Paramount story/rumour

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La Isla del Condado forum threads
The Comments
14 Mar 2010 12:00 AM by TheQuietMan Star rating in UK and very occasion.... 535 forum posts Send private message

Not wanting to cause concern in this query but it occured to me that Isla owners might know where exactly Condado ll is supposed to be/planned to be.

On the Condado forum there's been a bit of discussion about the rumour/information of this week that Paramount are visiting the region to look into building a theme park. I think that the visit is true but what and where they are surveying hasnt been made 100% clear. The information goes on to say the Local Govt are all in favour and the Banks have offered Paramount the land designated for Condado ll, all of which could be an urban myth. As I hadnt heard this term before and nor had several others if my pm's and the other forum are anything to go by I wondered if owners on the Isla are better informed.

Is the land for the two further golf courses Condadoll or is it the land beyond where they are planned to be? I know that PW planned to build around those golf courses but hadnt heard it termed Condado ll rather they were further phases of Condado 1. A little of what I have read suggests the land given to the Banks is beyond those golf courses but I wondered if anyone on the Isla had more current information- infact have they been told the golf courses are still a possibility or even if that the land has been given to the Banks?




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