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The Comments
24 Sep 2007 12:00 AM by tyneside2 Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

We have purchased a 3 bedroom in Jardines 8. Bought after a visit in Nov. 06. Great Agent if anyone wants their details PM me.

While in Peurto Banus (Costa del Sol) in Aug. popped into PW sales office near the port and was speaking with the sales staff who informed us that the build is ahead of schedule and they hope to start handovers in Aug. 08. Obviously not confirmed just thought I would post it for information.


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24 Sep 2007 8:59 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Sounds great and supports other posts about PW being ahead of schedule- fingers crossed.

Meant to include ' we are in Jardines 7'.

This message was last edited by JHMurcia on 9/24/2007.


Jan & Mike

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25 Sep 2007 9:54 AM by jamiealmeria Star rating in Mojacar, Almeria. 73 forum posts Send private message

Hi there,

I visited the site last week and some gardens on Jardines were well under way. The frame work for the buildings were up in nearly all gardens (well, as far as i could see anyway - literally!); and in the first gardens the frames were already bricked in.

The development from the road looks much better, with a raised bank now separating them and acting as an accoustic barrier. This bank has been planted very nicely and should become a very attractive feature.

I also visited the Port of Mazarron and had a walk around the new promenade and port. It looked very impressive with some large boats jazzing up the place and giving it a high end feel. There were not too many bars and restaurants open but lots of new commercial units have been built - so I think that it will be a really buzzy place in the future as the tourist population increases.  

Should be good!

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25 Sep 2007 9:25 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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Hope I don't put a downer on things but my solicitor has been in touch with Polaris and they are saying "the completion date is foreseen for the first semester of 2009" , so I'm not relying on Aug 2008, It would be nice though. We are in Jardin 5, reserved last November, had it nearly a year now and its flown by. Wonder where we will be at this time next year.

It will soon be hear



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25 Sep 2007 9:30 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Found some photo's elsewhere after reading your message Jamie and can see what you mean- lots of framework building seems to being worked on now. The bank at the front is well spaced out with shrubs. Its hard to get an impression of size from these distant photo's but it's clear the the Jardines cover a huge area- truly as far as the eye can see. Good to hear Mazarron is being developed too.


Jan & Mike

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27 Sep 2007 6:24 PM by ajw Star rating in Aberdeen. 1088 forum posts Send private message

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Was out on inspection trip on weekend 21st-24th Sep and it's amazing how far ahead the apartments seem to be.  It is actually quite difficult to comprehend that they will take over a year to 'complete' .  I guess the delay won't be on the apartments themselves, rather the surrounding infrastructure and gardens etc.  Just to confuse us all - Jardines numbered from 6 upwards are now named 7 upwards as someone recently had the bright idea of naming the area between Jardines 5 and 6 the 'new' Jardines 6 (5a would, of course, have been far more sensible).  eg Jardines 6 is now 7, 7 is now 8 and so on.  I was a bit stunned at first when my property was marked on a plan they gave me as Jardine 13.  Hope we don't have too many supersticious purchasers who thought they were on 12!!!???? 


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27 Sep 2007 6:47 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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I'm glad i'm in Jardin 5 might get a bit confused after a few vino tinto's.



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19 Nov 2007 5:33 PM by tyneside2 Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

Have spoken with PW Customer Services today in relation to a few things. I asked about completion dates, the answer was.

They are ahead of schedule as far as building of the apartments are concerned, the official projected finsh/handover date is still late08-early 09.

 However: the apartments Will be completed prior to this, but handover will not commence until the centre and surrounding gardens are completed, the guy i spoke with thinks it will be earler than official date but they are instructed to stick with late 08 etc. when talking to customers.


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19 Nov 2007 6:51 PM by michaelhardy Star rating in Bishop Auckland & Ja.... 597 forum posts Send private message

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When you mention the centre do you mean the town centre or the central area where the sports facilities are?

The reason I ask is that I've just received an email from my solicitor today to a number of questions that I put to him, it went as follows:

Can you find out some things for me please.
1. What facilities (restaurants? / bars? / supermarket? ) will be open when we complete on our apartment at the end of next year 2008/earl 2009
2. The sports area in-between Jardine 5 & 6, will this be ready on completion?
3. When will the Oasis shopping centre start to open.
4. When will the golf course be available, last time I talked to them they were talking mid 2009 at the earliest
5. When will the golf club house be getting built.
Re our apartment.
6. Will it have the white security shutters over the windows similar to La Torre.?
7. The kitchen has 2 spaces for a washer machine & a tumble dryer. Will it be possible to have only 1 space for a washing machine and another kitchen cupboard put in the other space?
The answers were as follows:
Regarding your e-mail
Point 1-5 is difficult to foresee. I have talked with Polaris and they think that with the first deliveries of properties they won´t be ready.
Regarding point 6 and 7  Polaris don´t accept any changes on the properties before completion.
There seems to be quite a bit of conflicting information kicking about re the bars and resteraunts, I think we will only really find out when we go to complete. Looking at the Hacienda it seems they won't have anything ready for a while yet and the properties are getting handed over.
Anyway thanks for the information.


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19 Nov 2007 7:09 PM by tyneside2 Star rating. 57 forum posts Send private message

In reply to your question. My call was about completion date, white goods, and instalation of air conditioning.

Answer to the completion date, as posted, the centre referred too was "town centre" and surrounding area my impression was basic facilties to start.

White goods and air con: answer to this was,  "Yes we can fit these at your exspense"   They are arranging for PW Home Division to contact me with prices and quotation.

Hope this helps if i get quotes etc I will post here.

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20 Nov 2007 1:16 PM by lytton Star rating in Bath & North East So.... 422 forum posts Send private message

Regarding the extra cost of air-con, I was under the impression that this was fitted as standard and was included in the price of the appartment. Has this changed?


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20 Nov 2007 1:18 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Think we are fitted up for aircon but owners have to purchase and fit the actual units after completion.


Jan & Mike

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20 Nov 2007 5:19 PM by jamiealmeria Star rating in Mojacar, Almeria. 73 forum posts Send private message

Air con has always been "pre-installation" only. Which is a very confusing term. It means that the pipe work and ducting is already in place but there are no air con units installed.

This is an additional cost - I believe PW are charging 750 euros for this per machine (hot & cold system). You can get other suppliers to fit them from about 500 euros or more depending on brand.

Many people have understood "pre-installation" to mean the machinery is in place already when buying any property in Spain but this is def not the case. I think that all PW Villas have the full kit installed as standard but apartments and Jana villas do not.

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20 Nov 2007 7:58 PM by Youngers Star rating. 89 forum posts Send private message

There is an interesting difference on aircon.  At Jardines it says pre-installation whereas the Jardines at Naranjos say pre-installed.  I don't know if this is deliberate but the meaning is very different.  Pre-installation implies to me that you have to buy and fit the actual unit yourself whereas pre-installed implies it is already there.

Will be interested to see if this is the case.

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22 Nov 2007 10:13 AM by jamiealmeria Star rating in Mojacar, Almeria. 73 forum posts Send private message

I didnt realise this and that does suggest that air con is indeed installed. I do think that this is a typo or an oversight but might be worth asking for them to honour the spec!

Keep us up to date.



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22 Nov 2007 10:18 AM by danseex Star rating in Los Naranjos J4 n253. 652 forum posts Send private message

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The AC units are not supplied !!! I checked this out before we signed, most of the furniture pack places will supply & install them a lot cheaper than PW.

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