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Porto Fino forum threads
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14 Feb 2007 12:00 AM by rabc77 Star rating in Belfast. 65 forum posts Send private message

rabc77´s avatar

Hey guys,

Apologises for all the naw threads and thousands of questions today but have a day off and felt the need to start looking into this now.  On the topic of furniture is anyone actually going to use the MRI offers on this?  When I visited porto fino (May 06)  the prices they quoted me of 10k - 12k Euro for the furnture package but there is no way on gods earth that I would pay that as it just seems to be extortionate to me!  

 There  is an Ikea in Murcia and 1 near malaga (opening this year I think) which should be able to provide most of the furniture alot cheaper.  As for the small stuff like plates etc you can get them in the small spainish stores for quite cheap.  Whats everyone else thoughts on this topic?

MRI also reckoned getting a satellite for the apartment and getting the locks changed but again they wanted 150+ Euro for the lock and 300Euro for the satellite.  Does anyone know where you can pick up the barrells for the doors for cheaper?  In the UK these are only about £15 at most and are normally easy enough to replace?  As for Satellite I'm abit clueless of how much these should cost to buy and install?

Might be abit early to have this info but I kinda wanna have a game plan and make sure my budget is upt  scratch....






Cheers, Rabc77

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17 Feb 2007 11:59 AM by jgriff16 Star rating. 15 forum posts Send private message

I was thinking about the same thing I can't believe the cost of their packages, going to Ikea is defo the cheaper option. The only thing that stops me is that I was under the understanding that if we sought our packages elsewhere then MRI would not take ober the rental side of things ... is this correct or am i getting confused.

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18 Feb 2007 11:35 AM by NJH Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

I agree with the view that the MRI packages are very expensive and was about to start looking at what the actual costs would be in England and then getting it all sent over.

I don't think that buying your own impacts on MRI managing lettings etc.


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18 Feb 2007 1:15 PM by noelandwilma Star rating in Loughborough/Porto F.... 86 forum posts Send private message

We had given much thought to buying  things ourselves, either in the UK or in Spain. We have decided to go with MRI because of various points:

1. the choice of furniture does not really matter because we intend to rent (if poss) so it doesn't matter that it might not be to our personal taste, it's functional and will last until we can retire over there and get our own.
2. MRI will be available to oversee the installation of the furniture
3. Should there be any problems with the furniture they are on hand to sort things out (also being able to communicate in Spanish will help enormously)
4. They are able to have a representative available to oversee the changing of the locks after completion (a real must have)

These listed items, among others, would cost us dearly in terms of time, money, and inconvenience and as such they are worth the extra it costs to go with them.
To have an agent, fluent in the local language, to liaise with us and the locals is something we are willing to pay for. Our Spanish is getting better but not quite fluent yet.
Not for everybody I agree, some have the luxury of having the time to spare to oversee things themselves.

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21 Feb 2007 2:24 PM by kate Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

hi there folks can i ask everybody what do they think of almerimar , I have purchased on another complex and have visited a couple of times over the last year , and I must say that each time i visit I do not see many visitors around the marina area ( or any other part of almerimar , while there are plenty of shops and bars they always appear to be empty , maybe I have just visited at the wrong time , while I dont like wild and crazy . I do like to see people , does anyone else have any experience of this ,



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21 Feb 2007 2:42 PM by noelandwilma Star rating in Loughborough/Porto F.... 86 forum posts Send private message

We have been a couple of times but it was always in the afternoon so there were not many people about. However, on our last visit, a Saturday afternoon, the marina was surrounded with what looked like a medieval style market - suckling pig, ox roast included. I got the impression that this was about to come to life in the evening, just wish we could have stayed for the festivities. It's no Benidorm but we don't want that, I suspect it's the evening when the spanish are about that things liven up (at least I hope so).
Almerimar just seems a gentle sort of a place to relax in, somewhere where you can choose which yardarm the sun has to go below - rose tinted? perhaps, we'll just have to wait and see.

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Previous Threads

Playa Flamenca - why so many properties for sale? - 2 posts
Information on Healthcare etc in Spain provided by Age Concern - 0 posts
visiting amerimar - 1 posts
buying partner out - 7 posts
moving to spain - 0 posts
From off plan to village life - 3 posts
Development discussions - 1 posts
If You Are Looking For A Bargain Then Look No Further! - 1 posts
Urgent transfers - 3 posts
For Emma - 0 posts
Contact name and number for Iberdrola - 3 posts
Bank Garantees - 1 posts
Meson El Prado, San Miguel, CB - 11 posts
New Photos from Daniela - 4 posts

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