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Condado de Alhama forum threads
The Comments
08 Dec 2015 2:20 PM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

After recieving the latest accounts from Millenium i was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for one of the following:

1) Light Bulb Installer: Earning a whopping 9.181,26 Euros a year to change a bulb i thought this would be my first port of call. Either that or i propose we tie all the youngsters shoe laces together so they cant aim at the lights because by my calculations there mustve been at least 3000 bulbs broken or damaged on site.

2) Fire Extinguisher Salesman: Seemingly not the best job to have but pulling in 1.220,65 Euros isnt too bad considering how hard pushed youd be to find a fire extinguisher on site. Id imagine that the business owners on site have to buy there own so the invisible brand of extinguishers that Millenium buy must be worth their weight in gold.

3) Paella Chef: Now this one really takes the biscuit. Two months of work in the high season pulled in 12.700,00 euros for what could possibly be the largest and most expensive plate of Paella this side of the Atlantic. One would imagine that Michelle Roux himself had crafted this dish whilst throwing buckets of saffron into the mix. The problem i have with this is that there was only 5 euros worth of plates to go with the paella.

Ive never moaned about the site and as im not to computer literate its been hard to type all this but i had to share my concerns with others. Also to have people still owing on community fees at nearly 83000 euros i feel like im being taken advantage of as mine are paid straightaway all the time whilst these low lifes continue to reside on our stunning resort whilst getting their pick of the brightest lightbulbs and Michellin star rated paella for nothing.

Thanks for reading and i look forward to anyone who can help me with the job hunt.


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10 Dec 2015 5:41 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


I very rarely add my views on EOS now due to back stabbing and stupid petty comments but out of curiosity I do log on now and again

I am surprised that no one has commented on this post as your questions are more than valid. I too would be interested in finding out how these unbelievably high fees are calculated and not questioned and have never been questioned before.Is it a case of jobs for the boys I wonder. If it can happen here in the UK I am prety sure it happens in Spain

Have you spoken to anyone about this @ the Millenium office or have you spoken to your president?


When you think of how long this farce has been allowed to continue beets me. If I was Condado`s President I would be screaming and shouting long and loud. Get the locks changed. Stop these owners from still using or renting out their apartments. They are making the rest of us look like fools & honestly we are fools if we allow this to continue




West Mids & Jardin 5

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11 Dec 2015 9:07 AM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

The accounts make for scary viewing. One could sit there all day picking out points that need further explanation. Such as why we have paid 9.181,26 Euros for 'Bulb Replacement' in the Jardines and 193,11 Euros in La Isla. This must purely be fees incurred for light bulbs as weve already paid 14.480,85 Euros for 'Maintenance Fees'. I for one would love to know what 'Maintance Fees' are incurred for when a majority of maintanence seems to be 'Bulb Replacement'.

Flower box irrigation at 2.738,06 Euros when we are already paying 391.214,54 Euros for 'Gardening And Pools'. Why has almost 3000 Euros had to be paid for watering flower boxes when weve already paid the best part of a quarter of a million Euros towards 'Gardening'.

The problem being like i said is one could sit there all day picking out points yet there never seems to be a reason or explanation at the vast differences in cost. I understand a site as large as Condado takes some maintenance costs a year but it seems were being lied to on a grand scale.

I havent spoken to my president yet or Millenium as ive just become aware of the facts and figures and want to discuss with like minded individuals before i do. I seemingly remember one resident trying to get answers but he seems to have disappeared off the board and i hes name escapes me. 

What i would like to see is some of the 652.445,22 Euros 'Current Balance' being spent on employing independent auditors from the countries of the vast majoroty of residents such as Britain, Spain and the Scandanavian region. I feel that this is the only way to get a full and fair explanation as to where and how this money is being spent. I understand that im not an accountant but if someone like me can discover these gapping holes then surely they would provide fair answers to our questions.We employ these people so we deserve to have our questions answered as without us their would be no Millenium and certainly no Condado.

On the subject of 'Unpaid Fees' i fully agree wih what you say about locks being changed. Id go one step further and remove all access to site, as from what i remember your key card must be registered every visit with security (I havent visited for a year due to circumstances) so these cards should be blocked. It seems to be something people can just get away with as with my personal experiences in the UK they'd have a baliff banging on the door demanding payment right away. These ghost tenants are making a mockery of the system and are currently depriving the community of a great sum which could be used to improve the site and its services no end. Id also be interested to know if their apartmenets were being included in the repainting of condado as again they'll be using the sites funds when they've contributed nothing and also wether they were able to indulge in the Michel Roux paella,

Sorry for the rambling post but im extremley interested in getting the answers.

