invoices Aquagest-region de murcia

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The Comments
10 Feb 2011 12:00 AM by gielis Star rating in mojon hills phase 3 .... 19 forum posts Send private message

Dear Neighbours,

We find our Aquagest invoices rather expensive in relation to our consumption and to what we pay at home. Is there anything we can do, or is water really that expensive in Spain?? The entire cost are fixed rates: agua domestica, conservacion contador, alcantarillado, ayuntamiento cartagena and canon saneamiento. We get the invoices every 2 months.


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10 Feb 2011 1:41 PM by gcarton Star rating. 144 forum posts Send private message

Since I think November, we have started being charged for sewage, since a new set of sewage treatment works have been implemented for Isla Plana. Our bill has double to around 70 Euros (charged yesterday) for the two month period. This pretty much equates to what we would pay in the UK - £30 per month. Only way is to be conscious of consumption as you cannot switch suppliers.


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13 Feb 2011 11:24 AM by gielis Star rating in mojon hills phase 3 .... 19 forum posts Send private message

Thanks Guy for your reaction. We are only a few weeks a year in Isla Plana so our consumption is low; the main cost seems to be the installation and taxes.

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