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Roda Golf And Beach Resort forum threads
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17 Sep 2008 12:00 AM by cat p Star rating in Buckinghamshire. 65 forum posts Send private message

Hi - We have had quite a few problems with lots of our bulbs blowing. Our bathroom ones have gone twice in 2 months and lounge ones twice in the last 4 months ! Does anyone else have problems ? Do the electrics need to be re-checked by Roda ? Maybe there is a fault ? Any help appreciated thanks !  Cathy.

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17 Sep 2008 2:51 PM by inspectahomespain Star rating in Orihuela Costa, Spai.... 2417 forum posts Send private message

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I am asuming that these are mini spot type downlighter bulbs that are blowing

If they are this is common and often caused by poor ventilation in areas and they overheat and blow

One possible solution is to try buying a lower wattage bulb which will run cooler

Also what else happens when the bulbs blow, are they black or is it just the filament that goes

Also does the each breaker trip when a bulb blows

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