Thanks For Reading



This message was last edited by ElErnie on 11/12/2015.

This message was last edited by ElErnie on 11/12/2015.

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11 Dec 2015 5:47 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Hello again

If I am honest I am still surprised that no one else has responded to this thread, having said that I do realise that many of us "older" by that I mean longer term owners on Condado probably do not participate on EOS now. The comraidship dwindled and died quite a few years ago and became a site for pettty arguments, swearing etc. You might find that the person you refere to now goes on to the Condado site one of which is Condado De Alhama Services, though I think this is mainly business orientated but it might be worth your while putting your comments on there too. I think that many of us have become rather blaze when it comes to reading the reports & accounts from millenium and like me do not look at them fully. You have certainly opened our eyes.

Thanks again, I shall follow this now with interest & hope that others do bother to read and respond to your comments



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 12/12/2015.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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12 Dec 2015 11:54 AM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan

Ive been a long time lurker on the board as i completed off plan. I have always paid my fees and try to get over as much as possible. Like you say too many of us were blaze and havent been checking the accounts with the scrutiny needed. Since looking at them im interested in tracking down the accounts from previous years to not only compare with this years but to see where else money seems to be missing from the funds of the group. I reckon one could have a field day and it is now certainly something i intend to look at.

If it has happened this year i cannot see how they havent done it in previous years so itll make for interesting reading. Once i do manage to track down the accounts, i will put my findings on the forum for others to look at.

Like you say on your thread that youve created its astonoshing that we are the only two who are commenting on this alledged abuse of the site owners funds. Many forget we employ this lot so our best interests are kept first. This doesnt seem to be the case.

Ill have a look on the other website and send an email their way! I know the gentleman had points similar to mine so it would be interesting to have he's views on the matter.

I compel anyone to find fault with my findings as surely no one can be happy even on just the few points ive raised. Amenities that our children use such as the football fields are neglected yet we can fund the worlds most expensive paella and invisble fire extuingeshers.

Thanks for taking the time to reply and look forward to others joining in the discussion



This message was last edited by ElErnie on 16/12/2015.

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12 Dec 2015 12:46 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message


We too bought off plan & moved into our apartment in Los Jardines 5. full of dreams of long holidays in the sun. As I am retired now I have started to take full advantage of our holiday home & intend to stay over for a longer period next year

I too will be interested to see if anyone else bothers to comment

Best wishes



This message was last edited by hamibabe on 12/12/2015.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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16 Dec 2015 3:25 PM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

After looking through my emails ive discovered the accounts from the month ending August 2015. When comparing them to the latest accounts from October 2015 its easy to spot massive descripinces.

The major flaw ive seen is that on debts expense upto August we as a community had spent 16186.55 Euros which then suddenly decreased to 10770.03 Euros. Where has the difference of 5416.52 Euros gone?

The festival which occured in August added 7237.71 Euros to the statement and then suddenly rose to 16185.25 Euros within 2 months, how is this possible? Did we also charter Michele Roux an aeroplane to come and cook hes paella?

From the start of the year, 2334.51 euros were spent on lightbulbs, thats over 8 months. From the start of September to the end of October this went up by over 6846.75 euros so just how many lightbulbs did the little scally wags break.

Also over 20000 Euros were added for lift maintenance. Just how many lifts are on site and why does it cost that much to maintain. Interestingly also is the fact that in the August accounts there is a gap missing which is then suddenly filled by 600 Euros worth of cockroach extermination. Does anyone know what this relates to.

Alongside what Jan says is no one else interested in these vast differences and sums in the accounts? Are these not points the auditors should be spotting. Im currently compiling a list of differences to hand to Milenium so if anyone else has anything else theyd like to add id be pleased to include it.

Thanks all



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16 Dec 2015 8:27 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Hi. I am totally bamboozled by what appears to be a total lack of interest in this thread

I tried to bring this to peoples attention by starting a new thread but this too seems to have died, why ?

I am not over until May but will be printing this off my computer and will be asking lots of quetions whilst I am there unless you or someone ese finds answers 

Does anyone have Milleniums email address?


Thanks for the update, it certainly makes for good reading


This message was last edited by hamibabe on 16/12/2015.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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16 Dec 2015 9:43 PM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jan

i feel the same way. Surely these massive amounts of money which could potentially make a huge difference on site improvements and maintenance.

i like yourself will also print off a copy to get answers when I'm over in the new year. Just because it's your holiday home/place in the sun doesn't mean that we should just ignore this. We could potentially be looking at millions of pounds worth of discrepancies over the years. 

If you manage to find an email address for Milenium could you please forward it to me as well as I'm not the best at finding information online but I'll continue looking.

