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People Watching

An everyday guide and one family's own experience of having fun people watching

People Watching Game - No 1 - Tambien!
Thursday, December 10, 2009 @ 2:39 PM

This is our absolute favourite people watching game because we aresurprised that we still see so much of it.

It is very simple, you need two players or more and you can decide to allocate a time limit if you wish.

Then whenever you see people either in real life , magazines or on TV and no matter what age or sex wearing the same thing the first to say TAMBIEN! scores the point(s).

Double points if it is more than one member of the family
Five point bonus if it someone famous!!
Five point bonus if it is matching pet outfit (with another pet or even the owner)

Why say tambien and not SNAP? Well experience has shown that players usually shout SNAP outloud. Not only can it be heard but it can also be easily understood and may offend the wearer.

Please correct me if I’m wrong but Tambien means ‘too” or “also” in Spanish so works just as well and is less likely to be understood unless you are in Spain at the time of course.

PS.  I have republished this as the link did not work the first time

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sytor said:
Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 2:17 PM

Yes Tambien does mean also or too. I have to say I would not have believed that in this day and age people still do the twin dressing thing...I shall give your game a go and report my results ha ha.


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