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17 Jul 2008 12:00 AM by jackfor Star rating in north east. 27 forum posts Send private message

we signed for our apartmrnt on the 4th of july, not a lot of snagging but when we were washing the cement off the tiles outside door i noticed that the drain to wash water away was right above the downstairs patio, looking over i realised that all water from washing floor and rain water will land directly on downstairs outdoor furniture this is going to be quite a bit distressing for all you donstairs owners. do we as upstairs owners never wash our floors and do we all pray that it never rains.

on another note i had a walk to garden 5, one pool in that large garden is unbelievable there is enough room for 3, they have not even put it in the centre. all you people in garden 5 must get together and complain about this.
just a bit of a whinge i thought everything else was first class. looks like the amenieties in garden 6 are a long way off. any one heard of their electicity been turned on yet? hoping for a long weekend out there at the end of august



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17 Jul 2008 3:16 PM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Hi jackfor

Just had a look back on pictures of  the show apartments, I see what you mean about the pipe.  That is not good at all. I can see there is going to be a big problem with some people!  Not everybody is considerate, especially when they are rented out and what you might find is that the downstair apartments might start blocking the pipe off!!

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17 Jul 2008 3:30 PM by Lindsey Culley Star rating in Leeds/ Jardin 5, Con.... 121 forum posts Send private message

Very disappointed to hear those of us on Jardine 5 have got a small pool for the number of residents.  No wonder none of us have been able to get "on-site" when we have visited.  We found out a few months ago that they had decided against two pools but we were led to believe that the one pool would be much bigger, this does not appear to be the case.

If anyone has any photographs of this garden they would be very much appreciated.

We are due to complete on 1 August.

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17 Jul 2008 3:53 PM by redman Star rating. 235 forum posts Send private message

Regarding the overflow, I would recommend you get some plastic downpipe from one of the local diy stores in mazarron.  They have it in white so should look ok.  Don't run it into a bucket though as you'll soon have a wildlife pond.

One thing about the Rain here is certain times of the year it comes in a Salmon Pink colour (Sahara Sand), so if you don't do anything you might end up with a nice pattern down the wall.




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17 Jul 2008 6:23 PM by Jontee Star rating in Jardine 11. 103 forum posts Send private message

Hi there
When we mentioned about this overflow when we were over in Spain looking at the show apartments the rep suggested for us to put a large flower pot or tub there with some sort of plant, of course it would have to be one that liked water. Seems a bit silly but what else can you do as they dont seem to have any guttering or anything like we do over here.


John & Val

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17 Jul 2008 6:40 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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Do they do a bleach loving pot plant?

Phil ( glad  to be on the upper floor )









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17 Jul 2008 7:27 PM by LRJ Star rating in cheshire. 124 forum posts Send private message

Hi Lyndsey
like you we are on jardin 5. We chose that one for the two pools as it was such a big garden. We have complained to everyone and even threatend to cancell. We always got the same response that it was the local government would not issue a licence for so many pools. (L.O.B.) I say. If we all make a stand (withholding community fees) maybe they will get the diggers back in


dave LRJ

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17 Jul 2008 8:31 PM by Lindsey Culley Star rating in Leeds/ Jardin 5, Con.... 121 forum posts Send private message

All we can do is wait and see.  We fly out next Thursday for a few days in Malaga before driving to Murcia to complete on 1 August - fingers crossed.  Let's hope Jardine 5 is THE garden to be on!

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17 Jul 2008 10:35 PM by ceadjp Star rating in Hartlepool. 50 forum posts Send private message

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We have just returned from signing for our property and had a look in Jardin 5 while we were over there.

I am sorry to say I would NOT be happy if I were in that Jardin.   If you are along the perimeter edge of the development rather than up the sides it would be quicker to use the pool in one of the Jardins either side as the pool seems miles away from those apartments being right up at the top end.

Everyone in Jardin 5 must all complain, especially if you were supposed to be outside of the pool which has been removed.

The remaining pool would've looked better if it were in the middle of the area but it's not even in the middle which doesn't look right either!

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18 Jul 2008 10:08 AM by scapa Star rating in Beds, England & Jard.... 880 forum posts Send private message

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Hi redman

Regarding the overflow you recomend a plastic downpipe but not to run it intoi a bucket.
I'm sorry I don't want to appear to be thick (even if I know I am)
So where would it go?