In the meantime I cannot wait to see what the next accounts have in store for us.



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16 Dec 2015 10:29 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Hi Ernest please find below the contact details for Millenium

i will be emailing them in the next few days & again in the New year if I do not get a reply

Using google translate I will emailm them in english with a copy in Spanish

Hope the details are of some help




Condado de Alhama

This message was last edited by hamibabe on 16/12/2015.


West Mids & Jardin 5

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19 Dec 2015 8:58 PM by kingnepo44 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Why not refer to previous newsletters, accounts and meeting minutes ? You will  find the answers to all of what you need, otherwise vist the ML office. They are very helpfull and will help you in English ! No need to use the worlds worst translater.

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20 Dec 2015 5:10 PM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi Kingnepo44

ive looked through various minutes and newsletters and can't find the information in relation to the spending. The only spending that I can comment with facts to is a break down of the festival cost which I have shown included paella at 3/4 the cost of the whole festival.

Funny you should mention the shoddy google translate facilities as we pay for a translator service in our community fees but for some reason some of the information sent to owners has had to be translated with google translator, when we pay for translators.

i am going to raise the points with Milinium after I receive the next accounts so I can gather more facts before I do. I would rather someone tell me the answers and I end up with egg on my face as we need more breakdown of how this money is spent.

Thanks for your reply


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21 Dec 2015 3:07 PM by kingnepo44 Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

I still think you should visit the ML office and speak to the manager. I'm sure he will priovide you with answers. I delete old items once the AGM's are  done with. Some of this stuff has a history going back a couple of years

I haven't looked at the CDA webpage lately, maintained by ML, but it has a "document" section were they post items. You need to access the Owners tab and register from there to get access.

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04 Jan 2016 3:14 PM by Gwenny Star rating. 39 forum posts Send private message

 Just catching up with the forum posts and am dismayed at the discrepancies.

We are not over now till Mid April and I too am going to find (via past emails) the previous accounts relating to spending and compare.

I would be very interested in hearing what feedback anyone gets from the powers that be.

Good Luck



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04 Jan 2016 3:58 PM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Hi KingNepo44

I wasnt aware of the owners section of the website (not very computer literate) so will defiantly be something i look into. Hopefully there will be the answers there and ill report back any findings.

Hi Gwenny

I was as dismayed as anyone especially seeing as it was my first viewing of any accounts. I admit ive been negligent in the past and not viewed the accounts but now ive found these problems i will be keeping a close eye on them from this point onwards and i suggest that every owner on site does the same thing to! I am preparing a letter/email to send to Milenium of the back of the next set of accounts and will also be going to the offices to discuss the matters as soon as im over



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02 Feb 2018 3:36 PM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

After a 3 year absense i feel proud in the fact that i can ride in on my high horse as it seems that all the descripencies myself and hamibabe were discussing along with the 2 other resort owners have been highlighted and the stench of  dishonesty has been uncovered.

Maybe this was the wake up call that everyone needed and if so im glad i played my part. Seems were on the up with our new overlords and hopefully they run a much better better ship then the previous mob.




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02 Feb 2018 5:50 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

Hi Stranger. Long time no speak. Yes, at last things seem to be moving in the right direction. Alan Burge, I feel should have a long pat on the back as I believe, he, at last has started to get moving in the right direction. We still have wonderful holidays on Condado. Me, longer than my better half and yes there are things that still consern me but those are Minor ones and probably niggle me, like barking digs, than others. Out in April for six weeks and cannot wait


West Mids & Jardin 5

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06 Feb 2018 11:05 AM by ElErnie Star rating. 10 forum posts Send private message

Dont always get the chance to get on but yes its great to see everything moving in a proper direction. Seems a lot of the rows have died down since and it seems that explanations for spending and increases in costs are much more easier to understand now the resort isnt being run by cowboys. Its great that the tireless few did so much work in opening peoples eyes to the problems 

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06 Feb 2018 9:35 PM by hamibabe Star rating in West Mids. 1317 forum posts Send private message

I think many of us started to question Millenuin after they organised a fiesta type event inside Al Kazar many years ago. Some one in their office instructed security to close two of the big gates and leave just the one to the car park open. Seeing how busy it was Phil Tanntold them to re open the others for safety reasons. There was a massive row afterwards and wouldn't except that with just one gate open it could have had dire consequences. Not  sure if you were on Condado then but Phil was No1 at the time. When Phil went on holiday they had an emergency meeting and stripped him if his status. Most of us went crazy but they wouldn't budge. Luckily that is now in the past. Milleniun has gone and we can move forward


West Mids & Jardin 5

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