lynjons,

I have not paid the 3000 euros and have no intention of doing so. I have now been without water and electricity for over 3 weeks but am surviving !

The time has come to make a stand against the intimidation that we all face.

Along with 11 others I have done a criminal Denuncia on both Antonio and Raphael for the Spanish equivalent of "Demanding money with menaces".

My Lawyer and the Guardia Civil police officer that took the details both are of the opinion that Trampolin do not have a defense as to their actions and will be forced to reinstate the services and give compensation when it gets to court. We have a delay in that the courts of Murcia are currently on strike! - great timing hey?

Additionally, a number of us have a meeting next week with a Journalist from Laverdad (I think this is how it is spelt) a Spanish regional newspaper with over 300,000 circulation. They are interested in our story and in publishing details of the denuncias.

We also have preliminary interest from a national TV company (my Lawyer's brother works for them) who have a consumer affairs program similar to the UKs "Watchdog".

Will keep you informed of progress..............................

Nil Carborundem .........................

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18 Mar 2008 6:32 PM by VictimofCrime Star rating. 7 forum posts Send private message

Good Luck to you "enough is enough".

I agree totally with your sentiments and hope you succeed in getting some common sense and business professionalism back into this developer.

We seem to be treated as the ones that have done something wrong.


The developer has taken ALL of the shortcuts that have delayed things but we are paying the price !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

I have also been without services for 3 weeks despite having religiously adhered to every contractual obligation.

I have actually paid over 30k more than I contractually was obliged to.

Antonio needs to realise that his future developments will be jeapardised by a bad reputation unless he starts to treat his clients in a much better way.

I know for a fact that at least 3 people have been dissuaded from purchasing from Trampolin because of conversations with El Trampolin owners.

PS - What does Nil carborundum mean?

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20 Apr 2008 7:06 PM by ronjune Star rating. 81 forum posts Send private message

My Dad used to say Nil ilegitum carborundum which is pidgeon latin for "don't let the bastards grind you down!" and seems entirely appropriate for this situation.  Keep your chin up


For Electrical work or Low Maintenance Gardens please pm me

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22 Apr 2008 8:46 PM by mercenaryman Star rating. 4 forum posts Send private message

Thanks June, So true.

Best Regards Mercenaryman.

This message was last edited by mercenaryman on 4/22/2008.

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