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Condado de Alhama forum threads
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21 May 2009 12:00 AM by ant and andi Star rating. 479 forum posts Send private message

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could i just say we are now leaving to go to the airport for a 12 day break on condado, so i cant reply to anyone who replies to this post who is extremely jealous, that  i will be lying about drinking beer, sunbathing, swimming, walking around the course, cycling to the shop to get more beer, watching kids play games in the sun, watching adults trying to be kids,walking to the shop to get more beer, having a BBQ, going for a quad bike day out, cycling down the espuna, relaxing on the roof terrace, going to the beach, cycling to the shop to get more beer,having a great time already, and will miss you all.

anthony andrea jak and dan

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21 May 2009 1:22 PM by The Leonards Essex Star rating in Essex/Los Naranjos 2. 116 forum posts Send private message

Hopefully see you out there. Were in Los Naranjos 2, minus the white stilettos!


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21 May 2009 3:04 PM by lewjesdan Star rating in west sussex. 132 forum posts Send private message

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 you forgot to add the bit about watching Sunderland struggle to beat the might blues!!


 ta pete

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21 May 2009 3:49 PM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


Enjoy your holiday without worrying about how Sunderland will do against the "once again potless" mighty blues. Our third string will help our old boy Ricky by taking care of Hull City  for you. Just find yourself a nice watering hole next weds night to watch a proper football match.

Cheers Dakey

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21 May 2009 4:04 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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and don't forget about the REALLY big one on the 30th when the Toffee's (conqueror's of the World Champion's, Premier League winners etc, and under the astute leadership of the BEST manager in the Premiership) do ensure the other Blue team (who will be playing in a particulary queasy looking yellow) do remain absolutely potless !


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21 May 2009 4:20 PM by dakey Star rating in Manchester(Miggleton.... 2607 forum posts Send private message


Credit to your boys for edging our second string on penalties with the help of a bent ref. I mentioned that the mighty blues from London were potless again because I am sure that when faced with north west grit and determination in the shape of our friends from Everton [unlike those horrible red scousers] then that is exactly what they will remain, "POTLESS".

Cheers and good luck,


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21 May 2009 5:20 PM by jeb321 Star rating in Carrickfergus, N.Ire.... 454 forum posts Send private message

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grit & determination yes - and we definitley will miss the silky skills of our amigo Arteta, the bussling Yak, and now sadly Jags ! There is no doubt Fergy did his mate Moysey a bit of a favour with the team selection (who said you don't win nothin with kids !) but we were missing a few that night as well you know !

Think our name is on it !

Wouldn't mind being in Espana for the CL Final - will be good atmosphere with Barca in it - not much to chose between them and the devils and you might get 'Messied' !




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21 May 2009 5:37 PM by lewjesdan Star rating in west sussex. 132 forum posts Send private message

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Dream on you lot!!

there's only 1 team thats going to lift that big eared cup!! and Guus will sign of in style we would of been in for the cup double, but for a bent norwegian ref, who is still in hiding as we speak



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21 May 2009 5:40 PM by lewjesdan Star rating in west sussex. 132 forum posts Send private message

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oh god ! i have missed off the f, what will Kelvyn think??

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22 May 2009 10:20 AM by golfinjim Star rating in Runcorn & Block 1 Pe.... 264 forum posts Send private message

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Hi All,

Some breaking news borne out of the MP's expenses scandal.  It appears Everton have been claiming for silver polish since 1994

Frank Dont smack your kids.  They choose your care home.

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Extraordinary Homeowners Meeting - May 16th - 2 posts
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Artwork - 3 posts
Internet in apartments? - 7 posts
Spanish airport taxes being abolished? - 2 posts
internet - 10 posts
golf suites - 4 posts
Restaurant Recommendations - 4 posts
asociacion Condado de alhama email - 6 posts
Golf prices/discounts - 8 posts
Meet the Presidents - 4 posts
How far from Alemria Airport ? - 9 posts
Totana - 2 posts
Anyone travelling on May 23rd ? - 0 posts
Level 2 President, Naranjos 1 (Including Some of the Penthouses) - 1 posts
Weber BBQ - 7 posts
Today's Vote - 37 posts
Swearing in thread titles - 1 posts
Fun for Half Term Week 25th onwards ! - 7 posts
Photos from last week - 15 posts
Meeting, Proxy forms...where's my invite - 5 posts
Using the Mariposa Hotel for Quad bike hire in Sierra Espuna - 6 posts

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