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18 Jul 2008 11:11 AM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

angelbabe911´s avatar
The downpipe I see as being a major problem and could in theory cause havoc between neighbours - there is no where to lead the pipe off to and like what has already been mentioned its going to run all over downstairs terrace, which if the 'downpours' we experienced this week are anything to go by could potentially flood through the front door as there is only one drainage gutter which runs through the centre of the grassed area        ?????????? I am going to speak with PW about this as its a potential nightmare waiting to happen .......For 3 bedders anyway


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18 Jul 2008 11:17 AM by redman Star rating. 235 forum posts Send private message

Hi Jackie,

Personally I think its bad design where the hole is, because it's not just rain water you need to worry about but anything else that gets washed off the terrace.

The simple solution is to simply have it come down the pipe and out at ground level, although it would mean it has to travel along the terrace.

The only other solution would be to run the pipe at an angle to the wooden joist then along the joist and down the support post into the garden. A bit ugly but better than a bucket of bleachy water on your head while having your lunch.


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18 Jul 2008 12:06 PM by JHMurcia Star rating. 753 forum posts Send private message

Cant quite visualise this yet- but could a down pipe be piped to the grass.
 If the down pipes are blocked off water could run into the upstairs apartments, down the stairs or just find a way to leak over the terrace edge. This would affect upstairs and downstairs apartments and given the windy nature of the locality upstairs owners are goiing to want to wash those terraces alot..


Jan & Mike

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18 Jul 2008 12:47 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

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Simple answer no ... The overspill pipe that sticks out is just to the right of the sliding doors of the downstairs lounge, right in the middle of the exterior of the apartment which means its too far away from the sides and the grass to enable a pipe to be routed elsewhere........without looking an eyesore, the only way it could be done is to have it routed precariously along the top of the sliding doors and then down the side of the stairwell but even that will  block the gated entrance to the terrace from outside.

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18 Jul 2008 12:50 PM by redman Star rating. 235 forum posts Send private message

I've uploaded a sketch on one photo to show what I mean.  See the red lines,  It would not mean blocking the pipe.  Obviously in white it would look better. 

Better still had PW taken more care in the design.   Having said all that it doesn't rain all that often, but when it does.... I doubt you'll be standing under it.

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18 Jul 2008 12:58 PM by angelbabe911 Star rating in JARDIN 13 . 489 forum posts Send private message

angelbabe911´s avatar

That looks prob the best bet, although like you said not exactly pretty to look at it will certainly be better than getting soaked when you least expect it and also ruining furniture on terrace or leaving vile stains on the whitewash.  Thanks for that at least I know where I am going on this one now, you could even use white on ext wall and then brown on wooden framework so it isnt as obvious and once you have climbers growing it should camo the pipes anyway.

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18 Jul 2008 2:06 PM by chrismg Star rating in North Wales and gard.... 292 forum posts Send private message

Hi all,
      This is obviously a design fault that will affect everybody, upstairs and downstairs. Shouldn't we all complain to Polaris, it's their fault so it shouldn't be an extra cost to us. They should rectify it. Saying that i will be able to wash my hair under it when it rains.

Chris and Tracey

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18 Jul 2008 2:15 PM by ptan Star rating in Los Naranjos Jardine.... 1696 forum posts Send private message

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And if I'm cleaning my floor at the same time you could go blond for the summer too, at no extra cost

But seriously, why oh why did they put the spout in the middle?  Could it not be moved to the edge so that a downpipe could be fitted down the wall?









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18 Jul 2008 2:22 PM by chrismg Star rating in North Wales and gard.... 292 forum posts Send private message

Blonde won't be so bad, it will get rid of my grey bits. Comes with having a wife and 3 daughters. 
I agree Phil, what a stupid place to put it, we all need to ask the question, WHY. 

Chris and Tracey

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18 Jul 2008 3:27 PM by redman Star rating. 235 forum posts Send private message

Although the drain is just a hole in the wall,  my guess is the floor will be sloped in three directions to guide the water to the spout, so not something that can be easily moved or rectified.

Perhaps Polaris can pay for the guttering.  As they are a builder they should be able to get trade discount on a job lot.

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